Ty, baker
>>6079026 (lb)
Nailed it.
In terms of military tactics, you can look at Trump's success and favor as a resource which is also being utilized. It's not being banked to save for a legacy, although a legacy he will have. No, the resource is being spent by the pro-Israel politics and rhetoric.
I wonder, Republicans that don't know about Q have to be at least questioning why Trump is so pro-Israel while standing on an America First platform.
He's too far ahead for it to do damage to himself in a lasting way. And currently, he's deflecting any negative perception toward the Democrats as being Anti-semite, a word that still holds power over normies.
So it's like, Trump is leading them through the, "This is how we're supposed to play when Israel is a topic." It's the only time Trump is being anything resembling politically correct which has to draw some kind of negative perception even if it isn't understood.
Uniting the rest of the world against Israel by drawing them close to us, yes that seems to be the intent of the pro-Israel stuff.
Trump even plays a little dumb when speaking to Conservative Jews. "Generals always say attack downhill."
"Uh, right, Trump. But America first? Right?"
Bunch of relevant quotes to illustrate my point. Like he made the deal on Golan Heights without any forward planning, without trying to gain favor. He just did it to make good relations in the present moment. Makes him look quite innocent.
Q team knows exactly how normies think and how they'll react. They probably know the same for us too.
It's all planned.
Part of Patriots being in Control again means reprogramming a century of Jewish influence on our social psychology and our own understanding of it which has shaped ideologies in support of perversions and opposite morale standings.
We won't have a healthy economy until the fed is ended and we're back on the gold standard without Usury.
However, many life conditions have been altered due to simply reversing the destructive policies of the Cabal.
"Doing it better" than Obama is Trump's game for gaining so much popularity and support.
You're telling me people line up by the tens of thousands for the rallies because they're paid to and they're not stoked by the changes?
He was obviously stressed by his periodic shouting of the word "Nigger" at shills.
Which I totally support, by the way.
Fucking awesome, dude.
I never got past the mech fight.
Didn't try that hard.
Got a new comp about that time.