Baal challenges Mot #MAX Symbolic IDsplit
Mot enters thru window & swallows Baal sending him 2 Underworld
there is drought in Baal absence
Anat goes 2 Underworld attacks Mot w knife🆔
grinds🆔 him 2 pieces🆔
& scatters🆔 him far&wide
Swallowed whole is Nature allegory for food chain mortal vs immortal
Dragon is personification of a impossible natural opponent. An immortal man is a Dragon{born} relative to even a hundred mortals{NEOvsSmiths/CaerbannogVSarthurKnights/LeelooVSMangalores}. No matter the odds{underdog}, the immortal{ManOfSteel} will persevere.
Scattered with Knife, is False idol ID splitting, even the cross + looks like a compass. Only way to kill an immortal is to make sure he doesn't know it{{Orion Scorpion}He-man/RA-man/She-RA}.
Now you know why Smaug the Impenetrable "talks" in LOTR, it's King Christ alive and well, in eXile under a mountain of fantasy disbelief.
Sample from LIGHT2dark source thread:
MAXIMUM equips SwordOfOmens
MAXIMUM disappears Invisible
King Under the Mountain, Lord Smaug
Smaug the Golden{PrimeDNA}
Smaug the Impenetrable{immortal}
Smaug the Terrible{awesome}
The Dragon Dread{trueKing}
Presumably (though not certainly) bred in Angband with the other fire-drakes in the late First Age{ancient}
DEATH November 1, TA 2941{future}
REALMS Lonely Mountain{eXile}
Ring-bearer{PrimeDNA}{control Ouroborous instead of phallic Mastersword}{bQrn this way}
Burglar{hidden eXile shadow NotTall}
The Fly who Stings the Spider{immortal}
Mithril = immortal
Golem is a plain sight Atomaton/Wood/Clay/Flesh{stone}for holding the Ring{sword/phallus}in eXile, it grants immortality
Once you wear the ring and claim King, no one believes you and you're invisible and see the dark world around you obfuscation your identity and mocking your life.
Lord of the Rings 𐤈
NEO Ring to Rule them All
ONE Phallus Source DNA antiDarwin
Ancient Genetic Savior{maleLeeloo}
MAXIMUM unequip PhallusOfKing
MAXIMUM appears inWTF8ch!?