Anonymous ID: b87f68 April 5, 2019, 8:51 p.m. No.6068101   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8132 >>8265

all lb





Was there ever an explanation given for how Soweto ended up with a Connecticut SSN#?


All the pics come back the ones seen



but somewhere asides "reddit" the beer bottle photo previously came up and I am nearly sure it was "here" some breads back and it ties back to FMD and his kids compared to BHO

Anonymous ID: b87f68 April 5, 2019, 9:07 p.m. No.6068275   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8302 >>8398 >>8483 >>8681 >>8777





Many breads back




Hussein birthday tweet pic.


Holding a newspaper in a pic is, oops pun, standard spy craft to send a coded message or verify date etc…


(Since I don't know the code key, this is presented for analysis)


  • Place Kenya years ago - (Mama Ngina Drive became Monument in 1991)


  • Paper article subjects (2)


  • Gorbachev Asks…


  • Mama Ngina Drive - Mombasa, Kenya




Tweet text:


I knew it way back then and I’m absolutely convinced of it today — you’re one of a kind, @MichelleObama. Happy Birthday!




Gorbachev caught my attention.


Just wondering if Hussein is trying to send a message to his Russian contacts/handlers.


  • Don't forget Hussein's 'hot mic' moment with the Russian Ambassador.


Speculation since I don't know their comms.




something about the bottle picture had something to do with a dreams of the mother article or something similar, but it hasn't caught yet…

Anonymous ID: b87f68 April 5, 2019, 9:16 p.m. No.6068354   🗄️.is 🔗kun


because anon believes this ties back to the photo, from many breads back…


Barack Obama, His Mother, and the CIA


Guest | July 5, 2012


So Why the Omission?


William Blum


barack1In his autobiography, Dreams From My Fathers, Barack Obama writes of taking a job at some point after graduating from Columbia University in 1983. He describes his employer as "a consulting house to multinational corporations" in New York City, and his functions as a "research assistant" and "financial writer".


Oddly, Obama doesn't mention the name of his employer. However, a New York Times story of October 30, 2007 identifies the company as Business International Corporation. Equally odd is that the Times did not remind its readers that the newspaper itself had disclosed in 1977 that Business International had provided cover for four CIA employees in various countries between 1955 and 1960.10


The British journal, Lobster — which, despite its incongruous name, is a venerable international publication on intelligence matters — has reported that Business International was active in the 1980s promoting the candidacy of Washington-favored candidates in Australia and Fiji.11 In 1987, the CIA overthrew the Fiji government after but one month in office because of its policy of maintaining the island as a nuclear-free zone, meaning that American nuclear-powered or nuclear-weapons-carrying ships could not make port calls.12 After the Fiji coup, the candidate supported by Business International, who was much more amenable to Washington's nuclear desires, was reinstated to power — R.S.K. Mara was Prime Minister or President of Fiji from 1970 to 2000, except for the one-month break in 1987.


In his book, not only doesn't Obama mention his employer's name; he fails to say exactly when he worked there, or why he left the job. There may well be no significance to these omissions, but inasmuch as Business International has a long association with the world of intelligence, covert actions, and attempts to penetrate the radical left — including Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)13 — it's reasonable to wonder if the inscrutable Mr. Obama is concealing something about his own association with this world.


Adding to the wonder is the fact that his mother, Ann Dunham, had been associated during the 1970s and 80s — as employee, consultant, grantee, or student — with at least five organizations with intimate CIA connections during the Cold War: The Ford Foundation, Agency for International Development (AID), the Asia Foundation, Development Alternatives, Inc., and the East-West Center of Hawaii.14 Much of this time she worked as an anthropologist in Indonesia and Hawaii, being in good position to gather intelligence about local communities.


As one example of the CIA connections of these organizations, consider the disclosure by John Gilligan, Director of AID during the Carter administration (1977-81). "At one time, many AID field offices were infiltrated from top to bottom with CIA people. The idea was to plant operatives in every kind of activity we had overseas, government, volunteer, religious, every kind."15 And Development Alternatives, Inc. is the organization for whom Alan Gross was working when arrested in Cuba and charged with being part of the ongoing American operation to destabilize the Cuban government.

Anonymous ID: b87f68 April 5, 2019, 9:23 p.m. No.6068418   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8439




Male: Did you end up having troubles with House Unamerican Activities Committee and the FBI?

Frank Marshall Davis: Oh, yes, naturally.

Male: What happened?

Frank Marshall Davis: Well, I had an FBI agent who I learned had been my personal agent until I think it was around the early '60s told me that, "I notice you used to be a Communist, but what made you change your mind? Why did you leave the party?" And I said, "Wait a minute, if I say I had left the party that would indicate that I had been a member of the Communist Party and I have never told anybody that."

LAMB: How does he fit in?

GARROW: Frank Marshall Davis, by the time that Barack is a young child in Hawaii, is living there in Honolulu. Frank, earlier in his life, had been a very prominent black poet in Chicago. Frank had married a wealthy white woman in the late '40s and they decided to move to Hawaii because they were going to experience a whole lot less racial discrimination as an interracial couple in Honolulu than in Chicago. By the mid-1960s, one of Frank Marshall Davis' best friends in Honolulu is Barack's grandfather, Stanley Dunham.

LAMB: And Madelyn.

GARROW: Yes. Stanley and his wife Madelyn, Barack's maternal grandparents, pretty much raised Barack in a very modest, small apartment in an apartment building in downtown Honolulu. Stanley was an amateur poet himself, a man who enjoyed dirty limericks, and he and Frank Davis would hang out together. And Stanley was very conscious of having a grandson who was half-black and Stanley went out of his way to introduce his grandson, Barry, back at that time, to Frank Davis. And for Barack, Frank Davis was really the first adult African-American male whom he knew, again, someone the age of a grandfather and they never became as close as Barack did to, for example, Jeremiah Wright 20 years later.

But Barack as a young man when he's in high school, when he's in college, is writing poetry or trying to write poetry, some people might say. And there's no question that Frank Davis did have some formative impact on Barack. But Barack no more knew that Frank Marshall Davis had actually been a Communist in the 1940s, than he knew that Bill Ayers, later a good friend in Chicago, had been involved in planting bombs. Barack in neither instance is it a reflection upon who Barack is, what people had done years earlier.

LAMB: Do I remember right, Frank Marshall Davis took photographs of Barack Obama's mother?

GARROW: No, I do not. That's an allegation that is out there. I believe it to be entirely without foundation.

LAMB: There are pictures on the Internet though and I remember seeing some tabloid stories about this. Did you …

GARROW: I believe those photos are 500 percent fake PhotoShops. Frank lived a very colorful life. He published a sexual autobiography under a pseudonym, but that part of Frank's life has no bearing on Barack's interaction with him.