Anonymous ID: 13d2bf April 7, 2019, 7:02 p.m. No.6091188   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1338 >>1376

Normally 'Q' is posting…I think he is waiting for a puzzle piece to be put in place..I'm wondering what that piece is…


We know the Declass is ready.


We know the Mueller report is done.


We now have a competent AG = Barr.


We have Lindsey on Judicial.


We have Mitch in charge of GOP Senators.


We have Mulvaney in charge of White House COS.


We now have Miller in charge of Immigration.


What piece are we missing 'Q', help us out


If 'Q' was AI..would we be able to chat with it by using some sort of Hello 'Q'. or run program 'Q' hello?…lol…just doing a little shit posting there..:)


Plus it's NIGHTSHIFT where all the good diggers come to dig!!!


I love neon, got me a new one!!!