Anonymous ID: e7131e April 7, 2019, 4:34 p.m. No.6089458   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0089

Conservatives' takeover of Supreme Court stalled by John Roberts-Brett Kavanaugh bromance: The conservative takeover of the Supreme Court that was anticipated following President Donald Trump's two selections has been stalled by a budding bromance between the senior and junior justices. Chief Justice John Roberts and the court's newest member, Brett Kavanaugh, have voted in tandem on nearly every case that's come before them since Kavanaugh joined the court in October. They've been more likely to side with the court's liberal justices than its other conservatives….. (see: )


So, “The chief justice has voiced concern about the court being viewed as just another political branch of government”.

And “Justice Kavanaugh seems to share some of the chief justice’s institutional concerns, but I think he also cares about his own perception as an even-handed judge”.


So both Roberts and Kavanaugh are voting with the Liberal Left, because they don't want to upset the Liberal Left, by voting as a Conservative, and thereby appearing to be “Political”, or a “Conservative”. In other words, we better vote with the Libs so we don't upset them, or make them think bad thoughts about us… Good thing we have a 5-4 Conservative Majority.. KEK