Anonymous ID: 6d854f April 7, 2019, 10:22 a.m. No.6085522   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5588 >>5870 >>6139 >>6216

Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, said Sunday Dreamers, children of immigrants brought into the country illegally, should get legal status. "Well, it's been put in place by President Obama and I believe we have a responsibility to fulfill what is a presidential pledge and commitment. So that's in the past. I would provide legal status for those Dreamers in the country," Romney said on NBC's "Meet the Press," referring to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program that shields these individuals from deportation. "That's something the president's put on the table. I think we should get that job done, and hope, we will get that done," he added.


This is an adjustment from his earlier stance. Romney previously said that he personally opposed letting the Dreamers stay, but that the issue had already been decided. "My view was that these DACA kids shouldn’t all be allowed to stay in the country illegally, but President [Obama] and both parties said, ‘No, we’re going to let the 1.8 million stay in the country and give them legal residence, legal status.’ That was not my posture,"''' he said at an event in Utah last year.


Trump has supported the idea of extending protections for "DACA" recipients. Earlier this year he proposed a three-year extension of the program in exchange for border wall funding. Romney, who called immigration a "winning issue" for Republicans also said Sunday he supports President Trump on getting a wall built between the United States and Mexico. "Overall we need to complete the border fence. We need to have a system that keeps people from getting jobs here if they're here illegally. And that's an E-Verify system. And then we've got to deal with this asylum issue that's really overwhelming our system.”

Anonymous ID: 6d854f April 7, 2019, 10:28 a.m. No.6085580   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5631 >>5662 >>5870 >>6139

Romney calls on Trump release tax returns


Sen. Mitt Romney R-Utah, said Sunday that President Trump ought to release his tax returns but also noted it was "moronic" for congressional Democrats to try to force him to comply. “I'd like the president to follow through and show his tax returns. He said he would, I think it was on the 'Today' show, he said he would be happy to release his returns. So I wish he'd do that. But I have to also tell you, I think the Democrats are just playing along his handbook, which is going after his tax returns through a legislative action is moronic," Romney, who has long called for Trump to release the forms, told NBC's "Meet the Press." This was overreach on the Democrats' part, he said. "That's not going to happen. The courts are not going to say that you can compel a person running for office to release their tax returns. So he's going to win this victory. He wins them time after time," Romney added.


The House Ways and Means Committee submitted a request for Trump’s tax returns on Wednesday. Trump reacted to the news by repeating that he is under audit and that "until such time as I'm not under audit, I would not be inclined to" cooperate with the request. Romney said the Democrats are going too far on several fronts, citing the environmentalist Green New Deal proposal and efforts to go beyond the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. "These things are just nonstarters and I think the Democratic Party is finding itself in a real difficult position with those kinds of positions," he said.

Anonymous ID: 6d854f April 7, 2019, 10:33 a.m. No.6085632   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5711

Bernie Sanders: Term limits 'are undemocratic'


MUSCATINE, IOWA — Sen. Bernie Sanders said he opposed setting term limits for members of Congress and reiterated his support for public funding of elections as a mechanism to challenge incumbents. His remarks came after an audience question asking if the Vermont senator would sponsor a bill forcing incumbent lawmakers to retire after a set number of election cycles. "No, because term limits are basically undemocratic. You got term limits right now, and that is throw out the people you don't like. What happens if you have someone you like?" Sanders said. "I think term limits are undemocratic because people won't be able to vote for people they like."


Instead, Sanders, 77, said overturning Citizens United and signing a bill that allows public funding for congressional elections would allow the average person to run for office without being beholden by special interests. Sanders, who unsuccessfully ran for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination in 2016 against Hillary Clinton, previously suggested that he would back a modified effort to create term limits for Supreme Court judges. "What may make sense is, if not term limits, then rotating judges to the appeals court as well," Sanders said at the We the People Summit on April 1. "Letting them get out of the Supreme Court and bringing in new blood."


Sanders has served in Congress since 1990, where he first served as a representative for Vermont's second district. He was elected to the Senate as an Independent in 2006 and is serving his third term. Sanders has long been skeptical of term limits, in 1995 he spoke on the House floor against a proposal that would force lawmakers to retire after six years. "The problem with American politics is not that we can't force out every member of Congress after six years," Sanders said. Sanders has served in Congress since the early 1990s.

Anonymous ID: 6d854f April 7, 2019, 10:54 a.m. No.6085849   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I was just getting ready to post that story, when I saw your post, Kek!




Indeed..lets do that! Wide Open Full Frontal Information…of their conspiracy…This would certainly send people running down the streets!

Anonymous ID: 6d854f April 7, 2019, 11:05 a.m. No.6085950   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6055

UK Novichok victim told all would have died if Russia was behind Salisbury attack


LONDON (Reuters) - A British man whose partner died after being exposed to nerve agent Novichok was told by Russia’s ambassador that Moscow could not have been behind the attacks because they would have “killed everyone”, he told the Sunday Mirror newspaper.


Charlie Rowley, who was also exposed to Novichok after coming across a perfume bottle contaminated with the nerve agent last year, met Russian Ambassador Alexander Yakovenko on Saturday to ask him why Moscow had killed his girlfriend. “But I didn’t really get any answers. I just got Russian propaganda,” Rowley told the Mirror. “The ambassador kept saying the substance definitely wasn’t the Novichok they had made because if it was, it would have killed everyone.” The embassy said in a statement Moscow still wanted a transparent investigation into the March 4, 2018 attacks in the English city of Salisbury but accused the British authorities of “hiding the circumstances of the incident”.


Last year, British prosecutors identified two Russians they said were operating under aliases - Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov - whom they accused of trying to murder former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter with a military-grade nerve agent. Dawn Sturgess, Rowley’s partner, died in July. Britain charged the two men in absentia with attempted murder and said the suspects were military intelligence officers almost certainly acting on orders from high up in the Russian state. Russia has denied any involvement in the poisonings.

Anonymous ID: 6d854f April 7, 2019, 11:14 a.m. No.6086039   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rwanda honors those killed in genocide 25 years ago


KIGALI (Reuters) - Rwandan President Paul Kagame began a week of solemn ceremonies on Sunday to commemorate the lives of 800,000 Tutsi and moderate Hutus murdered during the Rwandan genocide, a three-month-killing spree that began 25 years ago.


Kagame laid a wreath at the Gisozi genocide memorial site, where over a quarter a million of people are buried, before the government began an afternoon of speeches and song. “There is no way to fully comprehend the loneliness and anger of survivors and yet over and over again we have asked them to make the sacrifices necessary to give our nation new life. Emotions had to be put in a box,” Kagame said, his tall, thin form projected onto television screens around the nation. “We are far better Rwandans than we were. But we can be even better still. We are the last people in the world who should succumb to complacency.”


The 100 days of slaughter began on April 6, 1994, after President Juvenal Habyarimana and his counterpart Cyprien Ntaryamira of Burundi — both Hutus — were killed when their plane was shot down over the Rwandan capital. The attackers have never been identified.


Among the legacies of the genocide is the International Criminal Court, which grew out of tribunals to investigate and prosecute those responsible for atrocities committed in Rwanda and during the Balkan wars of the 1990s. At Gisozi on Sunday, popular Rwandan artists sang songs like “Turabunamira twiyubaka,” meaning “honoring them as we rebuild”. “Remembering is necessary because it’s only thanks to looking back at what happened (that we can) ensure that it never happens again,” said hairdresser Olive Muhorakeye, 26. In the afternoon, officials will join around 2,000 people in a remembrance march from parliament to the national soccer stadium, where candles will be lit in a night vigil. At least 10 heads of state are attending, as well as Canadian Governor General Julie Payette and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker.

Anonymous ID: 6d854f April 7, 2019, 11:21 a.m. No.6086102   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Thousands of Sudanese protesters hold second day of sit-in outside Bashir's compound


KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Thousands of protesters held a sit-in outside Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir’s residence in central Khartoum on Sunday, having camped there overnight after the biggest demonstration in months of protests against his 30-year rule, witnesses said.


There have been sustained protests against Bashir and his National Congress Party since Dec. 19. Security forces have fired tear gas, stun grenades and live bullets to disperse protesters and dozens have been killed during demonstrations. Bashir has refused to step down, saying that his opponents need to seek power through the ballot box.


Sudan suffered a total power blackout on Sunday, the ministry of water resources, irrigation and electricity said without giving an explanation for the outage. Electricity was later restored in some areas. Since the sit-in began on Saturday, security forces have fired tear gas several times in an attempt to clear the protesters, but thousands remained.


Apparently emboldened by the success of similar but much larger protests in Algeria, which forced ailing President Abdelaziz Bouteflika to step down last week, Sudanese activists called for Saturday’s protests. The demonstrations marked the anniversary of the 1985 military coup that overthrew autocratic president Jaafar Nimeiri after mass protests against his rule. The protesters urged the military to side with them once more in their bid to push Bashir out of power.


Apart from Bashir’s residence, the compound — the most heavily-guarded in Sudan — also houses the defense ministry and the headquarters of the powerful National Intelligence and Security Service. Thousands of protesters also gathered in Khartoum’s Burri neighborhood on Sunday, where they blocked several main roads, witnesses said. On Saturday at least one person died during protests in Omdurman, across the Nile from Khartoum, state news agency SUNA said without providing detail on the cause of death.


The person killed was a laboratory doctor who succumbed to his injuries, according to a statement from an opposition doctors’ committee. Medical staff have played a prominent role in the protests. SUNA said other civilians and police officers were wounded on Saturday in Omdurman, the scene of protests late into the evening that subsided by Sunday morning.


The sit-in outside the compound appeared to mirror 2011 Arab Spring protests, in which demonstrators in Cairo and other Arab capitals camped out in public squares for days to demand a change in rule. Police and security forces on Saturday blocked all bridges leading to the capital’s center from Khartoum North and Omdurman, across the River Nile to the north and west respectively, in what appeared to be a bid to prevent the sit-in from swelling. They remained closed on Sunday, causing major traffic jams. Hundreds of people were crossing into Khartoum from Omdurman via Victory Bridge by foot on Sunday morning, a Reuters witness said, as cars stood at a standstill for hours.