Anonymous ID: 57f712 April 7, 2019, 7:12 p.m. No.6091319   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1333



Record-Breaking Satellite Advances NASA’s Exploration of High-Altitude GPS.


The four Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) spacecraft recently broke the world record for navigating with GPS signals farther from Earth than ever before. MMS’ success indicates that NASA spacecraft may soon be able to navigate via GPS as far away as the Moon, which will prove important to the Gateway, a planned space station in lunar orbit.


After navigation maneuvers conducted this February, MMS now reaches over 116,300 miles from Earth at the highest point of its orbit, or about halfway to the Moon. At this altitude, MMS continued to receive strong enough GPS signals to determine its position, shattering previous records it set first in October 2016 and again in February 2017. This demonstrates that GPS signals extend farther than expected and that future missions can reliably use GPS at extreme altitudes.


“At the first apogee after the maneuvers, MMS1 had 12 GPS fixes, each requiring signals from four GPS satellites,” said Trevor Williams, the MMS flight dynamics lead at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. “When we began the mission, we had no idea high-altitude GPS would be such a robust capability.”


MMS’ orbit shift allows it to continue its mission to better understand the complex magnetic processes around Earth. MMS studies a fundamental process that occurs throughout the universe, called magnetic reconnection, in which magnetic fields collide and explosively release particles in all directions. Near Earth, reconnection is a key driver of space weather, the dynamic system of energy, particles and magnetic fields around Earth which can adversely impact communications networks, electrical grids and GPS navigation. Magnetic reconnection was long predicted by physicists, but not directly observed until the MMS mission.


To study Earth’s magnetosphere, the region of space dominated by the planet’s magnetic field, MMS spacecraft maintain a highly elliptical orbit around Earth. A highly elliptical orbit resembles a long oval around the globe with an extreme high point, or apogee, and low point, or perigee.


MMS’ tight formation and highly elliptical orbit require extremely accurate navigation data from GPS satellites, which are operated by the U.S. Air Force. The main GPS antenna signals enable navigation down on Earth, but precise high-altitude navigation requires both these as well as signals from the antenna’s side lobes. Side lobe signals radiate out to the side of the direction an antenna is pointing and extend past Earth.



Anonymous ID: 57f712 April 7, 2019, 7:15 p.m. No.6091371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1412



German headmaster suggested Christian girl wear a hijab to stop bullies.


A school in Frankfurt has come under fire after its headmaster told a young girl she should wear a hijab if she doesn’t want to get bullied.

The student’s mother told the Bild newspaper that her daughter was “beaten and verbally attacked on the way to school” by a group of Muslim girls.

She explained that her daughter was targeted because “she has blond hair, no headscarf, has a German-Hebrew name – and we are Christians”.

The bullying was so bad it left the fifth grader with a “massive fear of going to school”.

When she took her concerns to the schools headmaster, she was told her daughter should ‘cover up’ if she doesn’t want to get bullied.

“Your daughter does not have to say that she is German”, the headmaster reportedly told her. “Besides, you can give her a headscarf.”

The school in question didn’t respond to Bild’s request for comment, however, the mother confirmed that their situation is a lot better now she has removed her daughter from the school.

There have been other recent cases of religious bullying in other schools across Germany.

The Bild also cited one in Bavaria in which a father said his son and daughter came home one day panicked because another child had told them he would cut off their heads because they are Christians.

In Bonn, another mother said her daughter had shared a similar experience saying, “Our daughter and several classmates of the third grade were put under pressure by a classmate. They were threatened with the words, ‘Your parents will burn in hell if they do not believe in Allah’.”

Religious bullying has been especially prevalent in Berlin where many schools have high populations of migrant-background students.

In 2018, a group of Berlin teachers spoke out about religious bullying saying that German students could be bullied for as little as bringing a ham sandwich for their lunch because pork is forbidden in Islam.

The group advocated the Pro Berlin Neutrality Act which backs up existing legislation to ban religious symbols, such as the headscarf, from classrooms to combat religious bullying.

Austria, meanwhile, has implemented a headscarf ban in kindergartens and has been considering similar bans in elementary schools as well.

Anonymous ID: 57f712 April 7, 2019, 7:19 p.m. No.6091416   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1483

Obama’s Legacy: Libya on the brink of civil war.


Our ambassador Christopher Stevens was murdered along with his team. But that was just the beginning of Hillary and Obama’s horror. The leader of the “rebellion,” Khalifa Haftar, lived in exile in the U.S. for two decades before returning to Libya during the 2011 rebellion. Thanks to BHO.


CAIRO—The U.S. military said it pulled a small contingent of American forces from Libya as the country teetered on the brink of full-scale civil war, with fighting continuing around the capital Tripoli.


The evacuation is the latest turn in a troubled history of American military involvement in Libya, which has been in turmoil since the overthrow of Moammar Ghadafi in an armed uprising supported by North Atlantic Treaty Organization airstrikes in 2011. U.S. forces have also played a key role in uprooting Islamic State, which gained a foothold in Libya in the chaos that ensued after the Arab Spring.


Citing the ability of U.S. forces to “flex where required” in Libya, Col. Christopher Karns, a spokesman for U.S. Africa Command, confirmed the departure from Tripoli. “Security conditions in pockets of the country have declined,” Mr. Karns said, declining to provide details on where the contingent is headed. “It is important various terror affiliated groups, such as ISIS, don’t have an exact map of our whereabouts,” he said, referring to Islamic State.


Sunday’s decision affects an unspecified number of American troops stationed in Libya to provide support to diplomatic missions and carry out counterterrorism and other activities, military officials said. Military officials said the declining security situation warranted their removal.


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