Anonymous ID: cec4f3 April 7, 2019, 8:04 p.m. No.6091976   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2009 >>2035 >>2047 >>2059 >>2071 >>2085 >>2121 >>2128 >>2142 >>2178 >>2250 >>2295 >>2341 >>2367 >>2370 >>2371 >>2385 >>2390 >>2416 >>2451 >>2459





Newfags, concernfags and burnoutfags all miss the point. Anons, (You) all have foreknowledge of the scope and heinousness of the crimes committed against our country, our people. What (some of) you DON'T get is that the majority of the country is still asleep.


The plan was never for (You) to wake them up. Your digs provide the proof, your memes provide the ammunition which will be used to steadily bring the populace to the truth, with some humor and some sarcasm, in a way that will make it possible for most of the sheep to wake up without suffering the mental illness that would be expected if they were force-fed the truth like a fire hose.


You can handle it, they can't. So, you're helping. With truth, and with exposure in a way that softens the sting without subverting the truth.


The problem for you Anons is this - (You) already know, so your clock of patience has wound much further down.


Frankly, (You) all need to understand that in this realm of psychological warfare, you are going to be the ones suffering the casualties. The best we can say is, "Suck it up and Sailor on. If you're still breathing, you're still in the fight. We still have business to do, and business is good."


Godspeed to all of you wonderful Anons. If you need to come off the line, do so. Rest, recharge and take care of you. There are enough Anons now that the battle is no longer nip-and-tuck.


Stay unified, support each other, keep your personal strength up, and pray.