It's a bot, which when responded to triggers more bots…in essence a "honey pot bot"…
As someone much smarter than me once told me: "Just because you are paranoid, doesn't mean you are wrong".
Incorrect. It's called Observation and deduction.
I have seen that "poster" post on average 3 times per bread; various times around the clock.
The more people that respond to the poster, the more it posts, and as the other anon pointed out the 5 prong trigger.
If that poster is not a bot it is retarded with a limited vocabulary of "Patriots (fill in the blank)" and a large library of skanky whore photos.
Using this same old tired BS.
This is "Q Research" board, not "your research" board, feel free to leave any time.
Maybe even start your own Q hate board, but that would go against why you are here, wouldn't it?