>>6072850 lb
Yeah I know. It's great fun. #HopeThat#MeTooStuffDoesntSeverelyEffectYourBottomLine.
>>6072850 lb
Yeah I know. It's great fun. #HopeThat#MeTooStuffDoesntSeverelyEffectYourBottomLine.
Don't let (((their))) 4am calls knock us out of #1spot. They are #Panicking
Kek scandal free
I wonder what it was like growing up in the Biden house hold…. #GrowingUpBiden monsters are created IMHO.
Look guys my dad didn't kill this one!!!!!
April showers.
Man had his flaws but was still a fucking hero. He tried, that's all I care about.
Kek probably right
I will always show my respects.
Hope your getting paid well. Selling out your country is treason you know….