Located Thomas anon.
Shills filtered. HPOST is an organization system. Other anons may use it as well. Better yet, adapt it. Think grand strategy. We need to see multiple steps at a time. HPOST is easier to reference than 8ch posts and allows for reference to specific parts of each post without losing structure over time. Think loss of inertia in a conversation or text that is not structured – it's a lot harder to write a textbook without a specific organization system. HPOST system is complex enough to organize information without getting lost in the abstraction. These people rule over the entire world; that implies more information than can be managed by a single human mind at one time.
For reference: HPOST SYSTEM = [HPOST #, ITEM #]
Posts without ITEM #'s mean that the entire post is ITEM #1
[ITEM 1]
That's the angle. HPOST #15 from thread #4 touches on that a little bit. Involves a meat-processing plant and a casino connected to a rail line, across the river from the St. Louis Arch.
For anyone who hasn't heard this:
Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein
39:40. Meat-processing plants. Rail lines for trafficking along with normal use. C.D.F. cases from horse racing track-there's a casino right next to this meet processing plant. Could be one of these plants mentioned by Finkelstein.
[ITEM 2]
Payseurs in St. Louis. That's the point of HPOSTS #12 and #14. Right along that street with the 3 masonic temples in HPOST#12 is this statue.
IMG #1:
Notice hand gesture.
IMG #2:
Notice inscription on back.
If any St.Louis anons could get a better look at this, we might find something related to Payseurs. Just don't bring your kids around here…Moolah Temple.
[ITEM 3]
Check out this place in Chicago. It's called the Medinah Temple. It has served as a studio for classical recordings and is now occupied by Bloomingdales. Built by shriners -Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. Notice MYSTIC SHRINE, same as Moolah Temple of the Mystic Shrine. Is mystic shrine a code-word for child sacrifice?
IMG #1
Top view of temple.
IMG #2
Outside. Most likely some hidden symbolism outside the stores, besides the normal masonic imagery of the stores surrounding it.
IMG #3
Other side.