As far as that FISA goes the spooks will make fake social media profiles of foreigners and if you so much as respond to them and say 'fuck off' then you technically spoke to a foreigner so the deep state can spy on you legally.
As far as that FISA goes the spooks will make fake social media profiles of foreigners and if you so much as respond to them and say 'fuck off' then you technically spoke to a foreigner so the deep state can spy on you legally.
If you answer a telemarketer phone call from a fake or spoofed number (unbeknownst to you) from a foreigner or fake social media profile of a foreigner and tell them to fuck off then technically you spoke to a foreigner and deep state can spy on you.
Beware of weaving spiders!!!
Democrats use the gov and taxpayer money to go after republicans especially republican activists or effective voices that are pro liberty.
They twist the laws to their own ends.
They want to destroy those who love Liberty and not Moloch
Yeah and he could of proxied his voip off any xyz country and all it has to do it look like such on paper and that's probably good enough for the FISA court..
I bet they could get a endless spy warrant on anyone if they wanted.
All a bad actor would probably have to do is proxy a call or message from a foreign ip address or phone number and they could use that information to tell a judge to get a FISA warrant
Who meets at Bohemian Grove?
Lol not like a bunch of fags gather round a big ass owl and sing kumbaya while an effigy of a human is burned alive..