Anonymous ID: 015cf2 April 6, 2019, 3:19 p.m. No.6076629   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Take a step back anon, look at the 44,000 ft view (in honor of your dubs). Anyone looking at the US right now would think it is a country that doesn't care about its borders, hates its president, has uncontrolled gun violence, and on and on.

They're only now finding out about manufactured collusion scandals, manufactured white supremicist hate crimes (and unequal protection under the law), the true scale of the border crisis. How long has that taken?

Is it so hard to believe that your view of other countries has been manipulated for a very long time by those interests seeking to divide people?

Divide and conquer is the rule. Be divided and be vanquished is the consequence.