Anonymous ID: 74c1b5 April 8, 2019, 4:37 a.m. No.6094979   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Yeah Riches To The Catholic Church…In So Many Ways. Does This Guy Realize What An Absolute Hypocrite He Is. Tear Down The Vatican Wall Then!


Pope Francis Praises Multiculturalism: ‘Migrants Always Bring Riches’


In his off-the-cuff address, the pope seemed to continue a discussion from last week in which he attacked U.S. President Donald Trump over his proposed border wall. Asked by a reporter what he thought of Trump’s wall, the pope warned that “builders of walls, whether they are of razor-wire or brick, will become prisoners of the walls they build. That’s history.”

Anonymous ID: 74c1b5 April 8, 2019, 4:49 a.m. No.6095025   🗄️.is 🔗kun


MARCH 13, 2019

Many U.S. Catholics Question Their Membership Amid Scandal


More Catholics questioning their membership than in 2002

Nonpracticing Catholics most likely to reconsider their religion

59% confident in the priests at their church; 58% confident in Pope Francis

WASHINGTON, D.C. – As the Catholic church responds to more allegations of sexual abuse of young people by priests, an increasing percentage of Catholics are re-examining their commitment to the religion. Thirty-seven percent of U.S. Catholics, up from 22% in 2002, say news of the abuse has led them to question whether they would remain in the church.


As a result of the recent news about sexual abuse of young people by priests, have you, personally, questioned whether you would remain in the Catholic church, or not?


  1. 37%. Yes, have questioned. 62%. No, have not.

2002 22%. Yes. 76%. No

Based on U.S. Catholics


These results are based on interviews with 581 U.S. Catholics who participated in Gallup polls Jan. 21-27 and Feb. 12-28. While the polling was being conducted, Pope Francis met with Catholic leaders from around the world at the Vatican to respond to a new wave of sex abuse allegations in numerous countries. The church dealt with a similar crisis in the U.S. in 2002, the last time Gallup polled about this. That polling came after The Boston Globe reported on widespread abuse by Catholic priests in the Boston area and church leaders' efforts to prevent the abuse from becoming public knowledge.


Gallup's latest findings show that the current scandal is affecting U.S. Catholics more than the one in 2002 did, in terms of their feelings about the church. However, it is unclear whether Catholics who are questioning their church membership will actually decide to leave the church. Many Catholics may consider leaving the church but ultimately decide not to do so, or they may have no intention of leaving but simply be responding to this question as a way to express their frustration with the way the church has handled the problem.


Substantial minorities of both practicing and nonpracticing Catholics say they are questioning their commitment to the church – but, as might be expected, those less committed to their religion are more likely to be questioning it. Whereas 46% of Catholics who seldom or never attend church say they have questioned whether they would remain in the faith, 37% of those who attend church on a monthly basis and 22% who attend weekly say the same.