Anonymous ID: 6839c9 April 7, 2019, 6:52 p.m. No.6091040   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1085 >>1295 >>1382

>>6088991 PB on Lost Tribes of Israel


What now, you think every one in the Tribe of Judah was living in that city in AD 70, when Jesus flat out told his followers what would happen after he died (not one stone upon another), and also told them to get out of the city when the Romans surrounded it?




Jesus is a Jew, (Short for the Tribe of Judah) and there are plenty of real "Jews" from the Tribe of Judah alive today. Yes, there also "Those who say they are Jews who are not"


In addition, every one of the other 11 Tribes of the Hebrew Israeli nation are alive and well, having been moved to the Caucus mountains by Assyrians for a military buffer, long before anyone attacked Jerusalem.


Here is a good dig, one of many on the location of the Tribes even in America:


Here is one on the British Tribe of Israel descendants of Ephraim, including a map from Alexander the Great's General Ptolemy's Map of Scythia. Saxon is short for "Isaac Son"


We get the word Caucasian from those tribes of Israel who traveled through the Caucus mountain through the pass of Israel (still called by that name today) into Rome where the Romans kept record of their movements by census, and both tribal and family name.


The Romans called them "Caucasians" the origin of the English word.


Th lost ten tribes are not lost.

Their history has been intentionally hidden, and is being recovered now.


They created Partha, Scythia, then spread west across Europe, all the way to Scotland where they wrote the Scottish Declaration of Independence. (Gee, you have to wonder where America got the Idea to write a Declaration of Independence?) The Tribe of Manasseh was the first tribe on human record to fight off of horseback with a Calvary. They kept this tradition when they settled America.


These tribes are easy to track in the historical writings due to their refusal to grow pigs, and due to their very Hebrew tribal habits and religious base.


Most in Europe became Christians after Christ was crucified, because they carried the Old Testament prophecies with them in the original Tanek (Jewish Bible that starts with Genesis and NOT the Talmud, which is a commentary done in Alexandria, not the original Bible of the Tribes).

Because Christ fulfilled all three hundred prophecies, they believed him to be the promised Messiah. This fact of HUGE numbers of the lost Tribes populating Europe, is why Christianity spread so rapidly through Europe, and on to America so rapidly.


Many now speculate that Jesus was speaking to these lost Tribes of Israel, as opposed to the never lost tribes of Judah, when he said he was here for his "lost sheep", and the "lost sheep of Israel" as opposed to Judah (the southern Kingdom after the civil war) [See maps in the digs]


The names have been traced.


Most of England is from the Tribe of Ephraim. (prophesied by Jacob to create a nation that held the gates of his enemies around the world, and be the father of many nations, which has happened) [See Jacobs prophecies over the 12 sons, ]


Manasseh was another second son of Joseph who was prophesied to be the founder of the greatest most powerful nation just before the return of Christ.


Most of America was settled by the British and German Tribes of Manasseh (originators of Scythia, and the Calvary). This tribe apparently also used a lot of marijuana, even making a shower incense out of it, which the Romans did not like the smell of)


Other of the tribes are in Northern Europe to this day, mostly in the blonde blue eyed northern nations.


Jews are just one of the original 12 Tribes of Israel. Just one.


Look it up. Much research being done.

The point?


The love of Israel in America is is a spiritual thing as well as a blood thing. Israel really belongs to us all as descendants of those great tribes. (and many of us are, without knowing it)


It is no surprise that Israel is the only Republic in the Middle East. Not if you understand the record of tribal migration, Judaeo-Christianity, and love of the motherland by all 13 Tribes. First local courts? See the Book of Judges in the Bible. First human Tribe to allow the challenge to the King? See the book of Kings in the Bible. Add the Judaeo-Christian experience with the Senate of Rome, and you have the makings of the first three branched Republic.

But do not read that bible. If you do, they can't hide your history from you any more.


(Manasseh was also prophesied to forget his origins, which we have done, it appears)

Anonymous ID: 6839c9 April 7, 2019, 6:58 p.m. No.6091128   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes, but those tribes are not lost. YOU could be a descendant if you are from Europe, America, or some of Ethopia. We are tracking them today and it is not hard. Read what I wrote, and read the dig to learn. Many American towns are named for the families of the original 12 tribes, including the tribe of Judah

Anonymous ID: 6839c9 April 7, 2019, 7:16 p.m. No.6091382   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1451


Interesting to note that since the original tribes are located in Europe and America, having created the three branched governing system from the book of Judges, the book of Kings, and their experience with the Roman Senate, and since Satan is out to destroy all of the 12 Tribes, then Satan would be out to destroy both the Jew, and the other 11 tribes that the Romans called "Caucasian" on their records.


Satan cant figure out which of the other "white people" are Hebrew, so, they are out to get all white people. They also hate the Constitution, which is the biblical culmination of thousands of years of tribal representative government development.

They have to kill off America.

They have to destroy the Constitution.


It won't happen.

Good vs Evil.