Trips of truth, but hey, it's current year
Choke on all the cocks you want, not my business
Gave 'em candy then took it away. Literally.
Still pretty ridiculous, but it's not like they were getting whipped with coat hangers.
Yeah, you're right. I should have gotten there a lot faster. In my defense, there are few people as gross as Ms. Piggy in the world, didn't realize I'd be sharing a bread with one.
It's sad when the Dunning-Kruger effect is so apparent in one that lacks the capacity to recognize it
How about we redirect the conversation to forms of birth control that don't involve chopping up fetuses and pulling them out of a woman's vagina?
To borrow a line from a famous, disgraced comedian, they think abortion is killing babies. They're trying to stop people from killing babies. Do you see why they might like to make that illegal?