Anonymous ID: ca480d April 7, 2019, 1:03 p.m. No.6087143   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6086432 pb

Here is my attempt at a brief history/overview for normies. Some oldfags can probably explain better:

People with Asperger's (which was recently categorized by psychologists as a type of "functional Autism"), tend to have a peculiar combination of characteristics that make them outsiders in normal society, but natural IT workers, online researchers, meme creators, and drivers of counter-culture ideas.

Such as being introverted & socially awkward, very creative and often good at art & music, having strong opinions and thought processes opposed to the groupthink in the general population, being anti-authoritarian and able to quickly see through the lies & hypocrisy in society, being able to research topics in depth for hours, being able to predict trends, etc. Plus many gravitated to the computer science field, and have higher than normal IQs, and spend much of their time on the computer alone, and prefer online communication instead of in-person socializing.

All of this made it natural for young tech nerds with Apserger's (aka "autists") to congregate on non-mainstream online boards ("chans") where there was a culture and freedom-of-speech not available elsewhere, which allowed them to be themselves and discuss anything. While normal people (people without Asperger's, aka "normies") gravitated to the mainstream sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc, autists built their own online communities on boards like 4chan and 8chan.

It seems like this is the reason, or at least one of the reasons, Q chose to post on the chans and said that autists were chosen for a reason.