Anonymous ID: cf472f April 6, 2019, 1:17 p.m. No.6075261   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5312 >>5506

IDF General: Israel Behind Coup That Installed Al-Sisi Dictatorship in Egypt


Brigadier General Aryeh Eldad of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has claimed that Israel was behind the 2013 military coup that ousted Mohammed Morsi, Egypt’s first democratically elected president. Eldad made the claim in an article published in the Israeli newspaper Maariv.


In the article, Eldad asserted:


"The outbreak of the January revolution coincided with the Israeli security assessment that President-elect Mohamed Morsi, a Muslim Brotherhood man, intended to cancel the peace agreement with Israel and send more Egyptian military forces to the Sinai Peninsula."

Anonymous ID: cf472f April 6, 2019, 1:19 p.m. No.6075281   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5523 >>5556 >>5589

U.S. Admits It Cannot Attack Venezuela – Confirmed S-300 Anti-Air Systems


The U.S State Department special operator for Venezuela, Elliot Abrams, has revealed that Venezuela is already in possession numerous highly effective S-300 (Antey 2500 version) systems. This makes a military campaign against Venezuela highly unlikely, given the high-importance of air-cover for any boots on the ground, and the high effectiveness of the S-300 system. It also explains the decision of OAS member states Columbia and Brazil not to resort to military intervention against the Bolivarian Republic – a jungle war without air-cover would be extraordinarily costly in terms of casualties and the resulting social and political unrest. While the U.S military has known of this, until Abrams statement today there was a reluctance to report the problems posed by this, amid Trump’s war-drums surrounding his alleged ‘all options’ approach to Venezuela.


Previously, FRN relayed a report from a private Israeli satellite giving the locations of the S-300 systems then believed to be in movement to strategic locations. While the source was questionable regarding alleged piece movement, it led to some confusion as to whether Venezuela indeed possessed the systems at all.


See Elliot’s Presentation Here


CSS analysts are of the opinion that the U.S military’s knowledge of Venezuela’s relatively advanced anti-air capacities are one of the factors behind the now infamous Abrams confession that the U.S has no plans to ply a thorough military campaign against the Bolivarian socialist nation.


In short Venezuela has at least six systems now operating, each system can target nearly 25 advanced fighters or attack planes simultaneously. This means that the Venezuelan anti-air forces could target 150 U.S fighters, bombers, attack planes, and even ballistic missiles simultaneously. With a hit rate of about 85%-90%, the U.S could expect to lose upwards of 130 planes in a sortie unless the SAM systems were overwhelmed. However, the U.S possesses about 1800 fighters and attack planes in its entire arsenal; many of these are deployed around the world and could not be used all to attack Venezuela, for numerous reasons including vulnerability and logistics.–confirmed-s300-antiair.html


Abrams full report here:


Special Representative for Venezuela addresses reporters in the Press Briefing Room

Anonymous ID: cf472f April 6, 2019, 1:21 p.m. No.6075298   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5302

Trump to make case for Jewish voters to back 2020 bid


US president to speak at meeting of Republican Jewish Coalition, which is preparing to spend millions on his campaign; speech comes weeks after he suggested Democrats ‘hate’ Jews


US President Donald Trump is trying to make the case for Jewish voters to back his re-election, as he takes a victory lap with Republican donors in Las Vegas.


Trump was scheduled to speak Saturday at the annual meeting of the Republican Jewish Coalition, which supported his 2016 campaign and is preparing to spend millions on his 2020 effort.


Jewish voters in the United States have traditionally sided heavily with Democrats, but Republicans are hoping to narrow the gap next year, in part as Trump cites actions that he says show he’s more pro-Israel.

Anonymous ID: cf472f April 6, 2019, 1:22 p.m. No.6075311   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why Israel Is Seen on Campus, in Both Europe and the US, as Treating the United Nations with Total Contempt


Because no other claimed democratic government:


  1. Kills unarmed protestors, including students, as an everyday alleged security operation and imprisons thousands of dissidents, including teenagers, without trial


  1. Imposes a inhumane blockade of essential goods upon 2 million civilians in an illegal effort to produce a regime change in an entire population by denying it adequate electricity and water, medical, food and building supplies – for more than 10 years with the result that an entire people are now predominately unemployed, with inadequate food and water, no jobs and no future – all this under the transparent pretext of ‘arms control’


  1. Treats over 20% of its own people as second-class citizens with restricted civil rights purely because of their ethnicity


  1. Refuses to allow UN inspectors from the IAEA to inspect its undeclared nuclear weapon stores, now estimated to contain up to 400 warheads in secret underground bunkers


  1. Refuses to be a party to the nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty, the Chemical Weapons or the Biological Weapons Conventions (CWC/ BWC)


  1. Refuses to comply with UN Security Council Resolution 2334 that demands its withdrawal from all Occupied Territories including the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, or with UNSCR 497 which stipulates that Israel’s ‘decision to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration in the Occupied Golan Heights is null and void and without international legal effect.’ Consequently, US President Trump’s recent decision, in collusion with AIPAC the Zionist lobby, regarding the Golan Heights is a violation of international law and a threat to global peace.


  1. Refusal to comply with the U N Resolution that requires Jerusalem to be an ‘international city’ with free and unfettered access to all faiths. UN Security Council Resolution 476, adopted on 30 June 1980 declared that ‘Israel’s actions as an occupying power in altering the status of the Holy City of Jerusalem have no legal validity and constitute a flagrant violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention.’


  1. Is an indiscriminate supplier of arms and military equipment to regimes around the world


  1. Is the head of an international lobby whose agenda is to influence legislative assemblies in both the US and Europe


  1. Is the one state in the world seen as capable and willing to unleash weapons of mass destruction upon the world in support of its agenda for a ‘Greater Israel’ to encompass, in due course, all the land from the Mediterranean to the River Jordan and eventually from the Nile to the Euphrates in order to fulfil a biblical prophecy


It is generally acknowledged that this is where the spark will be lit that will likely engulf us all in nuclear war, in the foreseeable future, and is not difficult to comprehend the consequent increase in antisemitism worldwide – albeit that the majority of World Jewry do not live in Israel and, whilst acknowledging it as a Jewish homeland, disassociate themselves completely from its policy of ethnic cleansing and illegal settlement in the Occupied Territories.


Tragically, however, the government of the state of Israel cares nothing for the welfare and security of the 8 million strong Jewish Diaspora or that its policies endanger all Jews everywhere: in America, France, Britain and around the world. Israel’s Right-wing, illegal expansionism is now fast becoming both a threat and a tragedy of serious proportions.

Anonymous ID: cf472f April 6, 2019, 1:30 p.m. No.6075365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5464 >>5504 >>5609 >>5632 >>5996

What is Gillibrand hiding about her relationship with NXIVM sex cult?


What’s she hiding?


Thus far, New York State Senator and Presidential candidate Kirsten Gillibrand has chosen to go with a fairly innocuous, “I never heard of that group” response whenever she’s been asked about the NXIVM sex cult.


It was Frank Report that first broke the story about ties between NXIVM and Gillibrand.


Our original reporting was motivated by Gillibrand’s claim that then-President Bill Clinton should have resigned over the Monica Lewinsky scandal.


At that time, we simply summarized what we knew about the involvement of her father, Doug Rutnik, with NXIVM – and asked that she hold hearings “about whether law enforcement on the federal level should conduct a serious investigation (into NXIVM)”.


No such hearings were ever held.


We followed up with a second story that provided more details of Doug Rutnik’s work for the NXIVM cult – and a copy of the “Settlement Agreement” he entered into with them back on June 29, 2006.


In addition to being sued by NXIVM itself, Rutnik had also been sued by several of the High-Rank members of the cult. Those included Alex Betancourt, Edgar Boone, Barbara Bouchey, Clare and Sara Bronfman, the late Pamela Cafritz, and Nancy Salzman.


In that same story, we also reported that NXIVM had stiffed the law firm that represented it in its lawsuit against Rutnik – and ended up having a $974,000 judgment against it awarded to the Proskauer Rose law firm.


The allegations in the suit were that Rutnik had not delivered on promised consulting services for which he was paid $25,000 per month and that he had sexually harassed Nxivm president Nancy Salzman. Rutnik settled the lawsuit by paying Nxivm $100,000, the sum total of his four month’s of consulting fees.