Hello Anon,
a Question for all anon
does anyone have a succint explanation about BO and what the future holds for making sure that rouge bakers don't make it hell here again?
His photos aren't horrible. It's just that he's in them.
I figured out that the bad shills who use the same images really do use the exact same images.
adblock as well as filter makes the breads extra tastey.
no more hateful antihuman memes. (well not as many).
wow they have advanced rendering and can draw buildings . . . we have to build them just as they show them now.
There in the middle of the ocean but there aren't any waves. Ya, that's how it is.
Why don't they do this in London?
things will need to be specified as pieces, like svg or xhtml, and then if they object to a part of it, they ought to be allowed to only block that piece, and the rest of the graphic should pass through without censorship.
And so if something is declared, for example, Cartel image, then only the cartel image part would be removed.
the rest of the graphic would pass or they would be violating free speech and freedom of expression.
The genie is out of the bottle.
they can't rule all images
they can't act like they are still the Kangs.
the honey pot of DNS lured them into a false sense of rulership.
they were too stupid to understand that DNS is a thin layer, and not even a necessary one if people have different methods.
and so they tried to get it as theirs, not understanding that their covetousness outted them as the control freak creeps that they are.
They can't put the genie back in the bottle.
they opened up the pandoras box by trying to rule all content and censor everyone.
now they will be swept into the dust bin of history and all their image libaries will be put in the public domain. (a prayer)