We are writing to invite you to a staff briefing on human rights issues in North Korea. North Korea’s strategic threat to its neighbors and the United States has been much in the news in recent months. Where do we stand in the wake of the Hanoi Summit? Is progress with the regime possible? How can Congress address the security and human rights concerns and what are the links between them?
Three outside experts from the Center for Strategic and International Studies, the Committee for Human Rights in North Korea, and the George W. Bush Institute will discuss human rights and security concerns and be available to answer your questions. All three organizations conduct programming addressing North Korea.
Victor Cha – Korea Chair at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Professor at Georgetown University, and Senior Fellow at the George W. Bush Institute.
Greg Scarlatoiu – Executive Director at the Committee for Human Rights in North Korea (HRNK).
Lindsay Lloyd – Director of Human Freedom at the George W. Bush Institute.
The briefing will be on Monday, April 8, from 12:00 to 1:30 pm in Room HC – 8 in the Capitol Visitors Center.
A light lunch will be provided. Space is limited for this event, so please RSVP or direct any questions to Joseph Kim at