Have anons scoped out this previous notable? Heres the site - https://shepardessoffire.home.blog
I’m a simple carpenter so it’s above my paygrade but I’m curious to hear other fags’ prospectives on this.
From the fag
“Background: I work in Emergency and Disaster Management call me EMFag. I do not work for the Federal gov, nor do I work for a state or county. I work in the Healthcare sector – and on the bad day we must still provide healthcare. I help design, create, plan, test, and train the processes and procedures that we activate and operationalize when our resources are exceeded. I pay attention to things like earthquake activity. In late 2017 and 2018 I noticed a pattern: There were a LOT of earthquakes crossing my phone app at 6.2 miles or 10Km deep.
That’s where the rabbit hole starts. Are you ready to DIG Anons??? I challenge every single one of you magnificent bastards, to shred what I have done, prove it for yourselves, AND FIND THE TRUTH! And with it, our future.
Take it apart, dig MOAR, find my mistakes and go get the right dots! BUILD on what I have started. I will break everything down as I did it, so you can recreate it for yourself. I’ll offer you all my thoughts including all the caveats and sketchy intuitive leaps. I will clearly state gaps, because we need to close those gaps and I am frankly begging you for your help! I cannot do it alone. I don’t have all the subject matter expertise necessary to do it. Engineeringfags, SpageFags, MagnetFags, SolarWeatherFags, EarthquakeFags… this is your call to stand up and DIG… I will be as clear as I can be where things need to be fleshed things out, where it is YOUR opportunity to change everything! D I G. Connect the dots. As God is my witness… these words are the truth. I have been inspired, then guided. Now I am asking for your help.
I offer it all in the Name of God. I offer it in a spirit of KEK, and love for all of you! #WWG1WGA Frens – this rabbit hole is where our FUTURE is. With this, we WILL change the world. This is the primer for what is coming. This is how it all works….
Moar here - https://shepardessoffire.home.blog
Wait for the dough u giant fucking faggots