Anonymous ID: d59006 NEW WORLD ORDER Research Thread #5 April 8, 2019, 10:47 a.m. No.6097863   🗄️.is 🔗kun



We're going back, way back, to where this all began. Join us as we trace from the beginning to today, and identify the symbols throughout the ages and how they show the rise and fall of nations time and time again.


Could it be? Could the ancient cults of Babylon really have survived to this day?

Who was Nimrod?

What was Babel?

Who were the Canaanites/Phoenicians?

What is their history with Child Sacrifice?

Who is Moloch/Baal/etc?

How did they relate to the ancient Israelites?

What did Egypt have to do with it?

Did the Exodus happen? And who were the Hyksos?

What about that weirdo Akhenaten?

Was it sun worship? Or was it SATURN worship?

Were these people actually monotheistic?

What about India, and the far East?

Were there Giants?

What happened to Neanderthals? Cro-Magnon?

Who was Enki, Enlil, and Anu?

When was America really discovered?

Why the Red/White stripes?

Who were the Vikings?

What is the Phoenix?

What are the origins of Freemasonry?

What about other secret societies?

What really happened in the French Revolution?

Why is America littered with occult symbolism?

What is the Owl?

What is a Y Head? Could it be related to the double headed Phoenix?


Vikings are now acknowledged to have discovered North America. They called it Vinland. They had colonies there for generations. Official narrative blames local Climate Change for their disappearance. DID YOU KNOW: The Vatican had an officialy Bishop in Vinland in 1121. Think about this. When did we discover America?


Ok, look at DNA Haplogroups. You can CLEARLY see that most Natives came from the same Haplogroup that lives in Siberia. This bolsters the "Siberian Indian Americans" theory! Except, perhaps it could bolster a different hypothesis: Tartaria owned North America. Discuss anomolies from Native American lore, tie it into the symboism of the world.


Did the so called Conquistadors 'conquer' New Tartaria? Look up the original Mexico City. It was as glorious as Venice. Somehow, it was destroyed and turned back into a lake. Why? What a horrible loss to archeology.. Perhaps they couldn't cover up this destruction as well as they did the others? Perhaps a few buildings got left standing and still hide amongst us today?


Does the Louisiana Purchase still subtly affect politics today? Some argue that the whole deal was illegal since Napolean didn't really own the territory to sell it. He basically stole it from the Spanish, which once got it from the French. Why was the Louisiana tract so darn big to begin with? What was actually going on "in there" before it was bought by the USA? Could Spain or France claim it back?


This is about where the sordid history of Haiti starts. Knowing Haiti today requires knowing it then. What's the most 'ancient' facts we can find about this place? Why was it so important then? Why today? Is there a continuance between then and now?


Could this connect with the Civil War? Was it an attempt for monarchies to be installed in America, under the excuse that half of America was a stolen monarchy to begin with. The rest of America gets conquered by the Kingdom of America, afterall the American government is that of rebels and revolutionaries, not valid for this world. Why did Russia help the North against the South's help of England and France?


And many other questions! The above hopefully inspired some thought.


The purpose of this thread is not just to answer these in isolation, but to show connections that tie it ALL TOGETHER.


If you can, please provide exact dates as much as possible as it would be cool to eventually compile a Chronology of this timeline.


Archive of #4 Bread




Archive of #3 Bread




Archive of #2 Bread






Archive of #1 Bread





Anonymous ID: d59006 April 8, 2019, 4:43 p.m. No.6101896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1956

Please do not namefag. This is anonymous, every thread should be interpreted as if it's from an unknown personality. If you don't like being a drop in the ocean, and you want to be your own tsunami, then maybe reddit is more your style where you can collect karma.




That being said, I can't enforce rules anyway so do whatever you like!

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 8, 2019, 7:06 p.m. No.6103518   🗄️.is 🔗kun




I'm full of surprises!


When I first started posting in the general, it was very weird for me to put so much effort and thought into my post and just throw it into the wind. Usually to be forgotten. Sometimes to be you'd. Occasionally even a notable here and there. Still, no one knows who I am and I can never claim credit for anything I post. This allows me to express myself even more freely, and say stupid things without worrying about my reputation. Lets more mud stick on the wall.

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 8, 2019, 7:09 p.m. No.6103551   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4998



Not a bad idea. Weren't the Payseurs somehow connected to the rail lines? Why didn't the US develop their rail systems better? Sure sure, the gasoline automobile conspiracy applies, but perhaps they wanted to keep the rails to themselves and have less eyes on them?

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 9, 2019, 10:06 a.m. No.6109379   🗄️.is 🔗kun



SIde topic, not sure if you discussed in prev bread or whatnot, but this HPOST thing, is it an extension or something? Or is it just a way of you posting bigger chains of data without having to worry about 8chs clunky interface?

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 9, 2019, 10:36 a.m. No.6109711   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9715 >>0061

So a few threads back an anon rocked my world when he suggested that I look into Phantom Time and the idea that we don't really know what year it is. Saying 2019 is well enough, and at this rate we may as well just keep it, but the idea that it's been 2019 years since the birth of Jesus is increasingly absurd when you look at the EVIDENCE.


I was raised Christian, but later became Atheist/Agnostic because the whole thing just seemed made up. Nothing added up. Archeology was just turning up dust where grand palaces should have been. Cities that should have existed then only existed hundreds of years after the alleged date of certain events. And to top it all off, cultures crisscrossing the globe shared similar myths and legends of their golden past. I left the whole notion behind and decided to focus on raw philosophies instead of thinking any religion has any hold on the Truth at all.


The problem is we got ourselves into a big mess. I deal with data as a trade, and it's very easy to get one calculation off and have your assumptions about the data produced be wildly off. I can't imagine how the scholars and scribes of yore kept track of things. Today we have language apps that can teach a layman any language they want, and we have robust scholarly tools that can examine all the "ancient" languages and scripts side by side with unprecedented detail. But back when we were figuring out what year it really is, and where old Jerusalem must have been on a map – they had NOTHING. No google maps, no height-map data, no climate data, just dusty, bug eaten pages written in languages nearly lost and scripts scribbled with inconsistent strokes. The possibilities of misinterpretation were limitless.


Suddenly, a new horizon dawns on me. The craziest idea of all. Instead of everything being wrong and wishful fantasies – what if it is all right? Everything from the Greek Myths to the Muslim's Mohamed, the Sumerian Anunnaki to Jesus on a Cross? Of course, I don't mean LITERALLY, since the versions of these stories we are left with today have obviously been corrupted and mashed together into (what they hoped would be) a cohesive narrative. What these monks and lofty Renaissance re-constructionists would never dare consider is that these are all the same stories, and they happened at the exact same time – not spread out over millennium.


The official narrative is that mankind bounced around in forests for hundreds of thousands of years until finally realizing that they can grab a few sticks and build a fence and trap their next meal on a farm. Cities eventually popped up, but it wasn't for thousands more years until one brother killed another, that true civilization in a modern sense was born in Rome. These tales became the archetype of all future civilizations and we've been modeling ourselves on their glories and follies ever since. And then suddenly Rome vanished in the west, and people literally forgot how to do anything. How to write, read, and build. For a thousand years they just fucked like animals and bowed to lords, but had little ambition outside of being a good soldier or cobbler. We had nothing for hundreds of thousands of years, a hockey stick of progress for about a thousand years of Rome, then crashed back down to nothing for another thousand years, then suddenly woke up in the Renaissance and suddenly remembered everything. How? Somehow long lost books and histories were being found en masse, and publication technology was being advanced so that the masses could get their own copies of these things. Isn't it interesting how none of these dug up histories are the originals, but are allegedly copies of copies and nearly ALL of them were found in the 1300-1600's?

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 9, 2019, 10:36 a.m. No.6109715   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9847 >>0061



How about another idea? What if progress happens just as you expect. That we wise homos don't forget so easily. What if Rome, as we think of it, did not happen back then? What if what the Renaissance scholars were digging up were histories far more recent? And the places they described were actually not in Italy or the Levant, but elsewhere? What if we get truly skeptical and assert that we only know history of the past 1000 years, and everything that goes before that (as we once thought) is actually events within the last 1000 years misdated? Yes, that even includes "ancient" Egypt. The 'Pharaohs' reigned in the middle ages?! What if the reason that Egyptian religion seems so similar to Christianity is because it IS Christianity?


Holy shit, I better stop before you burn me at the stake. There's no way there's actually anyway to prove this right? Our historians have done a good job dating things all the way back to 8000BCE after all, how absurd to claim they're all wrong! But once you understand what a "paradigm" is and how these historians are very much enslaved by their working paradigm, you will start to understand how they (usually innocently) indeed did get it all wrong.


What if Jesus was born in Crimea in 1152CE?


What if we take another look at this cryptic verse:


John 21:25

Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 9, 2019, 10:51 a.m. No.6109847   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9898 >>0061



What if all these ancient cults that seem to have a modern connection aren't ancient at all?

What if they are merely a few hundred years old?

What if the Masons absurd claims of building the Pyramids and the Temple of Solomon aren't absurd?

What if the Franks really DID descend from the fallen "Troy"? But what if Troy isn't what we think it is?


What if the world used to be ruled by a single empire which had the Double Headed Eagle as it's symbol (ruling the east and west).


It's pretty silly to think that Russia/Tartaria wouldn't have discovered America first. Well, what if they did? What if they built beautiful civilizations there, known to us today as Aztec and Mayan and others?


What were the Spanish Conquistadors really conquering?


Why did the Pope divide up all of the new world between Castile and Portugal? What the fuck is that? Two tiny nations get the Pope to give them each half the Americas? It was called The Treaty of Tordesillas. Absurd!


What happened is that the worldwide empire started to fracture, and the West broke off in a big way. Perhaps plague helped the west forget it's past, or perhaps historical vengeance to erase their former overlords from their pages, or perhaps simple monarchs wanting their own legacies and legitimacies written – the Tartarian/Ottoman empire was falling apart. The West wanted the Americas and waged war with the Tartarians already settled there. It wasn't until 1775 when the last Tartarian Czar, who we know today as Pugachev (not his real name, it means scum), was defeated, did the Western Powers finally have the greenlight to "go west" and finally conquer all of the Americas from Sea to Shining Sea.


One year later the Declaration of Independence is signed and the colonies break free from England and become their own great nation called the USA.


The natives are SLAUGHTERED and those who survive are put on reservations and residential schools where their entire culture is erased, and the only memories of it they are allowed to keep is of them once being nearly naked savages with no real civilization to be seen.

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 9, 2019, 10:57 a.m. No.6109898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9943 >>0061



The Romanov's, love the name right? They were Western conquerors who came to erase what was left of the former world empire.


By the way, I'm not one of those who think Tartaria was some hippy utopia where everything was perfect. If you start researching Tartaria it seems like most people think it was a peaceful place that was destroyed by the evil corrupt west.


In fact, I believe Tartaria was a ruthless autocractic civilization that kept control via massive armies situated around the world. Perhaps the West was right to defeat them.


Sometimes I wonder if the Deep State is the remnants of Tartaria trying to bring it back to life. Perhaps Tartaria was a socialist/communist regime (but in a theistic way, there's no way they were atheist). And perhaps they were the forces that finally killed the Romanov's and led to Red October and the rise of Communism in Tartaria/Russia.


Could this, at last, be what Q really means when he/she said to:


Follow the Y heads around the world.


Was he talking about the lost empire's double headed eagle?


(Funny, Tartaria is so erased from our consciousness that it isn't even in the spellcheck dictionary)

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 9, 2019, 11:04 a.m. No.6109943   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9975 >>0061



Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: pOV0fY+r No.150412315 📁

Nov 21 2017 22:07:58 (EST)

Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.

Follow the Owl & Y head around the world.

Identify and list.

They don’t hide it.

They don’t fear you.

You are sheep to them.

You are feeders.

Godfather III.



Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: CJqu8oIu No.150424047 📁

Nov 21 2017 23:52:02 (EST)

Identify symbolism (Owl / Y).

Which performers/celebs supported HRC during the election?

Who performed during her rallies?

What jewelry and/or tattoos present?

What other events do they attend together?

What does HRC represent to them?

What celebrities have owl / Y head symbols?

What politicians have owl / Y head symbols?

What powerful people have owl / Y head symbols?

What powerful groups have owl / Y head symbols?

Why are they worn/shown openly?

Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.

MSM role?

Push conspiracy theory.

Social media role?

Push conspiracy theory and institute new rules allowing for ban.


The graphic is key.

Re-read graphic (ex: what family did Soros replace (Y)).

Part II – How were they ‘adopted’ into the cult (as children).

What were they provided for obeying and staying silent (brainwashed)?

All that you know to be right is wrong.

The ‘cult’ runs the world.

Fantasy land.

The world is fighting back (& destroying the cult).

20% public.

80% private.

The world would otherwise collapse.

40,000ft. v. (again) and need to decrease altitude to avoid ‘conspiracy’ label.

Was necessary.


For God & Country.



Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: Hy6wyrTj No.150435422 📁

Nov 22 2017 01:46:36 (EST)

Why are China & Russia communist S/closed?

Can you find an owl / Y there?

Was this to prevent evil from entering?

Was this to protect their children/people?

Why was BO shamed during trip to China, SA, other locations?

How was POTUS hosted?



Fantasy land.


Anonymous ID: d59006 April 9, 2019, 11:09 a.m. No.6109975   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0061 >>2373



Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 4d8e72 No.618129 📁

Mar 10 2018 18:07:05 (EST)



The Nazi order.

NWO [N does not refer to “New”].

The Sum of All Fears.






Stage SET.




Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: fb1a66 No.618344 📁

Mar 10 2018 18:19:23 (EST)


You cannot possibly imagine the size of this.

Trust the plan.

Trust there are more good than bad.

The WORLD is helping.

We are not alone.

We are all connected in this fight.


We are winning BIG.

Watch the speech.

God bless.


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: fb1a66 No.618754 📁

Mar 10 2018 18:37:22 (EST)

N does not refer to Nazi.

The continued Nazi ideology is relevant.

Events will clarify.

Think subgroup.



(pic relevant, but the dates are wrong)

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 9, 2019, 12:50 p.m. No.6110958   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1086



So I'm not convinced Tartaria was benevolent or nefarious, but there's no question they were wiped from the map for a reason.. what is that reason?


Love Robert Sepehr.


Very interesting video, I had no idea that the Communists tried to wipe out the remaining Tartars in Russia!! So there goes my idea that the Tartarians are the Deep State, quite the opposite then.


Interesting how Iran is connected.. The Romans/Byzantines were constantly fighting the Goths and the Persians, they were in fact the same. At first I was confused about how he was mixing in Iran and Hitler into this video but he's just showing how easy it is to erase a culture when you're the winner.


My biggest struggle in this game is to identify the white hats and black hats in factions. It's hard because everyone seems to be black hat, and occasionally a white hat arises from any of these groups to get them back in line.. only to have that group be corrupted not so long after, again.


(this is going to sound a bit convoluted because I still haven't figured out who the hell the Romanov's were fighting for)


As a thought experiment. Say Tartaria did own the Americas, and stubbornly held them all the way until 1775. Why then did the War of Independence happen? Well, the Romanovs just defeated the Muscovit Tartars. The Romanov's weren't super friendly with the English, they certainly didn't want England to conquer the now undefended American lands. So, they encouraged the Masons in America to foment treason and wage war against their host nation. America then became a Masonic Nation. Russia was buddy buddy with America, even up to the Civil War (where the West was trying to once against take back America). So in this scenario, the Masons and the Romanovs are the Good Guys. It explains the strange supportive nature of the Russians (there would be no USA today without them!!!!) and why there's SO MUCH Masonic symbolism in early America. Might also explain how a Tartarian Owl became the shape of the White House gardens?! Could this be why Masons use the Romanov double eagle?


After the Titanic sank, the FED was created, and WW1 was waged, America was being gripped back by the West. (((They))) failed in 1776, they failed in 1863, but they succeeded in 1913 to win back America. Aint it quaint how cozy American Presidents have been with the Queen? Could this be why MI6 was helping the FBI entrap the Trump Campaign? Essentially, they own America anyways so why wouldn't they?


Yet… America enslaved the blacks, and slaughtered the Natives right? Obviously these colonists aren't the good guys! But remember that the slave trade was a royal institution, which is probably why the English and French were trying to assist the South in the civil war (while the Russians held them back with their armadas parked in New York). And who slaughtered the Natives? I don't have the answer yet (if you do, chime in), but I suspect it was the same forces that control the Democrat party today!


So America has always struggled to exist, against enemies foreign AND domestic. It's crazy to say, especially since Q seems to be implying that the Masons are bad guys, but maybe the Masons are (or at least were originally) the good guys that we owe the very notion of freedom to!???


Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: cdb588 No.1948303 📁

Jun 28 2018 19:04:44 (EST)


Most all powerful organizations have sinister components.

With power comes corruption.

Like alphabet agencies, not all are bad apples.

Should the bad spoil the bunch?


Anonymous ID: d59006 April 9, 2019, 1 p.m. No.6111086   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1095







The two-headed eagle - the emblem of the Great Empire of the XIV-XVI cc. – spread all over its territory which at that time covered Eurasia and the significant parts of Africa and America. But later, during the falsification of ancient history, the imperial eagle was 'pushed back into the past' and declared to be the symbol which allegedly existed long before the XIV century. As a result beginning with the XVIII century the historians and archaeologists when stumbling across here and there onto the mediaeval depictions of the two-headed 'Mongol' eagle were compelled to date many of them 'to the deepest past'.


The 'Mongol' eagles can also be seen on the monuments of 'ancient' Egypt [7v1], ch.5. For example the images of the eagles on the temples of Karnak in Egypt. Sometimes in Egypt the heads of the eagles were depicted as the heads of snakes. This shouldn't surprise us. In Russian-Horde heraldry the eagles' heads sometimes resemble those of a snake. They even depicted a long snakes' tongue from its beak. Here, for instance, the Imperial eagle on the state seal of Ivan the Terrible, fig.86 [4v2], ch.2. Two eagle-snake heads on the long necks, looking to the East and to the West.


So the images of the Imperial eagle with the snakes' heads on the temples of 'ancient' Egypt and on the seals of Russia-Horde of the XV-XVI cc. are essentially the identical. It is possible that on the early Hordian emblems which didn't survive to our day the similarity between the Russian and Egyptian heraldry was even more apparent.


The two-headed eagles on the Mediaeval and 'ancient' monuments are the Imperial symbolism of the XIV-XVI cc.

All the documents, coins and seals everywhere were adorned with a two-headed eagle. Its two heads looked East and West, which symbolised the unity of the East and the West.


The two-headed eagle reigned practically on every main mediaeval emblem in Europe. 'It is possible to list the NUMEROUS ARTEFACTS of sphragistics and numismatics of Mediaeval Europe (XII-XV cc.) on which we can see the two-headed eagle: the coins and seal of Ludwig of Bavaria, the counts of Wurzburg and counts and dukes of Savoy, the seals of King Wenceslaus of the House of Luxembourg and his seals as the Czech King Vaclav IV, the confidential seals, the coins of Bertrand III of Baux in France, the seals of the Archbishops of Cologne and Main in Germany, as well as the Fribourg coins of the city of Palermo, Savoy and Netherlands' [134], p.13. Etc.



Anonymous ID: d59006 April 9, 2019, 1 p.m. No.6111095   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1104



After the collapse of the Empire some of the split territories of Western Europe kept the eagle as their national symbol. As if claiming back a part of the legacy of the Horde Empire and its history. However the right head was removed. I.e. they cut off the East head of the imperial eagle, which was indicating the Eastern metropoly of the Empire. The Western Europeans only kept 'their own Western head' of the eagle-emblem. They were striving to forget as soon as possible that very recently there existed a UNITED EAST-WEST Kingdom. As a result, since the XVII-XVIII cc. the majority of the Western European 'national eagles' look Westwards with their one remaining head. For example the contemporary German eagle-emblem. In [7v1], ch.5, we can see the transformation, for instance, of the German eagle from a two-headed one in the epoch of the XIV-XVI cc. into the one-headed one, after the uprising of the XVII century.


We can see the two-headed eagle on the old emblem of the German city of Cologne [7v1], ch.5. Incidentally there are turbans and pagri depicted on the eagles' heads. There is something of the kind also on the emblems of the Emperors Frederick Barbarossa and Conrad. Later these Hordian-Ottoman 'turbans' would turn into the royal crowns. We can see such 'Reformist' crowns on the eagles on the coat of arms of the Romanovs and on the coat of arms of the Habsburgs since the XVII century. The depiction of a turban or a pagri on the old emblems of the empire was natural. The Hordian and the Ottoman czar-khans, as eventually did the Turkish sultans, often wore a turban or a pagri on their heads.


On the German map of Tyrol of 1662 we can already see a one-headed eagle looking West [7v1], ch.5. The separation of Germany and Austria from the 'Mongol' Empire became a factor and gradually it was expressed in the national symbols. It was then when the 'reformed' German one-headed eagle appeared.


At first the old symbols were 'corrected' carefully and discretely. Initially the two-headed 'Mongol' eagle was sort of cut in half to emphasise the split of the Empire in the Western and Eastern regions. There is an interesting depiction of the four eagles on the coat of arms of Berlin of 1740, fig.99. The Eastern eagle remained unchanged for some time as a reminder of the former unity of the Empire. But the central, i.e. the main eagle is already confidently looking only West. 'To emphasise' above it there was depicted another Western eagle. The meaning is clear. Germany and Western Europe are breaking away from the metropoly. Eventually the Eastern eagle was removed altogether. When the danger of the revival of the Empire was considered quite slim. Out of the four Berlin eagles only one remained – the present day one-headed German eagle looking West.


There are Western-European emblems, though very few, where a one-headed eagle looks East. For example, on one of the German barons' (similar to 'barin'? – 'nobleman' in Russian – Translator's note) coats of arms [7v1], ch.5. It may be that this very family wanted to stress their devotion to the idea of the 'Mongol' Empire. Among the military Bavarian coats of arms of the barons = barins (noblemen) we can see the Ottoman crescents [7v1]. But eventually all these Imperial, loyalist factions were crushed by the rebels. Those who survived accepted the new rules of life. 'The cutting off of the eagle-emblems Eastern heads' was only one element of the 'new ideology' in Europe.

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 9, 2019, 1:01 p.m. No.6111104   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1266 >>3748



There is an interesting coat of arms on the map of year 1634 of the city of Geneva and Lake of Geneva. The one-headed eagle is looking West. But it is clear that THERE USED TO BE A HORDIAN TWO-HEADED EAGLE IN ITS PLACE BEFORE. In order not to spend too much time on alterations the reformers simply painted over the right half of the eagle and painted a key, fig.100. It very well could be that it was done this way not only in the province of Geneva, turning the two-headed eagle into a one-headed one by violently cutting it in half. Then, when the rebellious emotions calmed down, they simply began to paint the 'Western eagle'.


As far as we could find out while analysing the coats of arms, maps and etc., the reformers always covered just the right, i.e. the eastern half of the eagle. I.e. they covered the unpleasant East. They kept only the good West for themselves.


On the map of Poland, Silesia and Bohemia of 1634 we can see a one-headed Polish eagle looking East and a one-headed Bohemian eagle looking West, fig.101. On the Western eagle floating above Bohemia and Moravia RIGHT ON ITS CHEST THERE IS STILL SHINING AN ENORMOUS OTTOMAN CRESCENT [7v1], ch.5, [4v1], ch.10:2. It is possible that eventually the Bohemian and Polish reformers changed their minds and the imperial crescent which displeased them was removed. In order to forget the recent past when the Ottoman-Hordian crescent was reigning over the entire Europe. And not just Europe. It is hardly the case that anyone in today's Bohemia would remember that some time ago this country was shielded by the wings of an eagle with the Ottoman crescent on its chest.


In the symbolism of the Western Europe of the XVIII-XIX cc. amongst other things there survived in some places the two-headed eagles, but the one-headed Western eagles are still prevalent. We don't know any official Western-European emblem of any significant state of the XVII-XIX cc. where a one-headed eagle would look East. If such do exist, there must be very few.


The Romanovs kept the two-headed eagle as a symbol of their new Russia. They cherished the idea of restoring the vast Empire, but this time under their rule. In any case such intentions are being attributed to Peter I [4v2], ch.2:17.

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 9, 2019, 2:30 p.m. No.6112005   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0920



I started this quest trying to figure these eagles out, and this by far is the best explanation. But it's an explanation no historian would dare give you since it implies that our chronology is wrong. Yet, what explanation do historians give to this strange bird? None, basically none.

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 10, 2019, 7:23 a.m. No.6120398   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0450 >>1314 >>7237



By the way, I find it fascinating that he made the Cybele connection and the vatican.


The place that was first known as the Mons Vaticanus was founded as a necropolis sometime before 600 BC. It became a temple to the goddess Cybele in 204 B.C., during the Punic War. The Carthaginian Hannibal was plundering the Roman countryside. Rome itself was desperate and apparently their own gods were failing them. Strange omens caused fear in the city. It is reported that one morning, two suns rose in the sky. It is also reported that stones rained for nine days. In the middle of one night, daylight appeared. The city’s gate was struck by lightning. All of these events were bad signs for the superstitious Romans.


Rome sent a delegation to Delphi in Greece for an interpretation of the prophecy in the Sibylline books. This prophecy stated that if a foreign invader attacks Rome, then that invader could only be driven away if the Mother of Mount Ida (Cybele) is brought to Rome. Although the father gods like Zeus and Jehovah had become more popular during the Iron Age that began circa 1250 BC, the goddess and her mysteries survived in Greece, Egypt, Anatolia, Palestine, and Syria. Now she was being recognized by Rome. The Great Goddess and Mother Goddess went by different names in different locales but Cybele was unique.


The personification of this goddess was the largest iron meteorite known in the ancient world. It was a 16-feet-tall conical object worshiped as the “Simulacrum of Cybele” and weighed several hundred tons. Worship of the goddess and her stone that dropped from the heavens included believing her priestess had the gift of prophecy. They could see into the future. What would become Vatican hill was selected as the place to house it. A 200-foot-long temple was planned. It would be built over the catacombs that existed for centuries. It took 13 years to build her temple, and it was dedicated on April 11, 191 BC.


Cybele and her meteorite had already proven her power even before the temple was complete, although skeptics might give more credit to the Roman General Scipio Africanus and his successes against the Carthaginians on their own soil forcing Hannibal to be recalled from Italy. The ability of Cybele to see the future gave birth to the word Vatican.


The Holy See


The word itself varies in its interpretations. Most believe it is derived from the Latin vates, meaning seer or soothsayer. In turn the word ‘Vaticanus’ was from the Etruscan language, meaning serpent or dragon. An even older word vatica is Hindi for a cultural or religious center. It is often used for Hindu monasteries. The Hindi suffix tika is the name of the red circle or dot that Hindu women place in the center of their forehead. It indicates a “third eye” or an ability to see beyond the three dimensions. How the word was brought from India to pre-Roman Italy is unknown. Vatis can also mean snake in the Etruscan language, and it was claimed by Pliny the Roman historian that snakes grew so large in the Vatican area that one ate a child. The serpent/dragon was given an unusual power of sight as well.

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 10, 2019, 7:31 a.m. No.6120450   🗄️.is 🔗kun



By the way, it's interesting they mention the Etruscan language here.


Etruscan is not mysterious. It's simply Slavic. Chronologists don't want to admit that though because it means the 'ancient' Etruscan were medieval, and this throws EVERYTHING off.





Let us look at the history of the Etruscans in more detail. To recap, in the XIII century the Trojan War takes place, as the result of which the GOTHS – TATARS – TARQUINII – 'MONGOLS' – RUSSIANS – seize Czar-Grad. After a while the 'MONGOLS'= THE GREAT ONES, aka the Tarquinii = the Tatar Khans invade the West. This is at the very beginning of the XIV century.


Specifically they colonize Italy and are firmly established in Florence. At the end of the XIV century the Etruscans (the Russians) lay the foundation of a small fortification, calling it Rome. The word ROME could have originated from a Russian word RAMO = a shoulder, an arm, a part of an arm up to an elbow. The plural - is RAMENA, in Russian. This is an old form. Hence the word RAMA (meaning a 'frame' in Russian), as a space restricted by something. The Russian word ARMIYA (meaning ARMY) and the English ARMOUR, also originate from here. The Greek ROMEA could have also come from here. The current belief that ROME is an 'ancient', purely Latin word is a consequence of inaccurate chronology.


The name Rome was also considered to be a reference to THE ENTIRE STATE (denomination of the state as the whole). The Latini used the word Urbis = City for Rome, and Orbis – world, universe. A corresponding Russian word is MIR (meaning WORLD in Russian). Many times we came across the backwards reading of names in the multilingual chronicles. For example, the Arabs and the Jews read from the right to the left; the Europeans read from the left to the right. That is why the words MIR (WORLD in Russian) and RIM (ROME in Russian) could have turned into each other when read by the peoples of different nationalities. Thus the MONGOLIAN WORLD would turn into the GREAT ROME and vice versa.


There is as yet an unsolved puzzle in Scaligerian history. Namely – THE ETRUSCANS. The people, who allegedly, even before the founding of Rome in the VIII century BC, appeared in Italy, created a wonderful culture there and then mysteriously vanished leaving behind numerous artefacts covered with incomprehensible writings, which are indecipherable to many generations of the scientists despite their strenuous efforts.


In our concept the 'riddle of the Etruscans' is resolved. It turns out that in the XIX century the scientists A.D.Chertkov and F.Volansky proposed their solution. They discovered the method of decoding and reading the Etruscan inscriptions. According to them THESE INSCRIPTIONS WERE SLAVONIC. THEREFORE THE ETRUSCANS WERE SLAVS. It became clear why the Etruscans called themselves 'Rasenna', i.e. the Rasens, the Russians [106], p.72.


However, the solution of the Etruscan riddle, put forward by these scientists, despite the indisputable interpretation of at least several Etruscan texts, conflicted with the spirit of Scaligerian history entirely. This was enough TO UNDERMINE BELIEF in A.D. Chertkov and F.Volansky, despite the fact that nobody could contest their theory. It seems there was nothing to object to – as A.D. Chertkov and F.Volansky in fact had successfully read many Etruscan inscriptions. Until today, for over a hundred years, the Etruscologists kept quiet about the findings of these scientists.

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 10, 2019, 8:06 p.m. No.6129993   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0499 >>0832



Personally I believe Thomas is a real person and isn't intentionally sliding. He's a paradox. On the one hand he's digging on Q's clues, except, he's admittedly not a follower. He's pretty much dropped support of POTUS after Golan Heights and says he no longer says WWG1WGA. I find some of his ideas fascinating, except, he's reluctant to actually share conclusions, as if he's trying to be his own Q and guide us into a mysterious world of questions without providing answers. In my opinion, that goes against the spirit of this thread. We're here to SOLVE SHIT not get people spinning chasing each others tails. If you're not willing to present your conclusions, fuck off. If you're here to talk in riddles, go write a book of poetry. The audacity of him to say he exposed the cabal, while implying the rest of us were sitting on our thumbs being dumb, is vanity in the highest. Good job, you figured the cabal out! That was easy!!




Yes the ID changing was curious. And his prolific posting flooded the thread that pretty much the only thing I ever saw when I scanned the new posts were his ramblings.


Yes, I'm on a Fomenko kick. I'm having a hard time NOT believing it. Thomas, claiming to be an actual archeologist, was in a good position to actually debunk Fomenko but instead was insulted by it and refused to engage in the idea. I'm still waiting for someone to debunk the notion that the roman empires of the 2nd and 3rd empire and the kings of Judea are LITERALLY THE SAME PEOPLE with the same length of reign, consecutively with very similar charactaristics.


It's so important to me because I feel like it would make everything connect.


Here's an idea. Polar Configuration was real, and happened about 1000ish years ago. Prior to that we had a bridge between Mars and Earth, but most lived on Mars. When Saturn got pulled away and we were flung to the Sun, the Martians evacuated "Eden". The Saturn days, we were a lot more 'supernatural'. Jesus was one of the last Saturnian Martians. Few survivors came to Earth. They landed in Tartaria, and quickly expanded and populated Europe and Africa. They built pyramids and kept the culture from Mars alive, much of the myths of Greece (or, Royal Christianity as Fomenko calls it) were tales from that world, literal tales. After a few centuries, the generations forgot their origins, and lost track of time, and the European colonies grew stronger and rebellious against Great Tartaria. When the Ottomans (a branch of Great Tartaria) swept through Europe to quell uprising and qurantine the plague (by death and destruction), this was the last straw for Europeans, and they vowed to destroy Tartaria and blot it out of memory.


Problem is, all this smart folks in the Renaissance confused all the histories and duplicated the accounts, and they were all bouncing off each other, causing a feedback loop that kept replicating stories and pushing them further back in time.


The Saturnian Martians were space faring. They still visit us and are often sighted. They wish to return to the Earth but only if they can reclaim their empire. This may be one of the forces behind globalism. Once we're united as one nation, once again, they will return. But they are us, our ancestors. However, they may still have retained their 'demi-god' like powers.


Q says we're a matrix. A farm. Perhaps these demi-gods breed us and abduct us from the Earth en masse?


Another thing to think about is if humans double every 20-30 years, and die at about 70 years, and occasionally die early… humans should number in the TRILLIONS if we start 200,000 years ago. But the numbers add up if we only go back 1000 years.

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 10, 2019, 9:05 p.m. No.6130671   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This one? This changed my LIFE. I read every page of it. The way he goes at length… I love how he's so rational. He puts the maps in order as they're dated today, and shows how absurd it is that we keep "forgetting" features of the map, only to rediscover again. When he puts them into sequence of increasing knowledge, it suddenly makes way more sense. He goes on at LENGTH about Muscovit Tartary and how the 1771 Encyclopedia Britannica describes it as a MONSTER nation, but wait, didn't the Romanov's already conquer Siberia? Of course they did, and they will soon put down a peasant revolt with some eccentric lunatic claiming to be the rightful Tsar, some fool name Pugachev. He's put down in 1775, and this jackass is tried in the Moscow Royal Court, which is an odd choice for a peasant who comitted treason, why give him such dignity? Unless it was symbolic to try the last Tsar of Muscovit Tartary in Moscow, their former capital which is now in their control!! And now that Muscovit has fallen, they can no longer protect their holdings in Northwest America, and thus they fall.


Fomenko doesn't talk about it here, but I wonder if he'd agree. That the Ottomans held the south Americas until 1492, when Spain was finally relinquished by the Europeans, who very soon after went to claim the Ottoman colonies in Mexico and elsewhere.


I've always been suprised to hear the Mayans were building Pyramids in the 1300's of a scope similar to the Egyptians, who are said to have been building them in the 2800BCE's… Wouldnt it make more sense that the Egyptians were actively building around the same time as the Mayans? It's such an assault on our brains when you first say that, but once you start adding it up, it actually makes more sense if the pyramids were all built by a worldwide culture, almost simultaneously, with the same skill full architects that were building temples all over the world too.

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 10, 2019, 10:45 p.m. No.6131631   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4368



Thanks for that! He's insanely smart. He spends about 100 pages in his fir Chronology detailing his statistical method. I'm a data scientist myself and his methods are rock solid.


It's amazing to me that 99% of his critics admit they haven't actually read his work. They claim he's some soviet propagandist trying to manufacture a more glorious Russian past. No one dares consider his actual research. This needs to change! It's actually only very recently that his works are being translated into English.


Honestly? I want him to be wrong. It's so weird believing in something I would NEVER EVER share with my friends or colleagues. They would accuse me of flat earth ism. But this is much different. I can't personally go to space, but I csn pick up a hook and verify his amazing ideas.

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 11, 2019, 6:18 a.m. No.6134775   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Which is why I'm not mad when someone doesn't buy into it. Heck, I was still a few hundred pages into his first chronology before it started to click. The way these ancient legends repeat themselves, in almost the exact same way, is mind blowing.

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 11, 2019, 9:56 a.m. No.6137439   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I took the time to transcribe and translate the text:


> Geneue eft une ville au pays de Sauoye, de merueilleuse, grande anciennete, veumesme que iules cesar en fait mention, au premier liure de la guere Gallique, affermant qu'il y auoit un pont passant oultrele Rhosne, lequel de son temps estoit soubz la puissance de suysses. La situation de ceste ville cy est plaisante, & gracieuse, & la contree fertile. Il y a force vignes, & assez grande abondance de bleds. Du toste, oule Rhosne sort de ce grande Lac, qu'on appelloit anciennement le Lac Leman, elle est basse, mais dupuis elle est esleuee en hault, jur vne petite montaigne. Il y a deux villes en icelle encore aniourd'huy, par le millieu desquelles le Rhosne passe, sure lequel il y a un pont de bois, qui conieint ces deux villes. La grand ville est du coste du Midy, & la petite est du coste de Septentrion. Les historiens recitent, que ceste ville a este resaite par l'empereur Aurelien, qui voulut, qu'elle fut appellee de son nom Aurelia, mais elle a retenu son nom ancien. Elle est presqu'au millieu de tout le pays de Sanoye. Mais pour mieux entendre cecy, i ay bien voulu icy adiou ster ce que i ay recouuert d'auncuns personages touchant Geneue.




Geneue is a town in the country of Sauoye, a haughty, great antiquity, as much as Cesar mentions, in the first line of the Gallic war, asserting that there was a bridge passing by the Rhosne, which of his time was under the power of suysses. The situation of this city is pleasant, gracious, and fertile. There are strong vines, and plenty of corn. From the top, where the Rhosne comes out of this great lake, which was formerly called Lake Leman, it is low, but since then it has been grown in high, a small mountain. There are two towns in this country, still, where Rhosne passes, on which there is a wooden bridge, which conies these two cities. The big city is on the coast of Midy, and the small is on the coast of Septentrion. Historians recite that this city was reseted by the Emperor Aurelian, who wanted, that she was called by her name Aurelia, but she retained her old name. It is almost in the middle of all the country of Sanoye. But, in order to hear this better, I have been very fond of what I have received from other characters touching Geneue.



Ancient town, mentioned by Julius Ceasar and Emperor Aurelian wanted to change it's name to Aurelia…. But look at the image! This is a pretty small town for being well over 1500 years old.

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 12, 2019, 9:34 a.m. No.6150832   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3369


>Here's an idea. Polar Configuration was real, and happened about 1000ish years ago. Prior to that we had a bridge between Mars and Earth, but most lived on Mars. When Saturn got pulled away and we were flung to the Sun, the Martians evacuated "Eden". The Saturn days, we were a lot more 'supernatural'. Jesus was one of the last Saturnian Martians. Few survivors came to Earth. They landed in Tartaria, and quickly expanded and populated Europe and Africa. They built pyramids and kept the culture from Mars alive, much of the myths of Greece (or, Royal Christianity as Fomenko calls it) were tales from that world, literal tales. After a few centuries, the generations forgot their origins, and lost track of time, and the European colonies grew stronger and rebellious against Great Tartaria. When the Ottomans (a branch of Great Tartaria) swept through Europe to quell uprising and qurantine the plague (by death and destruction), this was the last straw for Europeans, and they vowed to destroy Tartaria and blot it out of memory.


>Problem is, all this smart folks in the Renaissance confused all the histories and duplicated the accounts, and they were all bouncing off each other, causing a feedback loop that kept replicating stories and pushing them further back in time.


>The Saturnian Martians were space faring. They still visit us and are often sighted. They wish to return to the Earth but only if they can reclaim their empire. This may be one of the forces behind globalism. Once we're united as one nation, once again, they will return. But they are us, our ancestors. However, they may still have retained their 'demi-god' like powers.


>Q says we're a matrix. A farm. Perhaps these demi-gods breed us and abduct us from the Earth en masse?


>Another thing to think about is if humans double every 20-30 years, and die at about 70 years, and occasionally die early… humans should number in the TRILLIONS if we start 200,000 years ago. But the numbers add up if we only go back 1000 years.


I just had a crazy brainwave. I've dug deep into NYMZA/NJMZA and the Sonoma Aero Club – You may have seen pictures from the SAC which have flying machines with Trump's name on it? Walter Bosley (FBI/NSA) talks about the origins of NYMZA and tracks it to the Teutonic Knights in Prussia, aka the Hospitallers, modelled after Knights Templar. Check the frame at timestamp 5:10, "in which ancient knowledge was capture in Constantinople"

(wont let me embed for some reason)


Now, as Fomenko argues, Constantinople = Ancient Rome = Jerusalem = Troy, all the same place just confused in our chronicles.


So let's continue with my crazy theory above about a Martian Exodus (yessss I knowwwww). The Martians land in South-East Asia, form the empire of Great Tartaria, eventually expand westward. Now, lets say they DID retain SOME of the technology, specifically their airships. Afterall, how else could the maintain a global empire in the days of horses? When the Europeans eventually rebelled against the Tartars/Ottomans, and defeated one of their most notable strongholds Constantinople (which eventually gets echoed backwards as the Trojan War), these Knights captured their airship technology. Aka, UFOs as we know them. This was a game changed, and suddenly the new European powers could fight back against the Tartars on equal footing.


Ok, if so, why didn't the world erupt into an arms race and start building airplanes? Because they couldn't. Whatever these airships were made of is from a long lost martian manufacturing process that no longer existed on Earth. Basically, if you take on of these 'dragons' down, it's down for good.


Hence, NYMZA was an organization that controlled these super powerful machines, and was dedicated to figuring out how to reverse engineer them so that they could both repair them and build new ones.


The fact that they're PRUSSIAN makes sense. as Fomenko links Prussia to Paris of the Trojan War, as if you de-vocalize Prussia and Paris you both get PRS – easily confused. Is it any wonder, then, that the Nazi's were using/building "Foo Fighters"? Did they acquire this tech? Is this what Operation Paperclip was REALLY about?


(I'm playing with ideas here, not saying this is what's happening, but just letting my mind out for a walk)


Here's all the videos about NYMZA by Walter Bosley:


pt 1:

pt 2:

pt 3:

pt 4:


Walter Bosley | Trump, Tesla, Secret Spaceships, & NYMZA:

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 12, 2019, 12:50 p.m. No.6153382   🗄️.is 🔗kun



It turns out that Russia-Horde of the XIV-XVI cc. was called the following names (some of them possibly referred not to the entire Empire, but to its parts):


Scandinavian RUSIA = RUTSCIA = RUZTSIA = (Scand. RUZCIA) - RUSLAND = Scand. RUZALAND = RIZALAND (Scand. RISALAND) = LAND OF GIANTS = Scand. GARDARIKI = LAND OF CITIES (CITY is 'GOROD' in Russian) = HORDE-RIKI, i.e. HORDE-STATE, Scand.GARDAR = VELIKY GRAD (Rus.GREAT CITY) = GOROD = GRAD, Old Slavic (Slavonic) = GRHAS, ancient Indian (Old Ind.) = HOUSE (DOM in Russian) = GRHAS, ancient Ind. = GARDAS, Lithuanian (GARDAS, Scand.) = GUARD RAIL (OGRADA in Russian) = GARDAS, Scand. = GARDS, Got. (GARDS, Scand.) = HOUSE, FAMILY (DOM, SEMIA in Russian) = SAMARIA - SARMATIA, land of Sarmatians, see the city of SAMARA = KYLFINGALAND, Scand. = LAND OF BELLS = AFRICA = THRACIA = TURKEY = TATARIA = BLALAND = OSTARRICHI = ASIAN-TATAR-EMPIRE = AUSTRIA = SCYTHIA (SCITHIA, Scand.) = SITHIA, Scand. = CIPHIA or CITHIA, Scand. = CITIA, i.e. China! = SCOTIA, hence SCOTLAND = SCOT-LAND, SCYTHIA is named after MAGOG! = SVITJOD THE GREAT (SVITJOD HINN MIKLA, Scand.) = SARMATIA+ALANIA=GOTHIA, i.e. SCYTHIA was divided into these three regions = THE GREAT SVITJOD (The Great Saint) = GODLAND, Scand. = LAND OF THE GREAT GOD, or LAND OF GODS, or GOD'S LAND = LAND OF GOTHS = GOTHIA (GOTH LAND), GOTHS = GODS = GOD = GAUTAR = GEATS = HETHITES (OR HITTITE) = HOMELAND OF THE GIANTS = JOTUNHEIM = JOTLAND = GREAT GOTHIA = NOBLE GOTHIA (Scand. REIDGOTLAND = HREIDGOTAR). The Great Svitjod was at first populated by the Turks, i.e. closely connected with TURKEY. The Great Svitjod probably included THE LITTLE SVITJOD, i.e. SWEDEN.


Furthermore, the Old Russia = THE GREAT SERKLAND, sometimes is placed either in Africa or close to Africa = THRACIA = Scand. KVENNALAND = QUENLAND = KUNALAND = LAND OF THE AMAZONS = LAND OF WOMEN-QUEENS (Scand. QUEN-LAND or QUEEN-LAND) = LAND OF SERES, i.e. RUSSII (RUSSIANS), hence ASSYRIA, then SCITHIA = CHINA! = LAND OF SARACENS! – A Muslim country = CHALDEA! = PALESTINE! = MESOPOTAMIA! = INDIA, i.e. a DISTANT land, where the division of INDIA into THREE INDIAS – is, most likely, the division of Russia into THREE HORDES. PARTHIA was populated from SCITHIA, where at some point Parthia was probably used for PRUSSIA = PRUTENIA =PRT = P+RUSSIA = White RUS (RUSSIA).


It is possible that Rus (Russia) = Bjarmaland = Land of Boyars or Barms (Bjarmians, Beormas). Where the name Bjarmeland = Great Permia was later used only for the territory of modern Germany, Austria and Italy. Later the historians relocated the name Great Perm (or Great Permia) to the territory of the Romanov Russia.


Going forward, Rus' (Russia) = Scithia = BARBARIA, according to the English sources.


We will add some identification which we encountered: RUS (RUSSUA) = KINGDOM OF PRESTER JOHN, and will also integrate some synonyms of Rus' (Russia) which were used in the English sources. See [517], ch.3:1.5. So.




Let us point out the name RUTHIA. Without vowel marks we have RT or RD. It is simply HORDE, RAT'(ARMY). One of the most best-known names of the Great Empire. It turns out that the English called Ancient Rus' (Russia) absolutely correct – HORDE.

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 12, 2019, 12:50 p.m. No.6153386   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Just to continue my fun little story, take note above. Tartaria was referred to as the LAND OF GIANTS?! Also, if you dont know, some maps of Northwest America also warned of giants living there.


I don't know what to think about giants, but for fun, let's continue with the mars Idea. There were Giants in those days, men of great renown… Mars has less gravity than Earth, perhaps humans there would grow much larger? When they landed here, many kept their giant size, although over many generations the gene pool adjusted their offspring to better suit our gravity.


This doesn't explain why other humans WEREN'T giants. So let's play with that idea, now by combining our favorite God's Enki and Enlil.


See, Mars was paradise, Atlantis, the golden age. Earth, beautiful as it is, paled compared to the beauty of mars. Plus it was harder to live here with the gravity, etc. But Earth was rich in resources. So Enki, a genetic scientist, merged their DNA with apes that already were evolved for Earth and created our species of Human. These slaves were created to mine for resources.


When mars was destroyed, the God's from Heaven to Earth (Anunaki) came and were giants compared to man. These God's were white, red haired giants. Perhaps red was somehow due to the Martian climate? The slave humans were brown and black. This is one of the reasons the Elite (whose bloodlines trace back to the Gods) had absolutely NO MORAL ISSUE with enslaving their fellow humans, because they felt like their existence was literally made by them and they were their God, literally.


These days all the giants are gone, but their royal blood remains. Perhaps the elite think that when the other Martians return to earth they will easily identify their species based on the royal blood, and thus its important as fuck NOT to mix their bloodlines with the lesser humans as much as possible as this will dilute their share of Anunaki blood and will thus be left behind in the rapture.


Perhaps they think the Gods will genocide or enslave or both all the lesser humans when they return and the Royal's will be elevated above them (yet not become full God because they're obviously halflings)

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 12, 2019, 12:58 p.m. No.6153529   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Oh, and Noah's ark of course was the story of the planetary exodus. They brought DNA of all the Martian animals they loved, so they could remake them here on earth.

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 12, 2019, 1:07 p.m. No.6153668   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Of course I can't just say all this crazy shit without SOMETHING to back it up right?


Pic #1, notice the Crescent, and notice the Seal of Solomon?


Pic #2, behold the Electric Universe Theory's Polar Configuration, the origin of the symbol of the Crescent and Star is in fact Saturn's crescent with Venus shining brightly in the middle, and Mars creating a "stairway to heaven"


Pic #3, behold, the Saturn Hexagon/Hexagram, the magic Seal of Solomon indeed!


Pic #4, now it makes more sense why these images are all over the world

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 12, 2019, 1:14 p.m. No.6153778   🗄️.is 🔗kun

See, Fomenko won't DARE go this far, because it truly is the height of speculation and he's WAY to practical to dare go this far.


But it coincides with his notion of Royal Christianity, which we know today as Greek Mythology, vs Apostolic Christianity, which is what we know Christianity to be today, the gospels of Jesus etc. I agree with Fomenko that all the old 'pagan' mythologies are actually the same story, and that Christianity itself is just another version of that same story. I dont like his labelling of it all as Christianity, however, because if we take his story to heart, then what religion was worshipped before Jesus came?? Surely there was SOME religion before 1152 ad? Of course there was. Jesus was just another chapter in "Royal Christianity", and all of it was very real. Jesus came to remind the exiled humans that the gods will return for us and to be ready for it, as the exiled humans were starting to get too used to living on this Earth and no longer caring about the paradise they came from. That's why all the Royalty embraced Christianity, because they knew full well how important it was to keep the royal/divine blood in their system.


I agree with Fomenko's idea that the Star/Crescent and Star of David are "Christian" in that sense. These three symbols indeed all come from the same place and originally meant pretty much the same thing.

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 12, 2019, 1:24 p.m. No.6153960   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4884 >>5306


(playlist link)


This series is incredible and well worth considering.

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 12, 2019, 2:30 p.m. No.6154884   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3520



Btw, combine the ideas of this video with that of Fomenko. Egypt was merely a grave yard for the Tsars of Tartaria, so the Pharaohs were real – they just never actually ruled in Egypt, they ruled in Tartaria. They buried them in Egypt to preserve their corpses, as the very dry, hot weather would slow the decay.


Fomenko doesn't go into the idea of the Pyramids having any mathematical or mystal significance. He does turn them into Christian symbols however (triangles signifying the Trinity, Ankh's being crosses), which is fine, i can go with that. But combine that with Damon Berry's ideas, and they put their Kings here and also encoded the origin of the Gods in their city of the dead.

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 12, 2019, 3:02 p.m. No.6155306   🗄️.is 🔗kun



btw, ep 4 is truly mind blowing and suggests the "Egyptians" had flight. This corresponds with my NYMZA connection perfectly (especially when considering, again, that Egypt was the Tartar's time capsule, so what better place to write down their knowledge)

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 12, 2019, 3:04 p.m. No.6155325   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6607

(one last note and I'll quit for today lol, I recommend watching the videos above on 2x speed. Damon's deep, soothing voice is nice… but because he speaks so slowly, 2x speed is fine and you won't miss what he's saying)

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 12, 2019, 7:42 p.m. No.6158581   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Haha phew, was worried I was going a little off the deep end here and y'all were gonna recommend I lynch myself


I like to stay balanced of course. One problem with my theory is maps. If the Tartars really did fly around the world, why were their maps incomplete and progressively better over the centuries?


I could maybe explain it away by cheating a bit (ie. No evidence at all) by asserting that it was only later in after most of their airships fell apart did they need to start worrying about maps. But that's kinda silly, I can't imagine any pilot not wanting to know where they're heading in detail.


I could combine it with the Black Knight Satelite theory and assert they had "real time" auto mapping and some sort of digital display for their maps withing their ships. Sure, they'd write some out on paper too but most of those got destroyed?


As for technology, I could claim that the advanced tech they built on mars used an exotic element that no longer was abundant after we left Saturn's aura, thus all their technical principles no longer worked. Their best scientific minds, lacking any machinery to adequately mine anything well, wasn't able to figure out an alternative. They had no idea about the oil under the ground or the electric motors they could build. They used to get free electricity from all the discharges from venus but now they have nothing. Their airships must have used some special substances that last a long time and were still viable for a long while on earth.


Once their remaining "batteries" started to die, and the population grew, and the past grew farther away, the legends of old became almost unbelievable. Once the European rationalists rose during the renaissance, they completely rejected the old history as absurd and worked hard to reconstruct another timeline that made more sense to them. They couldn't allow the "God's" of old since they had no rationale explanation for their powers, and no longer any evidence of their once very real existence.

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 12, 2019, 10:09 p.m. No.6160131   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The mythology of the Greeks, which their oldest writers do not pretend to have invented, was no more than a light air, which had passed from a more ancient people into the flutes of the Greeks, which they modulated to such descants as best suited their fancies. – Francis Bacon, The New Atlantis

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 13, 2019, 7:32 a.m. No.6162799   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I just had a brain wave… Aryan race?


Iran = Ayran


Ireland = Land of Ayr(an)


Guess where I'm going next…


Tartarian? How about Tartaryan? Tart-Aryan!




And maybe even Mayan? Sounds close.

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 13, 2019, 7:38 a.m. No.6162851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3102

I'm starting to wonder if WW1… the great war… The war to end all wars… The war that ended the Ottoman Empire and ended only after Tartaria became conquered by the commies.. The war no one talks about… The war that everyone thinks was started for no reason and almost no ground was gained year after year… The war that started only after the Titanic sank and the FED was built… That all of this was a war to finish off and destroy the last traces of the once great and world wide Tartarian Empire

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 13, 2019, 8:05 a.m. No.6163102   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Holy shit another brain wave. If that's what WW1 was really about, and the Treaty of Versailles which was meant to CRUSH Germany into oblivion so their past would be forgotten.. What if that's what WW2 was about? Hitler wanted to reverse WW1 and restore the Tartarian Empire? Hence his alliances with Russia, Iran, Italy and Japan (which always seemed odd).


(Disclaimer, I do think Hitler was a bad guy, but so were all the warlords of the day. Again, I don't think Tartaria was some lovey dovey place. They ruled with force. But my latest thinking positions as the rightful overlords of the earth as they were the descendents of the Martian Giants after we left Saturn's orbit (lol))

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 13, 2019, 8:12 a.m. No.6163169   🗄️.is 🔗kun

By the way….think about how Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated in Sarajevo.. Which is in the Balkans… Know what else is there? Constantinople/Istanbul! You better believe that would piss off the last bits of the Tartarian empire and lead to full scale war!!!

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 13, 2019, 8:15 a.m. No.6163201   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3408


c. 1600, as a term in classical history, from Latin Arianus, Ariana, from Greek Aria, Areia, names applied in classical times to the eastern part of ancient Persia and to its inhabitants. Ancient Persians used the name in reference to themselves (Old Persian ariya-), hence Iran. Ultimately from Sanskrit arya- "compatriot;" in later language "noble, of good family."



This fits in perfectly. The Aryans=the nobles!

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 15, 2019, 8:41 a.m. No.6185541   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This guy makes some interesting points but one that hit me hard was his comment about how the massacre of the Druids is basically a footnote, yet this is HUGE!!!


Hell, St Patricks Day is all about this event. Celebrated in Bacchanal festivals around the world. He got all the snakes (Druids) out of Ireland. Even his story they obfuscate.


I was once finding some interesting Phoenician/Druid connections, I should dig a bit on that again

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 15, 2019, 9:53 a.m. No.6186308   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Interesting, and when do they claim the last cycle happened?


I mean, that'd be weird if the only way we can get from one star to another is via tens of thousand of years windows…

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 16, 2019, 7:12 a.m. No.6198298   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Your misunderstanding the idea, which is quite easy to do. You see, historiography seems to be this feedback loop of words and artifacts justifying each other. In theory, that should be reasonable, however it risks easily becoming Circular. For example, if we can't date a villa but all the sudden find a Roman coin inside, voilla! It's a from 80ce! Except the reason we think that Emperor on the coin is from that era is because a book said so. And the only reason we think that book is from that era is because we found a statue honouring the author in Rome. Etc,. Super simplistic example but I hope it drives the point.


Now, I promise I feel this is genuine and credible research. I have no issue with anyone who wants to use this space to go down their own lines of inquiry too, the more ideas the better. The crazy narrative I wrote above isnt anyone's canon, I was literally just trying to combine some of the most prevailing theories discussed here.


It's a common misconception that Fomenko only talks about Europe. Fomenkos written entire volumes about South East Asia and has some very intriguing thoughts about the Wall of China for example, as well as Chinese astronomy. It's kind of absurd how prolific the guy is.


As for the Jews, as you allude to… There's a serious question that Fomenko brushed upon but (for obvious reasons) doesn't go too deep into. If it is indeed the case that the New Testament came before the old, that the Old were apocryphal pseudo history that in fact plagerized Byzantine history (from which we get both the Roman Empire reflections AND the kings of Judea reflections). If Constantinople is Rome/Jerusalem, and Moscow is the rebuilt Jerusalem..then…who the hell are the Jews?! Consider that Jerusalem has always been crushingly disappointing for archaeologists, because it doesn't match the description of the Bible. Both Constantinople and Moscow do a far better job. I'll post a video that shows how the Kremlin is the new Jerusalem to the letter. But if Moscow is described in the Bible, and it is, then either Moscow is far older than we think, or the Bible is far younger than we've been told.


So who are these "Jews" who are claiming a land that is obviously not theirs? Good mystery! But the Jews of history need to be decoded as well as they're likely a lot of confusion. Jew means "One who praises God", so if you read about Jews being kicked out of somewhere or another, it could simply be another generic religious persecution. Modern historians seeing Jew erroneously pin it in Jews as we know them today, but they may have been Christians for all we know. This is a point Fomenko makes is that historians have mixed up names for titles and titles for names and thinking they found themselves a new ruler or people, try to find a place and time for them that's not already occupied, never daring to think that maybe they're referring to a place and people's already defined elsewhere.


A criticism of Fomenko is the Dead Sea Scrolls. Conveniently found the same year Israel became a nation! Then guarded for decades by the Israelites. Colour me skeptical. Same with Nag Hammadi.. Except.. It has a copy of Plato in it! Surely that means it is ancient! Except their version of the Republic seems almost like a prototype. Fomenko argues that Plato wrote in the middle ages, which would quite neatly put Nag Hamaddi there too.

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 16, 2019, 1:25 p.m. No.6201786   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2922



I worked a little too hard on this, but I think I've got it connected.


Just like D5 was meant to expend the Bush card, the countdown for Mueller's report was to expend the Notre Dame card. Q's countdown was quite obvious, almost too obvious.


All weekend on FOX they were saying it'll be released in 48 hours. Q pointed directly to Monday the 15th. One hour before Notre Dame is visibly on fire, news breaks that the report won't be until Thursday.


Just like with the Huber Testimony, it got delayed till Thursday. And Huber wasn't ever planning on being there anyway!!!


Moves and countermoves! These people are DUMB! Ammunition is hard to come by!


What is THURSday? THORSday? What does THOR have? A HAMMER


(Just an update to my previous prediction, looks like I got headfaked.. but after thinking deeper about it, looks like (((they))) did too!)

Anonymous ID: d59006 April 17, 2019, 12:01 p.m. No.6212913   🗄️.is 🔗kun



a) They had people carting this extremely heavy stones from the top of the pyramid and all over, downward?

b) which Mosques contain the stolen limestone?

c) they weren't superstitious that perhaps disturbing the construction of this monument would be a bad omen?

d) they had literally no respect at all to preserve such a glorious building?

Anonymous ID: d59006 May 1, 2019, 3:31 p.m. No.6386315   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8101

Rome = Troy = Britain = Jerusalem ultimately equals CONSTANTINOPLE




Why is Haplogroup X spread across the "roman empire" AND all over the Americas? Coincidence?


Yes, the "so called" Byzantines ruled the whole fucking planet, and only lost control 500 years ago.


Why did we put all the natives in reeducation residential school programs? Because, they were the "Tartarians" and we needed them to forget, and we provided them a new history.


As the public became smarter, the Prussian school was applied worldwide to do the SAME THING TO US.

Anonymous ID: d59006 May 1, 2019, 6:10 p.m. No.6387868   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I can't speak to the original post but one thought I have is that sure, we don't have anything written anywhere that these are all dev 25 (even the Bible doesn't mention a date). Point is they're all sun Gods which die on the 22nd and rise on the 25th. Mythology anthropomorphic.

Anonymous ID: d59006 May 20, 2019, 11:19 a.m. No.6543907   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I was considering that the significance of an eye is a clock.. As in time.. The eternal watcher… Hence Eye of Horus/Hours