But wait. There's moar
Well, we did a mini-dig on this late one night after POTUS had been at the border and said some stuff. I don't recall what exactly, but it pointed to Tesla. And that pointed to this tower near the border. And then we got to thinking about how Q said the wall is about more than the wall, and how POTUS uses other words besides wall, and what an electrified 'barrier' might do to deter the illegal crossings, and โฆ.well, it led to vizivtechnologies.com and this little old tower they have down here in Texas, but so far as I can tell it hasn't gone 'live' just yet -
it's either not much of a story, or it's a way big story that no one wants told
But this guy who heads up viziv seems to have some good credentials -
it was just a couple or three of us kicking it around
Looking at their website, they seem to have a lot of stuff covered, and not just energy. It's a nail-biter, waiting to see what they will do and when they will do it
Poking around their website, I would say that they at least know how to do it right.
He also thinks he is 'America's Dad' - I want to be emancipated
Don't know, but here's more from the same article (pic) and link:
Dug a little bit more, here it is:
Different view
Of course not a Masonic Bible. Our President is not that kind of follower.
Just checked a map. It isn't near the border, this is true. It's closer to me in Dallas than it is to the border. Then again the tech doesn't require it to be near the border.
There are a lot of theories about the Paradise fires.
With this one being owned by ex-Mil, I hope it's in better/safer hands.
I reckon I assumed that if he uses a Bible he would be a certain kind of follower. Perhaps you just know way more about such things than I, wise one
Exit, stage left. Perhaps if only BVs are 'running' things, then there's no one to come after regarding posts here โ can't take an individual down this way. Volunteers aren't profiting, they are serving.
Seems like a sound move to me. Keeps BO out of harm's way.
Don't guess I understand what you're getting at.
So he owns many Bibles, but he doesn't follow them? You lost me, 'fren'. But I'll leave you to your platitudes.
I'm guessing it's more that he's getting out of the way so he can't get got.
Yeah, you're right. He should have made a huge hairy deal of it to get as many eyes on as possible.
Already covered thisโฆ.