Anonymous ID: 629e3b April 6, 2019, 5:18 p.m. No.6077971   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dec 22nd – Jan 25th - Partial Government Shutdown


Feb. 15th - Trump declared National Emergency


March 15th- Trump Vetos


March 26th- House fails to override Veto


This Week- Sending 750 agents down


125,000 released into country since December.

Anonymous ID: 629e3b April 6, 2019, 5:30 p.m. No.6078096   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8100 >>8123



DHS Agent Reveals Ulterior Motives Behind the Illegal Immigrant Invasion-700 DHS Agents Ordered to the Border

April 5, 2019

by Dave Hodges, The Common Sense Show:


By order of Kirsten Nielsen, 700 Homeland Security agents have been immediately been ordered to the border. The order, delivered by email is effective today. The information comes from a long-time and trusted DHS source.


Officially, the duties of the DHS agents are strictly administrative and they are to provide ongoing support to the Border Patrol and to ICE. It sounds like a routine mission on the surface. However, the DHS commanders have instructed their agents to bring every last magazine at their disposal.


What is listed above is benign material that Secretary Nielsen hopes ends up being reported by such media outlets as Fox News. However, upon closer examination, the DHS agent revealed what the agents are preparing to deal in what could become the “Real Mission”.


I was informed that many of the veteran agents are on the lookout for what many have heard rumors about, a dirty bomb. I was also told that the Mexican government has been at minimum negligent and at maximum, complicit, with regard to certain cartel/terrorist groups with regard to obtaining the elements necessary to build a dirty bomb.


The agents are going to be very well-armed because they are aware of the increase in paramilitary groups entering the United States. Many readers will also be familiar with the radio interviews I have done with Kathy Rubio regarding the paramilitary training bases in El Salvador. Much to my amazement, according to this DHS agent, we have similar training bases inside of the United States, not far from the border. Some have been raided. Some are left alone. In one case, a training base in Texas was flying an ISIS flag and DHS was told that they have the right to do so. When the DHS agent told me this story, I felt I was in Humboldt County and the law enforcement personnel were told to stand down in the southern part of the county. This fact, alone, should be very disturbing when read by any American. The culprit in this treason is, or course, Obama.

Is This an Illegal Immigration Invasion or a Plot?

Anonymous ID: 629e3b April 6, 2019, 5:30 p.m. No.6078100   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I was told that the number of illegal immigrants expected to cross the border in April will exceed 100,000. I asked the DHS agent a bold question. Is the immigration invasion going to lead to the need to detain massive amounts of immigrants as becomes impractical to catch and release? Let’s take a look at how well catch and release is working in Del Rio, TX., as an example. The agent told me that 2,000 illegal immigrants were dropped off by ICE in Del Rio. They were left without food or money and the receiving church had no funds to give to them. What do you suppose happened to the local crime rate? Federal agents are being told not get gas in Del Rio, not to eat out either, in short, they are being told that Del Rio is very dangerous. The local crime rate is up an estimated 100%! As this situation unfolds, and at some point in time, the American people are going to demand action to protect the country from desperate people who have neither food nor money.


During Jade Helm 15 and 16, I reported that DHS agents were showing up at federal detention centers and were ordering the release of MS-13 into the general public after being captured. I had two Border Patrol agents tell me that they witnessed these events. The DHS agent I spoke with last night, told me that these “DHS agents” were likely cartel members using fake ID’s. At the same time in Del Rio, TX., I was told that three Border Patrol agents, while at their homes, encountered men wearing Border Patrol and DHS uniforms. They entered the homes, raped the women and children and beat the agents. One agent now has brain damage. This takes the border situation to a whole new level.

Constructing FEMA Camps for Illegal Immigrants


Almost 8 years ago, I had a written communication from KBR regarding the ability of the company to construct a makeshift FEMA camp within 72 hours. The communications were later published on the CSS. What the spokesperson told me was the camps would be meant for illegal aliens. I did not believe him. However, I do now. Yet, the real purpose of any future camps will be fraught with deception and hidden motives.


I believe it is entirely possible to build FEMA camps in the near future will be built to handle the massive amounts of immigrants. However, I believe that a future administration will indeed release these illegal immigrants. And then the real purpose for these camps will become known. Many believe that the present illegal alien invasion is a plot to overwhelm America forcing the construction of FEMA camps to deal with the crisis. However, this is a Trojan Horse. The objective is to get the FEMA camps built without arousing suspicion among millions of conservatives. Then, the real fun will begin following the release of illegal immigrants. The DHS agent agreed that this is certainly one of the major options that is likely in play.

Anonymous ID: 629e3b April 6, 2019, 5:56 p.m. No.6078391   🗄️.is 🔗kun

MS-13 Gang Epidemic Tests Obama's Amnesty Excuse





Border: Recent busts of murderous MS-13 gangsters put the lie to President Obama's sympathetic amnesty narrative of illegal immigrants as "workers who mow our lawns, make our beds (and) clean out bedpans."


Authorities Wednesday rounded up 37 MS-13 gang members in Charlotte, N.C., on racketeering conspiracy charges, along with charges of murder, attempted murder and firearms violations. All of them are illegal aliens from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala. Several are round-trippers — illegals who broke in once, committed crimes, got deported and broke back into the U.S. — proving that our border is porous and unsecured.


Charlotte police discovered the rat's nest of foreign gangsters after some of them started shooting up local nightclubs and bars.


Reading the indictment, much of the money these immigrant hoods raise from illegal gang activity is wired back to El Salvador to arrange for even more gangsters to come across the border.


The funds are wired back to Central America through remittances that Obama has made cheaper and easier for illegals to send through new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau rules on banks.


"The alleged MS-13 gang members have committed numerous violent crimes, including armed robberies, assaults, and murders, for the benefit of the criminal enterprise," prosecutors said in a statement.


The catalog of their alleged crimes runs 17 pages in the indictment. Several pages list suspected gang members charged with "illegal re-entry by an aggravated felon," or entering the U.S. illegally after they had already been deported.


It's not immediately clear if any of the suspects had been given amnesty under Obama's DACA executive order for younger illegal immigrants.


But the busts come on the heels of the deferred deportation the Obama administration granted to vicious Charlotte gangster Emmanuel Jesus Rangel-Hernandez.


Rangel-Hernandez, 19, was placed in the removal process in March 2012, following drug charges, but was shielded from removal by the administration even though it knew of his gang membership. He is now charged with the murders of four Charlotte residents, including former "America's Next Top Model" contestant Mirjana Puhar.


Meanwhile, authorities busted a reputed MS-13 gang member wanted for execution-style murders in New York. Police in Atlanta on Tuesday arrested 22-year-old Arnolvin Umanzor Velasquez, charging him and two co-defendants — Edwin Acosta-Martinez and Sergio Cerna — with three murders, four attempted murders and multiple racketeering offenses.


All three suspects were members of MS-13.


These same illegal immigrant thugs are terrorizing Los Angeles, Chicago and even the nation's capital. Hundreds have been arrested in Los Angeles within the last two years. MS-13 originated in Los Angeles and has spread to states across the country.


There are more than 6,000 already in the U.S. illegally, and dozens more are coming across the border daily. And though they routinely commit crimes, immigration officers don't kick them out of the country. That's because our president has told ICE to stand down.


Arrests of immigrant gang members under Obama peaked in 2012, then dropped by more than 25% in 2013 and continued to decline in 2014, according to arrest records released by ICE in response to a Center for Immigration Studies FOIA request.


Clearly, even violent gang members are not a high priority for enforcement. These are the beneficiaries of Obama's executive amnesty program.


Obama makes it seem as if all illegals in the U.S. are hard-working and honest laborers seeking a better life, when in fact many of them are murderous thugs who are building a criminal network spanning both coasts.


His rationale for granting them amnesty is a terrible falsehood and a threat to homeland security.