Anonymous ID: b3f032 April 6, 2019, 2:30 p.m. No.6076008   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Article from last year with bracket ideas for dem candidates

The idea is that candidates within the same region can be considered as running in the same lane, competing for the same voter preferences.

The Progressives region consists of eight Democratic senators with presidential ambitions who could claim to represent the left-most wing of the party.

The Washington Dems region contains eight current and former political insiders who, while not always moderate in their political views, provide an alternative to the popular progressive-senator-running-for-president archetype.

The State Execs region takes us to our first “outsider” candidates who don’t have an office in Washington, DC. Four current governors and four former or current mayors make up a region of candidates who can distance themselves from the chaos in Washington while claiming the political experience that candidate Trump didn’t have.

The Celebs region acknowledges the reality that, after Trump, anyone can run for president. These are eight business or media personalities who could follow in Trump’s footsteps.

For an objective count of current popularity, I’ve seeded each candidate according to their Twitter follower count. The more followers, the better the seed.


Using the bracket, there are 65,536 possible ways the primaries could turn out. This assumes, of course, that all of these — and only these — 32 candidates actually run for president. Regardless, we’ll luckily only have to live through this once.

My Bracket and Region-by-Region Notable Matchups