Anonymous ID: 13495d April 5, 2019, 9:40 p.m. No.6068568   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8681 >>8777

Virgil: Jeff Bezos Escalates His Fight Against Trump and the Saudis


Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon and owner of the Washington Post, is escalating his fight against whoever leaked his embarrassing texts and photos that the National Enquirer ran in January.


The March 30 headline in The Daily Beast laid it out: Bezos Investigation Finds the Saudis Obtained His Private Data.” Strictly speaking, the article was authored by Bezos’ security consultant, Gavin De Becker, and yet it’s evident that he is doing exactly what Bezos wants.


who´s got the pics?

Anonymous ID: 13495d April 5, 2019, 9:43 p.m. No.6068589   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8604

Democrat Hank Johnson Suggests Attorney General Barr May Have ‘Obstructed Justice’


Some Democrats in Congress are suggesting that Attorney General William Barr broke the law in announcing the principal conclusions of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report last week, according to a report.


Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA) — who once asked during a hearing whether Guam could tip over and capsize if more Marines were added, suggested Friday that Barr’s handling of the report may have “obstructed justice.”


“If it turns out that he has obstructed justice by how he has handled the Mueller report that will be a deep stain on his legacy,” said Rep. Hank Johnson, member of the House Judiciary Committee, according to Politico.


Barr, in a letter to leaders of the Judiciary Committee, wrote that the special counsel did not establish any collusion, conspiracy, or coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia.


He also said Mueller declined to take a position on whether the president obstructed the investigation, which he said left him to make the decision. Barr said he, in consultation with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, concluded Trump did not obstruct the special counsel investigation.


Democrats have slammed Barr’s characterizations of Mueller’s principal conclusions, and demanded that he release the report by April 2. Barr notified them that he intended to release the report by mid-April, if not earlier, as he scrubbed the report of four categories of legally protected information.


He also responded to their criticism by adding that his letter was never meant to be summary of Mueller’s report.


“Everyone will soon be able to read it on their own,” he wrote. “I do not believe it would be in the public’s interest for me to attempt to summarize the full report or to release it in serial or piecemeal fashion.”


Still, House Judiciary Democrats have blasted Barr for not yet releasing the full investigation, and on Wednesday, moved to authorize subpoenas for the report, as well as former White House advisers as part of their investigation to find any wrongdoing by the president.


House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) suggested that Barr was making up justifications not to release it in full:


>The Attorney General’s repeated justifications for withholding grand jury material — instead of seeking court approval to release it — simply don’t add up.

>We fought to ensure Mueller could finish his work. And we will fight to ensure Mueller’s report is not buried.


Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) defended Barr on Fox News.


“Attorney General Barr has operated at lightning speed, providing the conclusions to Congress even over the weekend,” he said. “So, certainly he is going to be faithful to his commitment to get as much as is appropriate and legal from the Mueller report into the public square.”


“What [Republicans] don’t agree with is a strategy that would compromise sources and methods from the intelligence community or that would limit our ability to conduct important investigations in the future,” Gaetz added.


“Democrats made these very arguments when we were trying to get the underlying documents as to how this whole ridiculous investigation got started in the first place. Now they’re being total hypocrites,” he said.

Anonymous ID: 13495d April 5, 2019, 9:50 p.m. No.6068657   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8663 >>8692 >>8722 >>8820





Old vid by prayingmedic.

Please consider making it notable,

would not only btfo the division shills attacking him lately,

but it is also a great recap for newfags.


Qanon December 21 - The 16 Year Plan to Destroy America

Anonymous ID: 13495d April 5, 2019, 9:54 p.m. No.6068692   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8701 >>8704


i really don´t think he has much time to post here.

i am not him.

do you have a better argument for not putting it in?


suggested video bc


>would not only btfo the division shills attacking him lately,

>but it is also a great recap for newfags.

Anonymous ID: 13495d April 5, 2019, 9:57 p.m. No.6068726   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8760 >>8789


not new, but not a 4chan oldfag.

calling me newfag makes the facts not going away.


shills attack pm.

i suggest a notable vid by him.

baker does not bake, and attacks the anon.

smells shilly.

Anonymous ID: 13495d April 5, 2019, 10:01 p.m. No.6068766   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8784 >>8816


shilling confirmed.

put up sauce.

what you refer to can only be that he cuts long posts into parts.

watched a lot ov vids, he never did misinfo or shilling.


shills are attacking pm since some days, search in old breads and you will find: nill.


seeing the baker join in (getting immediate back up by shills) is interdasting.

i bet it´s one of the muh jew shill bakers.

Anonymous ID: 13495d April 5, 2019, 10:02 p.m. No.6068785   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8839


i stated the reason.

shill attack since couple of days against pm.

relevant vid recapping for newfags the 16-year plan from hussein and killary.

now have a hug for trying, shill.