You need a vacation.
They will attack you for seeing truth. No point in arguing with them. They attack everyone who is new, does not tow the Q/Trump line, or questions anything at all mercilessly, until the victims learn to not say anything. They will eventually join in attacking others. They use this attack training conditioning and then tell you its called "thinking for yourself".
Lets get it over with. LOLOLOL
Or not.
Youve made yourselves emotionally dependant on that troll. You are better off without him or this. It was never real to begin with. Count it as saving your butt from wasting more time.
MSM doesn't report on this. The couple times it was brought up was because of that trump fascist rally and the people who got arrested.
Or not.
You guys just never learn, do you?
I'm laughing at you. And I'm not here that often. And i dont have to justify myself to the likes of you.
Blah blah blah, you have a comback for everything. Its all just talktalk.
What are you winning exactly?