Anonymous ID: 599805 April 6, 2019, 3:06 p.m. No.6076423   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6435

Anons… read the early Q drop (pic related). All of it.


Then, re-read the yellow, highlighted portion.


Think Robert Mueller.


Marine officer. Taking direct orders from Killary to personally take uranium cake sample to Canada. Fucking hates her. Documents everything.


Grabs Rosenstein (his family also under threat of Arkancide) and sprints into DJT's office in January of '17. Spills his guts. Trump and Q already had intel, but glad he wanted to serve the good guys.


Plan kicks into full swing.


Mueller does EXACTLY what we needed him to do.


Rosenstein wears wire into every single meeting with McCabe, Strzok, Page, etc. whereby they plot to [187] POTUS; putting their puppet, Pence, into place. Pence/Ryan return DS-run gubbermint to business as usual.


Nothing to see here.