Anonymous ID: 0cd0a5 April 6, 2019, 2:45 p.m. No.6076168   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6405 >>6428 >>6790

Libya Haftar dig


The takeover in Libya is being run by Israel Haftar is a mossad asset.


From 2017:


Israel’s Mossad Replaces CIA as Handler of Libyan Strongman Khalifa Haftar

Yet, despite recent reports establishing Israel as a supplier of war materiel and air power support to LNA-Haftar, there has not been a peep from either the United Nations or the Western media outlets. Here are a few excerpts from this highly significant revelation:


Khalifa Haftar, the military commander who controls the east of the Libya, has reportedly been receiving Israeli military aid following meetings with Israeli intelligence that were allegedly mediated by the United Arab Emirates.


A high-ranking military source in Haftar's forces told The New Arab on Monday that the controversial UAE-backed military strongman has held secret meetings with the Israeli agents over the past two years. "Coordination between Haftar and Israel has been ongoing, he held talks with Mossad agents in Jordan in 2015 and 2016," the source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity out of fear for his safety, said.


"The meetings, which appear to have been mediated by the UAE, were held in strict secrecy," he said, adding that he has seen documents that reveal Haftar met with Israeli intelligence agents going by the names Ackerman and Mizrachi. The source said that Haftar's self-styled Libyan National Army [LNA] has been provided with Israeli military aid in the form of sniper rifles and night vision equipment.


So now you have the comped Mid East countries who have been bought to heal by Israel and Saudi Arabia.


Libya’s Haftar forces targeted by airstrike as they march for capital Tripoli

Forces of the so-called Libyan National Army (LNA), led by Libya’s strongman Khalifa Haftar, say they have been targeted by an airstrike south of Tripoli, as they are pushing forward to seize the capital reportedly with support from the United Arab Emirtes, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt. “Egypt and the UAE supplied Haftar with arms and heavy equipment… Haftar is also using militias from Chad and the Sudanese opposition," Libyan Brigadier General Mohammad Al-Qunidi, who is chief of the military intelligence loyal to Sarraaj, has said, noting, “The three Arab countries support Haftar’s militias in order to create a new Sisi in Libya,” referring to Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi.


Russia see this for what it is:




Russia disowns Libya’s General Haftar

Russia has announced that it does not support Libyan General Khalifa Haftar in his battle to control Tripoli, in the west of Libya.


Spokesman for the Russian Kremlin, Demetri Peskov, told journalists yesterday that Russia does not support those forces in the east of Libya, which are led by General Haftar in his battle to control Tripoli, adding: “We do not have any part in this battle.”


Haftar has recently started moving his troops towards Tripoli, claiming he wants to gain control of the city for the “dignity” of Libya. Russian involvement was expected because of Haftar’s visit to Russian capital Moscow prior to the start of his military campaign.


Armed groups in Tripoli said they would continue their defence of the country for the sake of martyrs and their families.


"Considering Israel’s track record in the region, from playing both sides to far more nefarious false-flag creation, shouldn’t the international community and the media be paying more attention to the not-so-secret Israeli double-game in and weaponization of Libya than to some manufactured Russia-Gate connection with a far-fetched spillover in Libya?"

Anonymous ID: 0cd0a5 April 6, 2019, 2:49 p.m. No.6076207   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Syria again condemns US, French and British attacks and policies that endanger int’l peace and security


Damascus, SANA-Syria has confirmed that regimes of the United States, Britain and France have encouraged terrorist organizations to use toxic chemical materials in Khan Sheikhoun, Douma, Aleppo and al-Raseef village, north of Hama city.


It is no longer a secret, an official source at Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said, that these countries encouraged terrorist organizations to use toxic chemical materials in Khan Sheikhoun, Douma, Aleppo and recently in the village of al-Raseef north of Hama.


In a statement to SANA Saturday, the source stressed that the statements issued by these countries are intended to cover future chemical weapons use planned by these criminal parties.


The Foreign ministers of regimes of the US, Britain and France are continuing their cheap propaganda and their falling policies to dispel suspicions regarding the support provided by them to their terrorist tools, which have been used to kill and wreak havoc in Syria for achieving these states’ goals in dominating the Arab region and subjugating it to their colonial policies, the source said.


Weapons and large sums of money provided by these states to the terrorist groups, the source added, including millions of dollars, which have recently been provided to the so called “White Helmets” organization, the main arm of all crimes of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organization, are the biggest proof on the blatant lying practiced by these countries and their foreign ministers.


The source stressed that these countries, which used chemical weapons in their former colonies and against peoples who fought for their freedom, sovereignty and independence, have no moral capacity to accuse the Syrian Arab Republic of doing that .


Using the white phosphorous by the US to kill civilians in Deir Ezzor province and destroy Syria’s cities and villages, including Raqqa city, on the heads of civilians posed the biggest evidence on the shameful behavior of these countries, according to the source.


The source stressed that Syria’s accession to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and fulfilling all its obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention were the decisive proof on the credibility of the Syrian approach, which categorically rejects the use of chemical weapons anywhere, anytime and under any circumstance.


Syria reiterates condemnation of the US, France and Britain’s assaults and threats aimed at undermining objectives of the OPCW, and exploiting it for realizing their despicable interests through false claims which experience has proven that they endanger international peace and security, and also threaten the international order created by the States after the Second World War to rescue generations from the hell of wars, the source concluded.

Anonymous ID: 0cd0a5 April 6, 2019, 3:22 p.m. No.6076660   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6668

TRUMP RIPS DEEP STATE: It’s Time “Perpetrators” of Fraudulent Russia Witch Hunt Defend Their “Treasonous” Acts


President Trump on Saturday ripped the Deep State perpetrators of the fraudulent Russia witch hunt in a series of tweets, calling their acts “treasonous.”


TRUMP: Why should I be defending a fraudulent Russian Witch Hunt. It’s about time the perpetrators of this fraud on me and the American People start defending their dishonest and treasonous acts. How and why did this terrible event begin? Never Forget!


Earlier Saturday the President called out “Crooked Hillary” and the DNC, who paid for the phony Russia dossier which was then used to obtain a FISA warrant and three subsequent renewals to spy on Trump campaign advisor Carter Page.


Trump continued his rant by saying, “This Russia hoax must never happen to another President,” adding, “Law enforcement must find out, HOW DID IT START?”

Anonymous ID: 0cd0a5 April 6, 2019, 3:37 p.m. No.6076804   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I'm being blocked from reaching mintpress can someone else try, I suspect they may be exposing things the cabal want hidden.