Very interesting take on Communism/Bolshevism and (((them))), leading to a stunning perspective on why Lee Harvey Oswald was framed.
Very interesting take on Communism/Bolshevism and (((them))), leading to a stunning perspective on why Lee Harvey Oswald was framed.
It isn't near the border in Texas. There is a theory that the Paradise fires were caused by another one in California that has been weaponized.
>>>ground wave
Is this the key to converting the Qlock to a Circular Logic Diagram?
These will be the towers
Who better to weaponize and dispassionately use it?
Listening to what went down in Benghazi:
No woman, no cry.
Look into the discussion regarding the open source version of Signal and the company not allowing open source clients to connect to their servers.
Have you looked into the people and VCs behind it?
Citizenship question on the census is directly related to political apportionment. when the truth comes out a whole lot of districts get redrawn and the red/blue map changes dramatically.
Think Southern California once you remove the non-citizens from the political apportionment question.
Fuck Eric Holder and those three federal judges, this is going to the Supreme court.
Was it in a notable I saw earlier that someone is going to finish his documentary?
Great, gonna use it too.
Q, can we get the source for the Android hacks? My neighbors, boss and I got hassled when I accidentally downloaded it from WL bcuz I wanted to kick the jewgle and FB fcuks outta my phone!
Yeah, anti-vax doc
Can we get a graphicsfag to insert a pepe with a Qanon sign?
I have a sense that if you follow that thread further then you will strike gold. Think about it, Signal doesn't want something about their server architecture exposed.
Are they DS comms?
Did I recently see a report about some criminals being busted using Signal?
Apache, Redhat and many others have various business models, even pretty big money, and everything is open source!
Find some very specific no trespassing signs
You've seen the book: Inventing The AIDS Virus?
Sometimes you have to lose your mind in order to come to your senses