Interesting Editorial: How Trump’s presidency has changed the Democratic Party
Even though I am not a Trump supporter, I believe it is only fair to criticize him when I disapprove of his policies while giving him credit when I believe he’s right.
For over two years, resisting Trump has been a moral imperative, an all-consuming preoccupation, an aberration that violates every constitutional and civic norm of American life. There’s no doubt that Trump’s election would forever transform the Republican Party; however, no institution would be changed by Trump’s victory quite like the Democratic Party.
From day one of his presidency, he advocated conservative policies such as tax cuts and boarder security, resulting in every Democratic response being marked by hysterical and apocalyptic rhetoric.
Democrats are using their anti-Trumpism as a cover to adapt an array of once unfathomable positions. It’s significant that Democrats have decided to transform Washington into one giant stage to air the evils of Trump. If the Democrats take the next step and seek to impeach him, the drama will proliferate for months.
Democrats have a long tradition of wanting to reduce the right of the individual and increase federal control over nearly every aspect of our lives. President Trump has caused the Democratic Party to take a sharp left turn. Socialism used to be a dirty word in our politics, but not anymore.
All the Democratic contenders for the 2020 presidential election are jumping on the bandwagon of socialism. Nearly every Democratic Party presidential hopeful supports the Green New Deal. . It would be the biggest effective tax hike in the history of the world.
The struggle with Trump defines Democrats. Their goal is to remove him from office or make him unelectable in 2020. The Democrats are obsessed with Trump. Almost all political columnists have been affected.
Donald Trump is an entertaining speaker and a resourceful politician. He was a wise enough to grab the re-election theme of combating the threat of socialism from the architect of the Green New Deal democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
How could the modern Democratic Party be so out of touch with the American people? They have wandered so far to the left with a socialist agenda that Trump may easily win a second term.
The new Democratic Party in its attempt to destroy Trump will stop at nothing to achieve greater federal control over energy, healthcare, income, human life, Electoral College and political speech. Socialism is a form of totalitarianism and the American public will not accept it.
Bill Sarnak
Harding, PA