Anonymous ID: f9df71 April 6, 2019, 1:30 p.m. No.6075375   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fresh off the presses…


MAGA Glowalition shows their hand!

Highlights include:

-Knowing and working with Freddy

-They spam the boards with and without Freddy

-The stuff they spam is the stuff they use to slander us and Q.

-They admit that their beef isn't with Q, it's with the paytriots, but they're blaming Q anyway.

-Doug Stewart… Freddy/CA_J… Glen and Adam of MAGA Glowalition… they all work together.

-They aren't the original MAGA Coalition people.

-The only issues they cite that they have with us are all paytriot and shill related.

-They try to claim that we spam their chats during their videos, but offer no evidence and I've never seen any.

-They continually try to conflate the actions of the Paytriots with Q and the Anons

-They try to make themselves out to be the victims of whomever they go after… even though they go after everyone.

-It's basically one leftist tactic over and over again.

-Glen, the bald one, is admittedly a paid political operative.

-If you wanted to know where some of the shill money wasn't coming from, it's not all Soros. It's also Ginger McQueen. What do they use the money for, besides shilling here all day and night?


Just to make something clear… it's not the entirety of the group that feels this way. Mostly just folks like Glen, Adam, Doug, and Ginger who are trying to steer anyone who follows them against Q and against looking into all the false flags and obvious fuckery. They really push the official narrative on things.