Roger that
Giving prayers for all PATRIOTS tonight
I feel them working overtime, they're getting desperate
They're putting up huge bounties on any who are in place to provide proof
but do not fear
Prayer warriors activated
You are safe, though the path be perilous
Ask yourself what you are seeking
Go ahead, no one's looking or listening
Is what you are seeking an everlasting, eternal, immotal thing or state or existence?
To that still small voice
Don't answer anyone but that voice
Good luck, Anon
You will find what you truly seek
Just had a thought, haven't caught up on breads since BO arigato no gozaimasu
We're totally civvy now
Momma eagle kicked our buts out of the tree
Step up be heard and sauce your shit backwards forwards upside down and mirrored
Both are beautifully appropriate Anon thank you
And specifically for me
Synchronicities are abundant
Use them
No fear, the victory is won
You are the cat whisperer
Because that is the truest meme ever
Take it from me I'm a not cat person
Taking break moar popcoarn
Good points
Nothing can stop it now
Bo is safe, and Q team too
Anons, please, with all childlike power of hope faith andd love, paray now, for the true way of our lives is being born, unfolding, and coming to existence NOW
pray and say thank you
Thank you for letting us live now, when only love and truth exist. Thank you for letting us bring this to the world, so that all
Youre asking great questions
What if we never found out that death existed?
Hint: she's just a facilitator in the story, she doesn't really kill anyone