This dude looks EXACTLY like Trump
V works for CHINA. If you didn't know. W is legit. Harley Schlonger works for CHINA. Bis Weir is a jew that works FOR THE FEDERAL RESERVE. Glix.. really?? Give me a break. The whole roto-rooter /grand canyon thing is a FED fabrication from 1913 in case people chimped out when they tried to form the FED. Can't use gold a a currency because there is an ifinite quantity… Might as well use infinite paper instead goy… Really… That is the REAL story behild these fags. How do I know? I WAS ONE OF THEIR TEAM until I figured it out and ran screaming… Really bro. Wake up. They are fake and gay and are scammers. As far as I know "W" is legit. Some of their sideline people are legit but V is definitely a Chinese agent. Z is a chinaman and a chinese agent. Cowboy is legit I think but captured in some way (grats on that wedding bro! good luck!) etc. BE CAREFUL WHO YOU FOLLOW…
I forgot! Listen to V's "Qanon is BULLSHIT" monolog from last ?feb?march? I forget. About this time in 2018. You can smell the chinamen in the background when you listen to it. you mention painting a Hale Hortler Swastika… Here is Jew propoganda. Cheers.
They are trying to make OBUMMER LOOK LIKE AN AMERICAN… Born in Vancouver my ass… Wake up faggot. They are sacrificing their pawn (Brennan) to save their knight (Obummer) at the very lease LEASE a brain.