Anonymous ID: d8cadc April 6, 2019, 6:59 a.m. No.6071370   🗄️.is 🔗kun

LI mom says daughter couldn't use President Trump for hero project




A Lake Ronkomkoma mother claims her daughter was not allowed to have President Donald Trump as her hero for a class assignment.


When sixth-graders at Samoset Middle School were assigned to pick a hero on whom they would write a report, 11-year-old Bella Moscato said her choice was a no-brainer.


"Donald Trump is my hero," she says.


The 45th U.S. president has been Bella's idol since she was 8 years old, which is why she dressed up as Trump for a third-grade class project. But Bella says when she told her sixth-grade teacher that Trump was her choice for the hero project, the teacher nixed the idea.


Bella says her teacher said Trump "spreads negativity and says bad stuff about women" in front of another teacher and students in the class. The teacher told her to pick another hero.


Bella's mother, Valerie Moscato, says she was outraged when her daughter called her from school about the incident. She says what the teacher did amounts to intimidation and censorship.


Arthur Moscato, the girl's father, says he can't believe someone would tell his daughter that the current U.S. president cannot be her hero.

Anonymous ID: d8cadc April 6, 2019, 7:02 a.m. No.6071401   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1405 >>1467

Saudi Arabia is Threatening to Ditch the Petrodollar


Three year ago – almost to the day – Saudi Arabia rattled its first sabre towards the United States, with an implicit threat to dump US Treasuries over Congress’ decision to allow the Saudis to be held responsible for the 9/11 attacks.


And now, Reuters reports, citing three unidentified people familiar with Saudi energy policy, Saudi Arabia is threatening to drop the dollar as its main currency in selling its oil if the U.S. passes a bill that exposes OPEC members to U.S. antitrust lawsuits.


While the death of the petrodollar has long been predicted (as the petroyuan gathers momentum), this is the most direct threat yet to the USDollar’s exorbitant privilege…

Anonymous ID: d8cadc April 6, 2019, 7:05 a.m. No.6071425   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1463

UPS partnering with drug giants to inject you with vaccines in your own home… pilot project a blueprint for nationwide vaccine mandates at gunpoint


Just when you thought corporate America couldn’t get more insane when it comes to medical tyranny, UPS has announced a pilot project to deliver vaccines to your home, then have you injected by “health care professionals” without you ever having to leave your living room. Merck, makers of the risky vaccine Gardasil, is reportedly partnering with UPS to carry out this door-to-door vaccine initiative.


“The world’s largest package delivery firm is preparing to test a U.S. service that dispatches nurses to vaccinate adults in their homes,” Reuters is now reporting. Reuters explains how the project will work:


Workers in UPS’ 1.7 million-square-foot healthcare complex at Worldport will package and ship the vaccine to one of the more 4,700 franchised U.S. UPS stores. A home health nurse contracted by UPS’ clinical trial logistics unit known as Marken will collect the insulated package, transport it the “last mile” to the patient’s home and administer the vaccine, which will target a viral illness in adults.


Note that they don’t dare ship the vaccine directly to your home, because they don’t want individuals having access to vaccine vials without a “home health nurse” present to inject you with it. Vaccine vials might be dangerous, the thinking goes. They’re only “safe” after they’re injected into your body, at which point all health risks magically vanish.


The partner for this, Merck, has a long history of engaging in nefarious behavior, including bribing doctors, price fixing its drugs and pressuring state and federal lawmakers to enshrine its unethical profit model into law. Reuters explains why Merck is the perfect partner for UPS, since they both only care about money:

Anonymous ID: d8cadc April 6, 2019, 7:08 a.m. No.6071453   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The “Equality Act” Racing Through Congress Is Really A Loophole For Pedophiles To Game The System


When the Supreme Court destroyed the institution of marriage in one fell swoop with the Obergefell V. Hodges ruling, liberals, and LGBT advocates mocked us for predicting the slippery slope we now find ourselves on.


Our children are growing up in a world where gender is supposedly fluid (unless we’re using it to get what we want) and love is whatever we want it to be. It was only a matter of time before the insanity of the culture would set the stage for pedophilia follow on the coattails of homosexuality and become a normalized sexual orientation.


Under the so-called “Equality Act” currently racing its way through Congress, our “love is love” culture may soon fully accept pedophilia, or at least be powerless to punish it, thanks to a loophole that would do away with the age of consent.


HR 5, the “Equality Act”, intends to offer protection under federal law by declaring homosexuality and gender confusion to be demographics on the basis of which one cannot be discriminated, like race, religion, national origin, biological sex, and so on. The side effects of the bill, however, are much more insidious.

Anonymous ID: d8cadc April 6, 2019, 7:11 a.m. No.6071469   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1551

Amazon Caught Selling Absolutely Disgusting Baby Clothes…This Will Make You Sick


Warning: this post contains highly disturbing content.


Just when you think this world can’t get any sicker, you come across something like this.


Brace yourself. This is truly awful.


According to The Sun Online, Amazon was just called out for selling pedophilia-promoting baby clothes and yes, you read that right.


The Sun reportedly found a pair of onesies for sale on the site printed with slogans like “Daddy’s little f**k toy” and “I just look illegal,” available in sizes from newborn up to 24 months.


On Amazon’s Canadian site, a retailer called VanBer offered similar baby clothes, including a onesie that reads, “Daddy’s little sl*t.”


I can’t even begin to find the words to describe how abhorrent and disgusting this is.

Anonymous ID: d8cadc April 6, 2019, 7:15 a.m. No.6071499   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Trump plans to nominate second loyalist to Fed board


US president Donald Trump’s next potential nomination to the Federal Reserve board has sparked further controversy, as some economists say he lacks qualifications for the role.


The president said he will nominate former Republican Party presidential candidate Herman Cain, roughly two weeks after nominating Trump loyalist Stephen Moore. A number of economists and other commentators have made strong criticisms of the suitability of both candidates.

Anonymous ID: d8cadc April 6, 2019, 7:16 a.m. No.6071514   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Aid ship full of migrants stuck in Mediterranean, Italy says “Go to Germany!


A humanitarian aid ship with 64 rescued migrants aboard was stuck at sea as Italy and Malta refused it safe harbor, leaving migrants sleeping in cramped conditions on deck as a storm approached.

The governments’ refusal sets the stage for another Mediterranean standoff that can only be resolved if European governments agree to accept the asylum-seekers.

Carlotta Weibl, spokeswoman for the German humanitarian organization Sea-Eye, said the ship was near the Italian island of Lampedusa on Thursday.

“We have no idea yet where we can disembark”, Weibl told The Associated Press.

“Malta says we can’t enter their waters and we are unlikely to get permission from Italy.”

Sea-Eye’s ship, the Alan Kurdi, rescued the migrants on Wednesday near Libya after Libyan authorities could not be reached.

Anonymous ID: d8cadc April 6, 2019, 7:19 a.m. No.6071537   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1686 >>1784 >>1963

Planned Parenthood Locations Across Ohio Receive Notice: No More Funding


The Roe v. Wade ruling is treated like many on the left as Gospel truth, but it remains an unconstitutional ruling that has led to the death of millions upon millions of unborn children in the decades since.


Let us be clear, however: nothing beyond a full, nation-wide ban on abortion is truly moral.


The abortion mill Planned Parenthood has been profiting off the deaths of unborn babies for decades and is, sickeningly, the recipient of both state and federal funding.


In Ohio, however, just as the Trump administration deals serious blows to abortion funding, they will no longer be receiving state funding, either.


Just let it sink in that this for-profit business that performs legalized infanticide under the protection of an immoral government has also been receiving funding from the government. At least, in Ohio, that is no longer the case.

Anonymous ID: d8cadc April 6, 2019, 7:24 a.m. No.6071565   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The American Old West: How Hollywood Made It “Wild” to Make Money & Advance Gun Control


Hollywood has a clever way of distorting our perspective on history, and a great example of this is Western film – a movie genre we’ve all come to love. Cattle rustlers, guns blazing, outlaws running loose, and vigilantes dishing out vengeance indiscriminately. These scenes have become more synonymous with the American Frontier than Winchester and their “Cartridge That Won the West.” But these fictional tales have produced more than entertainment for over a century; they’ve also contributed to an ongoing, subtle push for gun control, all while making Hollywood millions.


Revisionist history books tell us that the “Wild West” was an anarchic period of time that was not conducive to human prosperity. Images of a Hobbesian nightmare – a life that is brutish and short – are ingrained in our consciousness thanks to decades of public schooling and violent images on the silver screen which are light on actual history and heavy on creative license.


However, individuals who believe in liberty and developing their critical thinking faculties should be skeptical of most mainstream narratives regarding history, especially American history. After all, these narratives by and large have been created by Hollywood, a legacy institution that has historically advanced politically correct content with the support of Washington in order to perpetuate the cultural status quo.


When the curtain of political correctness that’s been draped over this particular period of history is pulled back, we see a much more nuanced picture of the American Frontier. In fact, research by historians such as Peter J. Hill, Richard Shenkman, Roger D. McGrath, Terry Anderson, and W. Eugene Holland shows that this period was rather indicative of a “not so wild, Wild West.”

Anonymous ID: d8cadc April 6, 2019, 7:29 a.m. No.6071608   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Poll: 67% Of Likely Voters Say Illegal Immigration Is A Serious Problem, Most Believe Democrats Don't Want To Stop It


A new Rasmussen poll conducted this week indicates that 67% of likely United States voters believe that illegal immigration is a "serious problem" in the country today, but the plurality of those who took the survey do not believe that the Democratic Party in Congress "wants to slow or stop illegal immigration."


The percentage of likely voters who said illegal immigration is a "serious issue" has not changed since a similar poll conducted in January asked the same question. Furthermore, it could be argued that Americans are becoming less concerned with illegal immigration during President Trump's time in office as a similar 2015 poll found that 80% of likely voters said that it was a serious issue.

Anonymous ID: d8cadc April 6, 2019, 7:32 a.m. No.6071629   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US set to designate Iran’s Revolutionary Guard as terrorist organization: reports


U.S. media are reporting that the United States will soon designate Iran’s hard-line Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) a foreign terrorist organization, which would be the first time Washington has given that label to the military unit of another country.


The Wall Street Journal and Reuters, citing U.S. officials, reported on April 5 that the action could come as early as April 8.


The United States has designated the IRGC’s external branch — the Quds Force — and a number of individuals and entities associated with the organization as terrorist, but not the IRGC as a whole.


The WSJ said national-security adviser John Bolton and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo are strong proponents of the move, asserting that it would help Washington crack down on businesses in Europe and elsewhere controlled by the IRGC.

Anonymous ID: d8cadc April 6, 2019, 7:36 a.m. No.6071652   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1686 >>1784 >>1963

Swedish Family Flees to Poland after State Hands His Daughters Over to Muslim Family


Swedish Family Flees to Poland after State Hands His Daughters Over to Muslim Family

Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft April 6, 2019 25 Comments


A father in Sweden fled to Poland with his children after they were placed with a Muslim foster family 300 miles away. Peter Lisov fled Sweden with his children and is seeking refuge in Poland.


The children were only allowed to see their father for six hours every week.


Seeking Asylum in Poland: Sweden placed Denis Lisov's Christian daughters with a Muslim foster family, & he could see them for only 6 hrs a week. He fled with them to Poland & Polish court decided children could stay with their father.


— Andrew Bostom (@andrewbostom) April 6, 2019


If the father was Muslim this story would be leading the liberal news media right now.

Anonymous ID: d8cadc April 6, 2019, 7:40 a.m. No.6071690   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Philippines joins local currency settlement network


The Central Bank of the Philippines has signed bilateral agreements with three other South-east Asian central banks, which will see it join a local currency settlement system.


Newly appointed governor Benjamin Diokno signed the agreement with the governors of the central banks of Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia.


They were all attending the meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) finance ministers and central bank governors held in Thailand on April 5.

Anonymous ID: d8cadc April 6, 2019, 7:43 a.m. No.6071728   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Kim warned his military against unplanned activities before summit with Trump


North Korean leader Kim Jong-un ordered his generals not to carry out any unplanned military activities during the days leading up to his summit with US President Donald Trump, an American broadcaster reported, citing government officials from South Korea and the US on Thursday.


According to a US government official cited by CNN, Kim was careful not to raise tensions with the US with any inadvertent movements before the summit, which took place for two days in Hanoi, Vietnam, at the end of February.


Kim’s goal was to maintain the existing military confidence building measures, especially in the demilitarized zone between the two Koreas, as he sought to persuade Trump to ease sanctions imposed against the regime.


Pyongyang declared a voluntary moratorium on nuclear and long-range missile tests in April 2018 and signed a military pact with Seoul in September that called off all “hostile acts” to prevent military confrontations.


Kim’s order to the military is “one of the clearest signs” that he wanted to sign an agreement at the Hanoi summit that ultimately broke down, CNN said.

Anonymous ID: d8cadc April 6, 2019, 7:47 a.m. No.6071755   🗄️.is 🔗kun

8,700 ‘Opportunity Zones’ In U.S. Targeted For Smart City Infrastructure


There are 35 million people living in Opportunity Zones throughout America who have no idea that Chinese-style surveillance is about to descend upon them. This investment scheme gives huge tax breaks to any company who invests in infrastructure in these areas. ⁃ TN Editor


Is there no end to Big Brother’s desire to turn America into a mirror image of China?


An article in Go Erie, revealed how the Feds are classifying parts of cities as “Opportunity Zones” or as I call them “Opportunity Surveillance Zones” (OPS ).


The U.S. Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service are using Opportunity Zones to help law enforcement turn sections of cities into federally funded surveillance zones.


Mayor Joe Schember’s administration is using federal grants to turn Erie, Pennsylvania into an OPS.


“The downtown smart city pilot project was announced in April 2018 and focused on downtown and Perry Square. New LED lighting, video surveillance cameras, and free Wi-Fi were installed in an area encompassing State Street, between Sixth and 12th streets.”


In three years, the city of Erie, Pennsylvania will be transformed into a massive surveillance city equipped with facial recognition cameras, license plate readers and spying public Wi-Fi zones.

Anonymous ID: d8cadc April 6, 2019, 7:52 a.m. No.6071810   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2028

SECOND SEX OFFENDER Participates In ‘Drag Queen Story Time’…”Abused Multiple Children”


The Houston Public Library system is in hot water again for hosting a man who was convicted of “abusing multiple children”. This isn’t the first time this has happened in Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s district.


The lack of screening for participants in the ‘Drag Queen Story Time’ is disturbing because convicted child sex abusers are able to participate in the event. In his case, a background check was allegedly done but it didn’t catch the man’s criminal record because he goes by several names.


If the library had done a more thorough check they would have found that this man “went to jail in 2004 after being convicted of abusing multiple children”.


The Houston Public Library recently hosted William Travis Dees, Fox 26 reports, to read to kids during the Drag Queen Story Time.

Anonymous ID: d8cadc April 6, 2019, 7:55 a.m. No.6071836   🗄️.is 🔗kun

TSA plans to put new lying signs in airports



This sign is a lie.


According to a press release issued today by the Transportation Security Administration, the TSA plans to start posting signs as shown above in airports throughout the USA, claiming that “ID Requirements Are Changing” and that “Beginning Beginning October 1, 2020, you will need a REAL ID compliant license or another acceptable form of ID, such

as a valid passport or U.S. military ID, to fly within the U.S.”


According to today’s TSA press release:


REAL ID-compliant licenses or other acceptable forms of ID, such as a valid passport, federal government PIV card or U.S. military ID, will be mandatory for air travel beginning on October 1, 2020. Critically important, on October 1, 2020, individuals who are unable to verify their identity will not be permitted to enter the TSA checkpoint and will not be allowed to fly.


These signs and this and similar press releases are lies.


This isn’t the first time, and probably won’t be the last, that the TSA and/or DHS have made lying statements, issued lying press releases, or posted lying signs about the REAL-ID Act and ID to fly.