Regarding the shills. Why are we here? The answer varies. Some are here to do research, some chat, some come here to be entertained, and some to shill. Q chose 8ch for a reason. Shills are absolutely necessary here and Q's research and comms are a lot better off with them then without them. What benefits to the shills provide?
Shills piss off a lot of less committed Anons enough to leave, i.e. weeding out good intentioned but week minded and/or unproductive Anons.
Shills dilute the comms here with just enough shit to obscure high level intelligence communications. High functioning intel assets can carry on conversations with Q or MI with very little interference or risk of detection because there is too much noise.
Finally, shills teach us to measure and control our emotions and to think logically rather than wasting our time getting angry or upset at all the fucking retards here.