Anonymous ID: 3ccbc8 April 6, 2019, 1:34 a.m. No.6070121   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0176 >>0383

Netanyahu: I’ve told Trump I won’t evacuate ‘a single person’ from settlements


PM says all communities over the Green Line must be under Israeli sovereignty, vows this will eventually happen; hints at progress, with US support, in his next term


In three floors of galleries, “Fake News,” a new exhibit at the Haifa Museum of Art, explores the definition of news, truth and realism in the era of US President Donald Trump.


“Donald Trump is our poster boy, he’s the ultimate example of fake truth, of alternative facts,” said Svetlana Reingold, chief curator at the museum.


The American president has repeatedly used the term “fake news” to describe reports from particular media outlets as well as the outlets themselves.


“We’re living in something that couldn’t have happened before,” said Reingold. “This entire period of fake news, of social media and its effects, has changed the whole concept of news. It’s a state of mind that didn’t previously exist.”


It’s an era in which “two plus two equals four, but could also be equal to five,” she added.


The exhibit, which opened March 30, gave 48 artists from Israel and around the world the opportunity to create a reality — or a work that brings forth a lie based on reality — said Reingold.


On the top floor, 15 works of celebrated British artist Damien Hirst embody the creation of art based on a questionable reality. Hirst readily lent his sculptures to the museum, the curator noted.


Josyane Vanounou and Dov Or Ner’s “Jesslyn Fax Stories,” a massive print on canvas of dozens of Time magazine covers from the 1960s and 1970s of world leaders, leads the exhibit. Its title refers to the French movie star who acted in Albert Hitchcock’s “Rear Window,” as well as to the fax machine that reproduces texts for distribution.


More at

Anonymous ID: 3ccbc8 April 6, 2019, 1:38 a.m. No.6070136   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0145 >>0153

OUCH: Maddow’s Show Is In A DISASTROUS Ratings Free For All Since Mueller Report Vindicated Trump


MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow’s program has been in a disastrous ratings free for all since Special Counsel Robert Mueller vindicated President Donald Trump.


Maddow, who has been the most watched primetime show on MSNBC for quite a while, brought in her worst weekly ratings of the year last week after Mueller stated there was no evidence of collusion between Trump and his campaign with Russia during the 2016 election.


Given Maddow is arguably the most hardcore “Trump-Russia conspiracy theorist” on TV, many of her viewers apparently don’t trust her anymore or feel the need to watch her program.


She didn’t have one bad night or only lose a small percentage of her viewers.


Maddow lost half a million viewers on average each night for an entire week.


Making matters even worse for Maddow, she also appeared to cry during her show last month when the Department of Justice revealed that Mueller found no collusion and that Trump will not be charged with obstruction of justice.


During the segment on her show, Maddow appeared to be fighting tears and trying not to cry on live television while being forced to admit that Trump had been completely vindicated.


“There is worries and speculation that the reason Bill Barr got that job, the reason he was seen by President Trump as a suitable replacement for Jeff Sessions and therefore what might be expected of Bill Barr in that job is that once he got confirmed as attorney general, he’d stick his foot out and trip the special counsel, right?” she said.


“There is never anything the special counsel sought to do that Bill Barr stopped Mueller from doing. And that’s fascinating. Of course, everybody would like to hear that from Robert Mueller as well as from Bill Barr speaking on Mueller’s behalf and Robert Mueller is still at this point publicly silent,” Maddow said, fighting tears.

Anonymous ID: 3ccbc8 April 6, 2019, 1:50 a.m. No.6070165   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Not aware’: Pentagon on Pak F-16 count after Feb aerial dogfight with IAF


A report by a news publication that had gone on to say, citing unidentified defence officials, the count of Pakistan’s F-16s revealed none was missing.


The US government’s position appears to be in line with India, which in the backdrop of the attack, has reaffirmed its account of the downing of the Pakistani F-16, citing “electronic signature” as evidence.


The United States defence department on Friday said it was “not aware” of any investigation that was conducted to ascertain if Pakistan had lost an F-16 in a dogfight with Indian fighter jets on February 27, contrary to a report by a news publication that had gone on to say, citing unidentified defence officials, the count revealed none was missing.


Foreign Policy magazine reported Thursday that US defence personnel conducted recently a physical count of Pakistan’s F-16s and found all in tact, none missing. It attributed the finding to two unidentified senior US defence officials and said the count was conducted at the invitation of Pakistan..


A US defence department spokesman told Hindustan Times in a statement that they, the department, “weren’t aware of any investigation like that”, that was said to have been conducted, according to unidentified defence officials cited in the FP report, and referred this reporter to the Department of State.


More at

Anonymous ID: 3ccbc8 April 6, 2019, 1:53 a.m. No.6070178   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0222 >>0243



Please HELP! MISSING CHILD 🌴🌕Brody-14 year old Special Needs Child🌕🌴 Missing since Friday, April 5th from: The Villages/Leesburg, FLORIDA Contact: @JillTalmadge /Leesburg, FL PoliceDept.

Anonymous ID: 3ccbc8 April 6, 2019, 1:55 a.m. No.6070183   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The DEM hatred of Our President Trump is irrational if based on performance. It isn't.


This is about control. DEMS don't have it, they want it and have declared war to get it.


No quarter.

Anonymous ID: 3ccbc8 April 6, 2019, 2:07 a.m. No.6070207   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0218

QANONS: 11 secrets that will make you more secure on the internet


Hacked accounts in the news. Endless robocalls. Online ads that eerily seem to read your mind. Do I hear Alexa and Siri gossiping about your secrets? It almost feels like paranoia is a totally appropriate reaction.


In 2018 alone, data breaches exposed four-point-five billion records to hackers. Three months into 2019 and another two-point-seven billion are already illegally available for sale. But hackers aren’t the only problem…

Anonymous ID: 3ccbc8 April 6, 2019, 2:10 a.m. No.6070218   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>QANONS: 11 secrets that will make you more secure on the internet


Sum Up


Here’s how to be more secure on the internet:


Get frozen: Credit freeze. All 6. For the kids too. (Don’t raise lazy kids. Let them run up their own debt instead of having someone else do it.)

Full disk encryption, firewall and backups: Armor and reinforcements.

''Updates are annoying. Do them anyway: Many security experts say this is numero uno.

Apps are not Pokemon. Stop collecting them: What you don’t download can’t hurt you.

Your passwords bring shame upon your family: Get a password manager and 2FA. It’s as simple as 123456.

Stock browsers are bad browsers: Get foxy, baby.

Dig a tunnel: VPN’s are the best kept secret in security. (Bonus: they also let you watch region-specific Netflix content.)

The phone number is the new social security number: Get a password from your cellular provider, or port your number to briefly turn your life into a spy thriller.

Be more skeptical: Please wire me $500. It’s a gullibility tax.

Be wary of the cloud and social media: Think twice before putting anything important on computers that aren’t yours.

Convinced “They” are watching you? Set traps: “Tweet-tweet,” said the diabolical conspirator.

Anonymous ID: 3ccbc8 April 6, 2019, 2:13 a.m. No.6070223   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0231

Minutes after Being Released from Jail, a Florida Man Was Arrested in the Parking Lot for Breaking Into Cars


Casey Michael Lewis was a free man for about 15 minutes, not even leaving the grounds of the jail where he’d been locked up before being arrested again.


The 37-year-old had just been released Thursday from the St. Lucie County Detention Facility in Fort Pierce, Florida, where he’d been held on grand theft charges, according to an arrest affidavit.


The affidavit says after he was released, Lewis then began walking around the jail’s parking lot “acting suspicious and checking vehicle doors.”


Surveillance video showed Lewis looking into cars and opening the door of a silver vehicle, according to the affidavit. The report says Lewis entered the vehicle from the driver’s side and sat in the car for about two and a half minutes. He then exited the vehicle and walked around the length of the lot, checking vehicles along the way by either looking into the windows or lifting door handles to see whether they were unsecured, the affidavit said.


While Lewis was in the parking lot, he was approached by an officer. He told the officer he was “waiting for his girlfriend,” according to the affidavit.


The arresting officer said in the affidavit that when Lewis was approached, questioned and finally arrested he gave the officer a brown paper bag with items from a vehicle. The items included an iPhone 7, four packs of cigarettes, a lighter, one Visa bank debit card, a Florida driver’s license and $547 in cash.


Lewis was arrested on charges of burglary, grand larceny and possession of stolen property and taken back inside the jail.


CNN reached out to an attorney who represented Lewis in a previous case but got no immediate response. It could not be determined whether Lewis was being represented by that attorney or another lawyer in the latest case.


Maria Entner, a spokeswoman for the St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Office, said Lewis was released — again — the same day, but this time deputies made sure a person was there to pick him up.