(((((( Conversations w normies )))))
"…Boy I sure hope something is done." 2017
"…those people will never get caught." 2018
"…Whats Q?" 2019
"…you might be onto something." 2019
"…I think it's actually legit, I thought you were nuts before…"
"…kinda interesting to see how things turned so quickly."
"…this is getting interesting."
"…there is no way this president is as bad as the TV is saying, which means somethings up."
These are conversations I've had with normies who remember the old America before it became Cabal-ized.
🐸 Kek on my bretheren, and be patient. It's happening faster than imagined. People are regaining their hope in truth, justice, and the American way.
Write our hashtags on the backs of business cards. talk to your doctors & in the waiting rooms; in the grocery lines. Write Q in dusty car windows. Plant seeds in the mind…
People ARE listening, people ARE putting the puzzle together.
Don't lose hope. Eph 6:12 Job 37-42