Anonymous ID: 257b42 April 6, 2019, 4:14 a.m. No.6070594   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This needs the attention of Potus

"Political pundits, talking heads, scholars and politicians have convinced the American public that only legislation can solve the problem. They say there are too many immigration and asylum loopholes preventing the government from deporting illegal border crossers in a timely manner. They are all wrong.”


Those were not the words of yours truly, but of Brandon Judd, the head of the Border Patrol union, in a Washington Times op-ed. He suggests we actually just enforce the asylum laws in statute and have border agents at the front lines, not bureaucrats in other DHS agencies, take the lead on enforcement.


Brandon Judd believes that a lot of the problem is rooted in the bureaucratic divides between numerous agencies. Under our original immigration laws, the entirety of immigration policy was controlled by one commissioner of the Immigration and Naturalization Services, whose agency handled Border Patrol, detentions, deportations, and adjudications. First, after the DOJ restructuring in 1983, and then after the creation of the Department of Homeland Security in 2002, these jobs have been separated between at least four agencies within two different departments. Border Patrol initially apprehends illegal aliens, ICE detains and deports them, and USCIS processes asylum claims. They are all under DHS, but then the rest of the adjudication process is run by the Executive Office of Immigration Review (EOIR), which is still under the Department of Justice.

Read the article here:

Brandon Judd's op-ed here:

Anonymous ID: 257b42 April 6, 2019, 6:01 a.m. No.6071058   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1206

Anons, if you haven't heard this interview Byron York did with John Dowd, you really should listen. He discusses in the beginning how the relationship with Mueller was extraordinarily trustful, and in contrast to Potus' public tweets and comments blasting the Special Counsel, behind the scenes was very different. He also says that Mueller understood that the public comments were political. Very interesting is when he talks about Rosenstein (approx. at 35:00 min). He says how they were all blown away when Rosenstein appointed the Special Counsel, and Jeff Sessions was horrified and offered to resign on the spot. He says that Sessions' Chief of Staff went into Rosenstein's office, Rosie was cowering behind his desk, and asked if he was going to be fired. The CoS told him what he'd done was despicable and unprofessional. Lots of curiosities about Rosenstein.

Dowd was also confused because Mueller blew him off when they were trying to get him to look into Comey and his manipulations trying to get a SC appointed. Wrote a letter to Rosenstein asking how could they conduct an investigation without investigating the accuser.


Just noticed that podcast was Part II. I haven't listened yet to Part I, but here it is.