Anonymous ID: e58364 April 7, 2019, 7:09 p.m. No.6091288   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1352


i wrote about this the other night anon…


>The Washington Free Beacon (WFB) originally paid Fusion GPS - a CIA and MI6 cooperative front - for Trump dirt, but they got absolutely nothing that was included in the Steele dossier. Fusion GPS has tried to say that a “Conservative” (the WFB) started the dossier, and that HRC just picked up where the “GOP” (the WFB) left off; however, that is highly deceitful. WFB is owned and operated by a never Trumper and stopped paying Fusion GPS (CIA/MI6) for research the day Trump became the GOP nominee. Steele was not “hired” at Fusion GPS (CIA/MI6) until after WFB cut ties with them, and none of the dirt that WFB received was included in the Steele dossier.

The WFB was working with the Fusion GPS (CIA/MI6) to get Trump dirt out. The whole GOP was never-Trump at the time. The whole US and British government were against Trump. The FBI, DoJ, DoD, DoS, NSA, CIA, IRS, GOP and Dems, the Supreme Court. Everybody was throwing shade on Trump. But WFB couldn’t put out the Steele dossier because they would then be a media source directly linked to Fusion GPS (CIA). They could only be used to disperse lesser dirt.

The Fusion GPS (CIA/MI6) never-Trump campaign (operation) wasn’t enough, and they had to bring in the big guns as insurance Trump wouldn’t win, now being the GOP nominee. They use the WFB’s paid dirt operation, which they themselves manufactured, and bring in Nelly and Steele, CIA and MI6 assets. They bring in Misfud. They come up with the Steele dossier to give to the FBI and DOJ, and they break it to the media. CIA gets FISAs and spies. MI6 spies where the CIA can’t and delivers the intel to the CIA, who gets more FISAs.

The real problem is that HRC was funding the Steele dossier, and SHE can be directly linked to paying Fusion GPS (CIA/MI6) for it. She is exonerated by the FBI. She is blameless in Benghazi. She can get a meeting between her husband and the DoJ, LL.

HRC is a CIA asset.

The media is a CIA asset.

Fusion GPS is a CIA asset.

The CIA is the deepstate.

Why has Haspel flipped?