Probably because they’re both poison for the Democratic Party
We need a graduated income tax that moves higher than 50% for incomes over $5 million and some kind of wealth tax on fortunes over $50 million. Thst kind of wealth just concentrates power and creates the controlled society we are suffering under.
Time is drawing near now
What benefit has schwarzman provided our society? He levers up companies, offshores jobs, and when he loses, the company goes bust, all stakeholders get wiped out, when he wins, alll the upside flows to him, it’s a ridiculous heads I win, tails you lose system thst is fundamentally unfair and it’s shelf life in a democracy is measured in decades. That’s why the Jews are so good at picking up sticks and moving their wealth to the next host nation when the locals have finally had enough.
Left like Steve Bannon, Pat Buchanan, Edmund Burke, etc, yeah guilty.
I used to agree with what you think, but I’ve seen the inequality issue as enabling elite control which allows for our predicament.
Toothy hot
Theoretically perhaps, in practice it’s about the rich using their money in a free society to get the results they want, and controlling thst is very difficult