BOOMS a'Coming.
Massive Nunes Crim referrals en route boom coming.
Bathhouse Barry on tour & also meets with Frau EU Merkela De Vil.
-Who else did Hussein also meet?
A certain US company & names in the cross-hairs. Others coming too.
Now the Ukraine is in a strange upheaval. What links all?
Who links all? Why?
UK. 10000+ Police drafted to London in anticipation of BREXIT betrayal people's anger.
What else recently hit the news. Or whom & what seminal story?
Obama (Clinton by proxy). US companies. Ukraine. UK.
The fuse is lit.
Stock up on popcorn brothers and sisters.
Truth will finally begin to be revealed.
Justice will be served.
On this she ship shall we sail on calm waters again.
BOOMS a'Coming!