Anonymous ID: ad8688 April 6, 2019, 2:17 p.m. No.6075885   🗄️.is 🔗kun


He has no other way to get the message out.

Since the regular "newsmen" twist everything he says, demean him 24 /7 - been doing it for 3 years, and don't report his successes.

They black-out his sucesses. So what is he supposed to do. Keep Quiet.

That's what they expect. They bully to keep you quiet.

You can see it on this board with those who are paid to be here

Hi Doug.


Back to the subject of the Wall.

He's gotta close it down before he moves forward. It will happen.

Those eho don't believe it are the same as those who claim he's an idiot, who claim he lies, who claim he would never win, who claim he's doomed in 2020

What are they so agitated about?

It's hilarious.

I think I'll pour a glass of wine and toast to President Donald J. Trump of the United States who made my life way better than i could ever have imagined it could be thorough his sacrifice of his beautiful life-style, his hard work, stamina, toleration, intelligence, business acumen, and desire for Justice.

We will see it , Anons!

but even if we don't

"it would've been enough" as they say.

He's got to close the border.

They [ the cabal] need their money flow shut off.