Anonymous ID: 8ecb4a April 7, 2019, 11:03 a.m. No.6085931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6190

Boko Haram


April 7, 2019. Five persons were killed while 46 others sustained injuries in a suicide attack at Muna Garage in Maiduguri, Borno state capital.


On April 14, 2014, 276 female students were kidnapped from the Government Secondary School, Chibok, in Borno State.


Responsibility for the kidnappings was claimed by Boko Haram, an extremist terrorist organization based in northeastern Nigeria.


Since 2014, 164 of the students had regained their freedom, while 112 are still held by Boko Haram.


Also on Feb. 19, 2018, no fewer than 110 schoolgirls were kidnapped by the Boko Haram terrorist group from the Government Girls’ Science and Technical College (GGSTC), Dapchi, located in Bulabulin, Yunusari Local Government area of Yobe State.


One hundred and nine of the students were released, except Leah Sharibu, who was said to have refused to denounce Christianity.


Boko Haram


Boko Haram, is a jihadist terrorist organization based in northeastern Nigeria,and is also active in Chad, Niger and northern Cameroon. The group was founded by Mohammed Yusuf in 2002, and has been led by Abubakar Shekau since 2009. Boko Haram is fighting to overthrow the government of Nigeria and create an Islamic state.


The group has caused havoc in Africa's most populous country through a campaign of bombings and attacks. Their beliefs tend to be centered on strict adherence to Wahhibism, which is an extremely strict form of Sunni Islam that sees many other forms of Islam as idolatrous. The group has denounced the members of the Sufi and the Shiite sects as infidels.


On 7 March 2015, Boko Haram's leader Abubakar Shekau pledged allegiance to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, rebranding as Islamic State in West Africa.



6 Nigerian soldiers killed

In January, 6 Nigerian soldiers were killed and 14 injured by the Boko Haram jihadists during a raid at a village near the army chief's family home. Four military vehicles were also seized by the jihadists and two were completely destroyed.[267]


At least 23 Chadian soldiers killed

On 22 March, Boko Haram militants killed at least 23 Chadian soldiers overnight, two Chadian security sources said on that day, in what appeared to be the deadliest ever such attack inside Chad by the Islamist militants. The raid occurred in the town of Dangdala, near the banks of Lake Chad. One of security sources added that the assailants were believed to have crossed the border from neighboring Niger.[268]

Anonymous ID: 8ecb4a April 7, 2019, 11:32 a.m. No.6086190   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6203



Been thinking about "radical Islam" and how suicide bombers are brainwashed, youths are radicalized, etc.


No one group has a monopoly on hatred, or training people to commit violence, or developing the skills needed to psychologically manipulate people to do their bidding….


But Is it a stretch to think that CIA/MK Ultra/Tavistock programs have played a role in the mind control used in producing the various sects of radical Islam?


Western mind control "science" and involvement with radical Islam would certainly seem a reasonable theory, considering the Globalist agendas of creating turmoil in the Mideast, which results in mass migrations from Middle East/Africa into Europe and elsewhere, which produces the general conflicts between Muslim/Christian/Jewish cultures, racial wars, a la Albert Pike world wars, NWO, etc.


Remember the links between Osama bin Laden and the CIA, and also the bin Laden family's ties to the Bush family?