Anonymous ID: 6fe9f2 April 5, 2019, 11:45 p.m. No.6069640   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9648 >>9828 >>0001 >>0176 >>0310 >>0370 >>0383



Well well, what do we have here? Add it to the list. Suicide Weekend?? Tech 9 Fans Suspect Rapper Committed Suicide After Child Sex Reports…….hmm.


Tech 9 Fans Suspect Rapper Committed Suicide After Child Sex Reports


Tech 9 was reportedly due in court the day after his death.'


When Tech 9, not to be confused with Tech N9ne, passed away this year, fans reached out to the friends and family members of the battle rapper and commentator. His cause of death had not been reported at the time and it's still been undetermined but after hearing of the allegations made against the late rapper, fans are starting to believe that he took his own life.


Yesterday, it was reported that Tech 9 was due in court the day after his death to be arraigned in a child pornography case. An underaged girl had previously come forward to accuse Tech of sexual abuse, detailing what he had allegedly done to her. The girl claims that the rapper, whose real name is Akhiym Mickens, forced her to undress in front of him while he masturbated. She reportedly also told police that Mickens threatened his way into her room with a knife and attempted to coerce her into touching his genitals. If this is true, Tech 9 clearly had some serious issues. The allegations have caused his fanbase to pull a 180, reconsidering their condolences and assuming that the man passed away by suicide.


There are no current documents supporting the fan speculation that Tech 9 committed suicide. As of now, it's only a theory that his supporters have come up with. Until an official cause of death has been ruled, the specifics of Tech 9's passing will not be clear. With the report that his court date was the day after his death, it makes sense why people would assume it was suicide.

Anonymous ID: 6fe9f2 April 5, 2019, 11:47 p.m. No.6069658   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9665 >>9669 >>9674 >>0001 >>0176 >>0310 >>0370 >>0383



UPS partnering with drug giants to inject you with vaccines in your own home… pilot project a blueprint for nationwide vaccine mandates at gunpoint


Just when you thought corporate America couldn’t get more insane when it comes to medical tyranny, UPS has announced a pilot project to deliver vaccines to your home, then have you injected by “health care professionals” without you ever having to leave your living room. Merck, makers of the risky vaccine Gardasil, is reportedly partnering with UPS to carry out this door-to-door vaccine initiative.


“The world’s largest package delivery firm is preparing to test a U.S. service that dispatches nurses to vaccinate adults in their homes,” Reuters is now reporting. Reuters explains how the project will work:


Workers in UPS’ 1.7 million-square-foot healthcare complex at Worldport will package and ship the vaccine to one of the more 4,700 franchised U.S. UPS stores. A home health nurse contracted by UPS’ clinical trial logistics unit known as Marken will collect the insulated package, transport it the “last mile” to the patient’s home and administer the vaccine, which will target a viral illness in adults.


Note that they don’t dare ship the vaccine directly to your home, because they don’t want individuals having access to vaccine vials without a “home health nurse” present to inject you with it. Vaccine vials might be dangerous, the thinking goes. They’re only “safe” after they’re injected into your body, at which point all health risks magically vanish.


The partner for this, Merck, has a long history of engaging in nefarious behavior, including bribing doctors, price fixing its drugs and pressuring state and federal lawmakers to enshrine its unethical profit model into law. Reuters explains why Merck is the perfect partner for UPS, since they both only care about money:


Merck, a major UPS healthcare customer, has a portfolio of vaccines for viral illnesses ranging from shingles and hepatitis B to the flu. Spokeswoman Pamela Eisele said the company is considering the project as it looks for new ways to increase access to its medicines and vaccines and boost adult vaccine rates.


More at:

Anonymous ID: 6fe9f2 April 5, 2019, 11:50 p.m. No.6069676   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Epic! Dean Cain Calls Out Pro-Abortion Actress Alyssa Milano For Boycotting Georgia ‘Heartbeat Bill’…(“The Scoop” Video)


Actor Dean Cain appeared on ‘Fox & Friends’ to speak out against Far-left Hollywood’s boycott of the state of Georgia over Georgia’s proposed ‘heartbeat bill.’


Actor Dean Cain appeared on ‘Fox & Friends’ to speak out against Far-left Hollywood’s boycott of the state of Georgia over Georgia’s proposed ‘heartbeat bill.’


Radical pro-abortion actress Alyssa Milano has been calling on Hollywood to boycott the entire state of Georgia if the state passes the ‘heartbeat bill.’ The ‘heartbeat bill’ would ban abortion after a fetal heartbeat is detected. A heartbeat is usually detected at 6 weeks old.


Over 100 leftist Hollywood actors have signed the petition to boycott Georgia.

Anonymous ID: 6fe9f2 April 5, 2019, 11:52 p.m. No.6069680   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9773

TERROR ATTACK in Sweden: Right-Wing Politician BOMBED by far-left Antifa Extremists


Early Monday morning yet another explosion took place in Sweden. The target of the attack was a family home belonging to a former parliamentary candidate for the right-wing nationalist Alternative for Sweden (AfS) party.


The victim of the attack has given an exclusive interview to PeterSweden, reporting for The Gateway Pundit, bringing you the latest on this horrible attack.


The politician was at home with his three kids when the attack took place.


The upper part of his door was blown up, sending glass fragments all over the inside of his house. Thankfully he was with his children on the upper floor, but if anyone had been on ground level there would have been risk of serious harm.


Swedish police have concluded that it was a very powerful banger that was used in the attack, containing up to 100 grams of gunpowder. The police suspect that this is a hate crime, and are investigating if there is a political motive for the attack.


This is not the first time that this right-wing politician has been the victim of an attack. On the 22nd of March his car was vandalized and the words “Nazi” was sprayed on it. According to the man, he is almost certain that it was Antifa in the city of Lund that was behind it, but according to him, the police didn’t even investigate this vandalization of his car.


According to the politician, he is a victim of a terrorist attack committed by far-left extremists.


The political party that he was a candidate for, Alternative for Sweden, is a new, right-wing, nationalist party. They are against mass migration and anti-EU.


Europol data shows that 36 people were arrested for far-left terrorism in 2017. Far-left attacks like this are severely under-reported in the mainstream media.


Here is the exclusive interview given by the victim. It has been translated from Swedish.


You were recently the victim of an explosion on your house in Sweden. Can you explain what happened, is there major damage to your property?


AfS politician: The upper part of the door with paned windows was blown up. That caused shattered glass to fly in the whole house. If any of us had been in the ground floor, we would have been injured. Me and my three children were at home.


Do we know if this attack is politically motivated, if yes, do you have any suspicion on who is behind this?


AfS politician: They sprayed the words “Nazi” and other graffiti on the sides of my car on the 22nd of March, and all the tires had punctures in them. Yes, fairly sure that it was AFA Lund (Antifa). They have also sent other things to one of my colleagues.


Have you or any others from Alternative for Sweden had any form of threats against you from far-left extremists before?


AfS politician: Several from Alternative for Sweden, and people who have attended our open air meetings have been doxed


We know that in the US, Antifa have been labelled as terrorists. Is this a terrorist attack?


AfS politician: Definitely a terrorist attack, and the mainstream media, especially Sydsvenskan have toned it down.


How do you view this, is this an attack on democracy and freedom of speech? Is this an attempt to scare the right-wing movement in Sweden into silence?


AfS politician: Without a doubt this is a threat against democracy and freedom of speech. I am deeply worried for the future of Sweden.


How is your family and children doing after this attack?


AfS politician: Naturally they are shaken. The children were at home. Incredibly cowardly to attack a family with kids.


How do you view the political development in Sweden, especially considering what just happened?


AfS politician: The left is feeling cornered, and they are bringing forth their vanguard and the “good and just violence”. There is a mass awakening among people, and they are realizing that Sweden is collapsing on all fronts. The state is responding with oppression and censorship. Tragic.


Obviously the conservative politician is very concerned for his family’s safety.

Anonymous ID: 6fe9f2 April 5, 2019, 11:54 p.m. No.6069687   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0001 >>0176 >>0310 >>0370 >>0383



Donald Trump To Deliver Keynote Address At NRA Annual Meeting Next Month


President Donald Trump will deliver remarks to National Rifle Association (NRA) members next month at the pro-Second Amendment organization’s annual meetings and exhibits in Indianapolis.


The president is expected to deliver his third keynote address at the NRA Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) Leadership Forum on April 26 at the Indiana Convention Center—Lucas Oil Stadium. (RELATED: These Politicians Are Campaigning On Guns, And The Nra Gives Them ‘F’ Ratings)


“Donald Trump is the most enthusiastic supporter of the Second Amendment to occupy the Oval Office in our lifetimes. It is truly an honor to have President Trump address NRA members for the fifth consecutive year,” said Chris Cox, NRA-ILA Executive Director.


LOUISVILLE, KY – MAY 20: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at the National Rifle Association’s NRA-ILA Leadership Forum during the NRA Convention at the Kentucky Exposition Center on May 20, 2016 in Louisville, Kentucky. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)


He added, “President Trump’s Supreme Court appointments ensure that the Second Amendment will be respected for generations to come. Our members are excited to hear him speak and thank him for his support for our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.”


Trump gained the support of the NRA during his 2016 run for the White House and promised to appoint judges with a strict constitutionalist view of the Second Amendment.


“I kept my promise, and now, with your help, our brand-new Justice—and he is really something very special—Neil Gorsuch, sits on the bench of the United States Supreme Court,” Trump said during his speech at the NRA meeting in 2017 in Georgia, immediately following his election to the presidency.


He went on to say later in his speech, “But you came through for me, and I am going to come through for you. I was proud to receive the NRA’s earliest endorsement in the history of the organization. And today, I am also proud to be the first sitting president to address the NRA Leadership Forum since our wonderful Ronald Reagan in 1983. And I want to thank each and every one of you, not only for your help electing true friends of the Second Amendment but for everything you do to defend our flag and our freedom.”

Anonymous ID: 6fe9f2 April 5, 2019, 11:57 p.m. No.6069696   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So….in essence it is [killbox] = Target / subject [dark] = 0 or ]inverted killbox[ = non target / friendly ]light[ = 1 Dark to light.


You’re either in the crosshairs or you’re helping the cause.

Anonymous ID: 6fe9f2 April 5, 2019, 11:59 p.m. No.6069703   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0001 >>0176 >>0310 >>0370 >>0383

Study: U.S. is ALREADY home to one-fifth of the world’s migrant population (but Dems want MORE)


Democrats are going all-out to deny POTUS Donald Trump the resources he and his administration have been demanding in order to deal with the burgeoning illegal immigrant and humanitarian crisis along our southwest border.


Left-wing judicial activists placed on the federal bench by Barack Obama and Bill Clinton are ignoring statutory and case law in order to thwart the Trump administration’s efforts to enforce all immigration laws.


Meanwhile, in states, cities, and other jurisdictions they control, Democrats are refusing to assist federal immigration agents or are preventing them from doing their jobs outright – quite simply because Democrats see millions of new immigrants as their way to perpetual power.


And this, despite the fact that nearly 20 percent of the world’s migrant population already resides in the United States.


According to a new study by the Pew Research Center, the U.S. has allowed more foreign nationals in than any other country in the world and is now at about 18 percent of the global migrant population.


Citing the study, Breitbart News said that roughly 44.5 million foreign nationals reside in the U.S. now, far above Germany’s 12.2 million and Russia’s 12 million.


Combined, however – and to put the figures in perspective – the number of foreign nationals living in the United States exceeds the number living in Germany, Russia, France, and the United Kingdom combined. Also, the 44.5 million figure is the highest number of foreign-born living in the U.S. in nearly 108 years, Pew noted.


The last time our foreign-born population was so high in comparison to our native population was 1910; then, immigrants made up some 14.7 percent of our population.


And for the record, though most immigrants back then were white Europeans, native-born Americans were not very accommodating to them. Irish were depicted as trolls or apes and denigrated in the same manner as blacks, and others including Germans and Italians were ‘frowned’ upon and openly called derogatory names.


The Democrat Party, in particular, was harsh on new arrivals. Period political cartoons dominated by Democratic newspapers often depicted white immigrants as slovenly, ape-ish, monster-like, ill-mannered, poverty-stricken, and needy (as in on the public dole).


Today, however, the Democratic Party uses immigrants as a means of changing the political dynamic in the country – away from the constitutional republic of our founders to a socialist/Marxist nightmare in which they control all levers of power (and the masses).


As Breitbart’s John Binder notes:


Mass immigration has come at the expense of America’s working and middle class, which has suffered from poor job growth, stagnant wages, and increased public costs to offset the importation of millions of low-skilled foreign nationals.


Four million young Americans enter the workforce every year, but their job opportunities are further diminished as the U.S. imports roughly two new foreign workers for every four American workers who enter the workforce. Even though researchers say 30 percent of the workforce could lose their jobs due to automation by 2030, the U.S. has not stopped importing more than a million foreign nationals every year.


It should be noted that once upon a time, this very demographic – working and middle-class Americans – was the Democratic Party’s political power base. Increasingly, this group has swung towards Republicans, which have (once again) become the real party of the American worker under POTUS Donald Trump.


Corporations have played a role in the importation of cheap labor via immigration – illegal and otherwise. But rather than bastions of conservatism, most large companies, especially in the tech industry, are more often run by Democrat-aligned Leftists who engage in crony capitalism to move into the ‘elite.’


There are far too many Republicans who refuse to see the dangers inherent in limitless immigration. But for the most part, whenever we see political support for open borders, importation of cheap labor, and pushback against any attempt to ‘Americanize’ our immigrant population, the Democratic Party’s filthy hands are all over it.

Anonymous ID: 6fe9f2 April 6, 2019, 12:02 a.m. No.6069716   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9721 >>9752

Doesn't this BITCH need to HANG?


Democrat Congresswoman, ((([ Jan Schakowsky]))) Tired of Republicans Trying to Stop Infanticide: “Oh My God, They Just Will Not Quit”


There are a lot of things in life to get exasperated about. The rude guy who cuts in front of you on the highway, a person who is loudly talking on the phone at a restaurant, or people who chew with their mouth open.


But Democrat congresswoman Jan Schakowsky is exasperated about the fact that Republicans continue to push for a vote on a bill to stop infanticide.


As LifeNews has reported, Democrats, led by Nancy Pelosi, have blocked a bill to protect babies who are born alive after abortions and provide them with appropriate medical Ccre and treatment a total of 28 times. Earlier this week, Republicans led an effort to to get petition signatures for a discharge petition to bring the bill to the floor.


That was the last straw for Schakowsky:


Politico is providing cover for Democrats desperately trying to avoid a vote on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which Republicans are trying to bring to a floor vote via a discharge petition. Melanie Zanona writes, “House Republicans on Tuesday launched a long-shot bid to force a vote on anti-abortion legislation — an issue they plan to hammer vulnerable Democrats on even if they can’t secure action on the floor.”


She reports a statement from Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) regarding the discharge petition: “Oh, my g-d. They just will not quit. . . I think politically, it’s a really bad move for them, and substantively, it’s a disaster.”


The desperation of this statement is almost palpable. Pushing the issue is anything but a bad move for Republicans.


SIGN THE PETITION: Stop Infanticide! Stop Abortions Up to Birth!


The federalist author puts things into perspective for Schakowsky:


This purpose of this bill is not to limit the abortion entitlement, however. As freshman Rep. Dan Crenshaw of Texas put it:


What this bill says is during an attempted abortion, and the baby is actually born alive, should the doctor actually save it? Now the next question you might ask is, why are we doing this? Is this a question that actually needs answering? Well no actually, because of policies proposed in Virginia and New York and Vermont, we feel that we actually have to put this into law. We actually have to put into law that a baby born with ten fingers and ten toes and a heartbeat, a baby that is breathing, deserves to live because it has value, because it is a human life.


While this bill does not directly threaten the legality of abortion whatsoever, the misinformation should still be addressed, because the truth leads to startlingly ugly conclusion about the motivations of Democrats in opposing the bill—and those do have to do with abortion.


The optics are actually bad for Democrats.


The blocking of a vote on a bill to stop infanticide comes even as national polling shows Americans — including people who are “pro-choice” on abortion — oppose abortion up to birth and infanticide. Vast majorities of Americans reject abortion the day before a child is born (80%), abortion in the third trimester (79%), and removing medical care for a viable child after birth (82%).


If Schakowsky, Pelosi and Democrats think the best political move is to stand with the 18 percent of Americans who think denying newborn infants medical care is a good thing, Republicans and pro-life advocates won’t stand in her way.

Anonymous ID: 6fe9f2 April 6, 2019, 12:18 a.m. No.6069797   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9804

As ((([Dems]))) seek his tax returns, POTUS Trump has a chance to nullify an awful ((([IRS]))) regulation — and he SHOULD


A stuttering, angry House Speaker Nancy Pelosi struggled her way through a session with reporters on Friday as she demanded — demanded — that the Justice Department release special counsel Robert Mueller’s “no collusion” report in full and that POTUS Donald Trump hand over his tax returns to political opportunists in the House.


“Show us the Mueller report,” Speaker Pelosi said, pounding the lectern. “Show us the tax returns. And we’re not walking away just because you say ‘no’ the first time around.”


First of all — and we’ll say this as long as Democrats play stupid political games while our southwestern border collapses in chaos — the Justice Department is under no legal obligation to provide Congress with jack when it comes to Mueller’s report.


The attorney general has broad release and non-release authority, as well as the responsibility to ensure that sources are protected, that individuals’ privacy is maintained, and that witnesses who spoke to investigators with the expectation that their identities would not be revealed are protected.


No one on Capitol Hill who is being honest and serious expects that elements of the Mueller report won’t be leaked to a “mainstream” media that has long served as the Democratic Party’s propaganda wing. House Intelligence Committee chair Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) would probably be the first to do so; he’s got that reputation, you know.


AG William Barr, who is known as a straight shooter, will deal with that demand. But this business of Congress demanding POTUS’ tax returns has to be dealt with legally and constitutionally because it is a gross violation of Fourth Amendment privacy rights.


As The Hill noted on Friday, POTUS, when asked by reporters if he was prepared to release his returns per a congressional request, said he was currently under audit — which is what he’s said for two years. However:


The IRS has said that audits don’t prevent people from releasing their own tax information, and Democrats are attempting to use a provision in the federal tax code that gives the chairmen of Congress’s tax committees the power to ask for any tax returns and return information and examine them in a closed session.


The statute says that the Treasury secretary “shall furnish” the documents, so long as they are reviewed in a closed session. But it’s unclear how quickly the IRS will respond and if they will provide House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal (D-Mass.) with the documents.


Neal asked the IRS to provide the requested tax returns and related information by Wednesday. Democrats argue that there is no room in the statute for the IRS not to comply and that their request is necessary to conduct oversight of the IRS’s enforcement of tax laws against a president.


Anyone who has spent a month covering Washington politics knows that Democrats have no interest in the president’s returns other than to use them in some way to embarrass him or expose him legally.


But let’s be clear about some things here. Whether the president’s last name is Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, Reagan, or whomever:


— There is no constitutional requirement for the president to release his tax returns, so all of the Democratic and media noise about the president ‘failing to release’ them is just that, noise


— There is no legal requirement for the president to release his tax returns to the public, and just because ‘all other presidents have done it’ makes no difference whatsoever;


— The IRS is also an enforcement agency; if billionaire Donald Trump had run afoul of the nation’s tax agency in the past, it would have caught up with him already — long before he got two years into his first term.


More at

Anonymous ID: 6fe9f2 April 6, 2019, 12:29 a.m. No.6069860   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9889 >>0310 >>0370

NOTABLE you think? AF!


‘Secret’ DMV office serving California lawmakers would be closed under GOP proposal


‘Secret’ DMV office could be shut down, under plan from Kevin Kiley


California's Department of Motor Vehicles operates a special office to assist lawmakers, Capitol staff members and constituents. It could soon be shut down if lawmakers support a bill from Assemblyman Kevin Kiley, R-Granite Bay.


California's Department of Motor Vehicles operates a special office to assist lawmakers, Capitol staff members and constituents. It could soon be shut down if lawmakers support a bill from Assemblyman Kevin Kiley, R-Granite Bay. By Bryan Anderson


It’s all but impossible to find for those who don’t know what they’re looking for.


((([Room 121]))) rests at the end of an isolated hallway across the street from the Capitol, is locked at all times and has no signage whatsoever. The only indicator of its existence is a peephole outside the front door.


The special Department of Motor Vehicles office is closed to the public, and if one Republican gets his way, it will be closed to the lawmakers and Capitol staff members using it.


“There’s a secret DMV across from the state Capitol with streamlined service that’s only available to members of the Legislature and a select group of political insiders,” said Republican Assemblyman Kevin Kiley of Granite Bay. “This is supposed to be a government of the people, by the people and for the people, not an oligarchy where a gilded political class enjoys privileges that aren’t available to the people that we represent.”


The three workers inside the office serve an important purpose, though. Despite perceptions that lawmakers flood into the office to renew their licenses and enjoy special perks, the vast majority of their time is spent addressing concerns from Californians who ask their state lawmakers for help sorting out their problems with the DMV.


While it wouldn’t comment on Assembly Bill 862, the DMV said in a statement the office “serves as a primary point of contact for more than 10,000 constituent services questions and concerns sent to legislative offices each year.”


The department added that about 90 percent of the work the staff does in the office “is related to assisting customers who have contacted their state representatives to resolve DMV issues.” Among many things, the employees review records, assist with license suspension issues and help customers make appointments.


Kiley’s proposal would prevent the DMV from operating any office that is closed to the public. He still wants the DMV to handle concerns lawmakers get from their constituents, but he wants the employees transferred from the “secret” office to DMV headquarters in Sacramento.


“We are closing down the office as much as it operates as a DMV field office,” Kiley said. “But in terms of fielding constituent concerns, that is a more general function that will continue to operate.”


Kiley is in the midst of a special election campaign against fellow Republican Assemblyman Brian Dahle for the Senate seat vacated by Board of Equalization member Ted Gaines. Their election is scheduled for June 4.


Even if the bill passes and the office closes, there’s nothing that would prevent lawmakers from accessing special DMV privileges. They’d still be able to make what some describe as “manager’s appointments,” which allows them to bypass long lines.


Still, these special appointments are mostly given to ordinary DMV customers who bring their concerns to lawmakers and staff members. Many lawmakers, including Kiley, Assemblyman Jim Patterson, R-Fresno, and Assemblyman Phil Ting, D-San Francisco, refuse to take advantage of the perks and instead choose to wait in regular DMV offices.


Read more here:



Anonymous ID: 6fe9f2 April 6, 2019, 12:47 a.m. No.6069958   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAKING: Iran may put the U.S. military on its terror list if Washington designates the Iranian elite Revolutionary Guards as terrorists.


Dubai: Iran may put the US military on its terror list if Washington designates the Iranian elite Revolutionary Guards as terrorists, a senior Iranian lawmaker said on Saturday.


The United States is expected to designate the Revolutionary Guards a foreign terrorist organization, three US officials told Reuters, marking the first time Washington has formally labeled another country's military a terrorist group.


"If the Revolutionary Guards are placed on America's list of terrorist groups, we will put that country's military on the terror blacklist next to Daesh (Islamic State)," Heshmatollah Falahatpisheh, head of parliament's national security committee, said on Twitter.



Qanon Movement is World Wide; Make Iran Great Again (MIGA)



7 Mar 2019 - 8:28:54 PM


We stand TOGETHER in this FIGHT.



Anonymous ID: 6fe9f2 April 6, 2019, 12:49 a.m. No.6069974   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Scientists set to unveil first picture of a black hole


The world, it seems, is soon to see the first picture of a black hole.


On Wednesday, astronomers across the globe will hold “six major press conferences” simultaneously to announce the first results of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), which was designed precisely for that purpose.


It has been a long wait.


Of all the forces or objects in the Universe that we cannot see — including dark energy and dark matter — none has frustrated human curiosity so much as the invisible maws that shred and swallow stars like so many specks of dust.


Astronomers began speculating about these omnivorous “dark stars” in the 1700s, and since then indirect evidence has slowly accumulated.


“More than 50 years ago, scientists saw that there was something very bright at the centre of our galaxy,” Paul McNamara, an astrophysicist at the European Space Agency and an expert on black holes, told AFP.


“It has a gravitational pull strong enough to make stars orbit around it very quickly — as fast as 20 years.”


To put that in perspective, our Solar System takes about 230 million years to circle the centre of the Milky Way.


Eventually, astronomers speculated that these bright spots were in fact “black holes” — a term coined by American physicist John Archibald Wheeler in the mid-1960s — surrounded by a swirling band of white-hot gas and plasma.


At the inner edge of these luminous accretion disks, things abruptly go dark.


“The event horizon” — a.k.a. the point-of-no-return — “is not a physical barrier, you couldn´t stand on it,” McNamara explained.


“If you´re on the inside of it, you can´t escape because you would need infinite energy. And if you are on the other side, you can — in principle.”


More at

Anonymous ID: 6fe9f2 April 6, 2019, 1:02 a.m. No.6070031   🗄️.is 🔗kun

U.N. torture expert urges Ecuador not to expel Assange from embassy


GENEVA (Reuters) - The United Nations torture investigator called on Ecuador on Friday not to expel Wikileaks founder Julian Assange from its London embassy, voicing concern that he could be extradited to the United States and possibly face mistreatment.


A British friend said Assange was "prepared" for expulsion from the building he has lived in for nearly seven years, after Ecuador's President Lenin Moreno said he had "repeatedly violated" the terms of his asylum.


Moreno told radio stations on Tuesday that Assange did not have the right to "hack private accounts or phones" and could not intervene in the politics of other countries, especially those with friendly relations with Ecuador.


Moreno made the comments after private photographs of him and his family were circulated on social media. Although Moreno stopped short of explicitly blaming Assange for the leak, the government said it believed the photos were shared by WikiLeaks.


Nils Melzer, U.N. special rapporteur on torture, voiced concern that Assange's health was in "serious decline" and that, if he were expelled, he was likely to be arrested by British authorities and extradited to the United States.


"Such a response could expose him to a real risk of serious violations of his human rights, including his freedom of expression, his right to a fair trial and the prohibition of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment," he said.


"I therefore urge the Government of Ecuador to abstain from …ceasing or suspending his political asylum until such time as the full protection of his human rights can be guaranteed."


Vaughan Smith, who hosted Assange at his country mansion for a year during his failed legal battle against extradition, said after visiting the Australian inside the embassy that the situation was "very tense".


"Julian doesn’t know for sure but he’s pretty convinced that at any moment he could be thrown out and he’s prepared for it,” Smith told reporters.


More at:

Anonymous ID: 6fe9f2 April 6, 2019, 1:08 a.m. No.6070051   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The French Police has a message for the world.


The French police message is …


to remain silent …


Today it is happening to France, tomorrow it can happen to your country …


It is 17 weeks now …

The world needs to know !


Please share

Anonymous ID: 6fe9f2 April 6, 2019, 1:13 a.m. No.6070058   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0062 >>0063 >>0064 >>0069 >>0073 >>0310 >>0370



Border shock: 50% surge in gang members, 650,000 illegal immigrants will be freed into US in 2019


There has been a 50 percent jump in illegal immigrant gang members coming into the United States this year, according to the former Border Patrol chief.


What’s more, he warned in Senate testimony Thursday, loopholes in federal law will result in some 650,000 illegal immigrants — more than the population of Wyoming — being released into the United States, where most will “never to be heard from again.”


According to Mark Morgan, the chief of the U.S. Border Patrol from 2016-2017, the border situation is at a crisis point.


“I am extremely concerned about the growing risks to our nation’s public safety, national security, and rule of law, due to illegal and uncontrolled immigration. The crisis extends well beyond a single border — from Central America, through Mexico, to our southern border, and throughout every major metropolitan city in the United States,” he told the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.


Worse, he said that the U.S. isn't sure of the background of those coming to the country, and often loses them.


"It’s simple — they step one foot on American soil, say the magic words under 'credible fear' and within a few days they’re allowed into cities all across the U.S. What should sound additional alarms of concern is that most of the family members either lack proper identifying documentation or effective vetting of what they produce is impossible, so we know virtually nothing about who we’re letting in. Once in, they are typically never to be heard from again," he said.


His grim testimony about the border crisis was endorsed by committee Chairman Sen. Ron Johnson, who blamed Congress and not the officials at the border.


“There is a humanitarian and national security crisis at our southern border. In the first six months of this fiscal year, Border Patrol apprehended over 175,000 family unit aliens and over 33,000 unaccompanied children. According to Secretary [of Homeland Security Kirstjen] Nielsen, we are on track to reach one million apprehensions by the end of the year, the first time since the fiscal year 2006,” said Johnson.


“This crisis is not the fault of the dedicated, hardworking men and women of DHS; they have been given an impossible task. The fault rests with Congress alone. I challenge my colleagues to act. Unless you support this new reality of open borders, work with me now to address this crisis,” he added.


Morgan highlighted the current rules that result in hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants, turned away years ago, gaining access to the U.S., where they hide from deportation agents.


First, he repeated concerns from the Department of Homeland Security that some 1 million immigrants are going to try to cross the U.S.-Mexico border this year.


“Currently 60%-65% of those illegally entering today are families or minors. We know because of our broken immigration laws and system, they will be released into the interior of the U.S. Therefore, as the apprehensions reach one million this year, the unconscionable result will be the release of 650,000 immigrants into the U.S. That is more than the entire population of Wyoming. Contrast that with the late 1990s, when we experienced 1 million apprehensions, yet we removed the overwhelming majority of those who crossed,” Morgan testified.


He also noted the surge in criminal gang members. He said:


“As an example, last week, three MS-13 members who were arrested in Maryland for stabbing a rival gangster and burning the body were resettled basically as refugees under the false pretenses of being brought to this country as 'unaccompanied minors.' Unfortunately, this isn’t an isolated example. Long Island and Maryland became hot spots for MS-13 activity during the surge of Central American teens in 2014. The number of teens coming in now, both individually and with families, dwarfs the 2014 numbers. The MS-13 is one of the most violent and prolific transnational gangs the U.S. as ever seen and the influx of minors into the country through the current crisis will provide them with unlimited vulnerable prospects. While Border Patrol is tied up with the humanitarian mission, the smugglers business is thriving. According to Border Patrol, 800 gang members were apprehended so far this year, a 50 percent increase from last year. Imagine what they’re not catching.”

Anonymous ID: 6fe9f2 April 6, 2019, 1:27 a.m. No.6070100   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US thief steals chainsaw by stuffing blade down his pants


'''A California business owner has released surveillance footage of a man stealing a chainsaw from his store by stuffing the blade of the power tool down his pants.

Key points:'''


The business owner posted the video to Facebook to try and track down the thief

The man is shown putting the blade down the front of his pants before covering the engine assembly with his jacket

The owner said he believed the thief and another man had been watching the store for the past week


RG Equipment posted the video, as well as an enlarged image of the culprit, to Facebook in an attempt to track down the thief.


The video shows the man take the chainsaw from a display, stuff the blade down the front of his pants and cover the engine assembly with his jacket.


Business owner Jeff Bennett told local newspaper the Fresno Bee the thief drove off in a pick-up truck, or ute.


He said he believed the man and an accomplice had been watching the store for the past week, preparing for the robbery.

Anonymous ID: 6fe9f2 April 6, 2019, 1:29 a.m. No.6070101   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0104 >>0151

NSA Releases GHIDRA Source Code — Free Reverse Engineering Tool


Update (4/4/2019) — Great news.


NSA today finally released the complete source code for GHIDRA version 9.0.2 which is now available on its Github repository.


GHIDRA is agency's home-grown classified software reverse engineering tool that agency experts have been using internally for over a decade to hunt down security bugs in software and applications.


GHIDRA is a Java-based reverse engineering framework that features a graphical user interface (GUI) and has been designed to run on a variety of platforms including Windows, macOS, and Linux.


Reverse engineering a program or software involves disassembling, i.e. converting binary instructions into assembly code when its source code is unavailable, helping software engineers, especially malware analysts, understand the functionality of the code and actual design and implementation information.


The existence of GHIDRA was first publicly revealed by WikiLeaks in CIA Vault 7 leaks, but the NSA today publicly released the tool for free at the RSA conference, making it a great alternative to expensive commercial reverse engineering tools like IDA-Pro.


"It [GHIDRA] helps analyze malicious code and malware like viruses, and can give cybersecurity professionals a better understanding of potential vulnerabilities in their networks and systems," NSA official website says while describing GHIDRA.