Anonymous ID: 341267 April 8, 2019, 11:01 a.m. No.6098082   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8098 >>8124 >>8575 >>8583 >>8707 >>8771

Trump Fires Head Of Secret Service


Following former Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen's Sunday resignation due to her "abysmal failure" to curb the crisis at the southern border (indeed, the number of migrants and asylum seekers pouring into the US has reached unprecedented levels this year), President Trump appears to be embarking on a purge of all Nielsen's allies and direct reports - starting with Secret Service Director Randolph "Tex" Alles.


According to CNN, Trump has asked Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney to fire Alles. Alles is reportedly aware that he will soon be pushed out, but his departure hasn't yet been made official. One of CNN's sources described Alles' ouster as part of a "near systematic purge" as Stephen Miller, who has been charged with running the administration's immigration policy, consolidates power. One official described Miller's purge as a "wholesale decapitation" of DHS.


"There is a near-systematic purge happening at the nation's second-largest national security agency," one senior administration official says. And Alles's likely won't be the last head to roll at DHS. Two other top officials are reportedly on their way out. United States Citizenship and Immigration Services director Francis Cissna and Office of the General Counsel's John Mitnick are expected to be gone soon, and the White House is eyeing others to be removed.


Notably, Alles firing may also be related to an embarrassing episode for the secret service after a Chinese woman illegally entered the President's Mar-a-Lago club carrying four cell phones, two passports, electronic devices and a thumb-drive containing malware. Whatever the reason, the White House and DHS declined to comment to CNN on the matter.

Anonymous ID: 341267 April 8, 2019, 11:15 a.m. No.6098265   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8470 >>8574 >>8707 >>8771

33 Shot Over Warm Weekend in Chicago, Including 2 Children at Baby Shower


Six people were shot at a baby shower in Chicago, including two children, in what police suspect to be a gang revenge attack. A 10-year-old girl and 8-year-old boy were said by police to be in “critical but stable condition” following the shooting on the evening of Saturday, April 6, on Chicago’s South Side. They were the youngest of the 33 people shot over the weekend in a city where temperatures hit their highest so far this year. The children were shot outside a family gathering in West Englewood, together with four adults who were also wounded.


“We know that two men in dark clothing approached the family gathering, which we believe was a baby shower and opened fire,” said Anthony Guglielmi, chief communications officer of the Chicago Police in a statement. “Based on the victim profiles, we suspect this could have been from an earlier incident that stemmed from an ongoing gang conflict in that neighborhood,” Guglielmi said.


Eyewitnesses told the Chicago Tribune that there were about 20 children outside at the time. They rushed toward the house as the shots rang out, piling onto each other as they tried to get through the door, Richard Nix, whose oldest grandson was having the baby shower, told the paper. “We were trying to pick the kids up, get the kids out of the way. … They were going to get crushed,” Nix said. “It wasn’t nothing but kids in front of the house, sitting on the porch. They were just playing, and the shooting went off.” “The ones that were doing the shooting, none of them get shot,” Nix said. “It’s just all the innocent people.”


The two children in Englewood were among 4 children who were shot in total over the weekend, according to WGN-TV. According to Fox News, police reported the two gunmen fled on foot. However, WGNTV cites witnesses who said that the shots were fired from a passing SUV. Police said that the individuals at the scene were not being cooperative.


Eyewitnesses told local stations that the boy had been shot in the chest and that the girl was hit in the leg. “She’s screaming, people across the street are screaming, kids are running around,” witness Lamon Reccord told WGNTV. “This little boy and his mom is putting pressure on his chest from the gunshot wound to his chest.” He was taken to hospital after police officers arrived and took over CPR. “Two of the officers saved his life,” Nix said. “We were just trying to hold the pressure down, but the officers came up and started doing CPR, and I honestly believe they saved his life.”


Mayor Rahm Emanuel said he knows the family of the 8-year-old boy, reported WGNTV. “I’m sick as everyone else in this city, sick and tired,” Emanuel said. “You have nothing but a bunch of gang bangers thinking our streets are their firing range.” An uptick in violence often follows a rise in temperature over the summer months in Chicago, where the winter cold keeps people indoors. With a rise in temperature come more social gatherings, more alcohol, more disputes … and more violence. Temperatures climbed to their highest yet this year over the weekend. According to the Chicago Tribune, a 13-year-old boy was among 24 shot in various incidents over the weekend, which left three dead. Including those shot since Friday afternoon, the total rises to 33, according to WGNTV, with four fatalities.

Anonymous ID: 341267 April 8, 2019, 11:31 a.m. No.6098476   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8492 >>8574 >>8707 >>8771

Trump Urges Uganda to Find Kidnappers of Freed US Tourist


KAMPALA, Uganda—President Donald Trump on Monday, April 8, urged Uganda to find the kidnappers of an American tourist who has been freed, amid conflicting reports over whether a ransom was paid for her release. Kim Endicott was released by her abductors over the weekend and will be turned over to the U.S. ambassador Monday, Ugandan police said.


Endicott and her Ugandan driver were both safe, after the 5-day ordeal during which they were taken from Queen Elizabeth National Park across the border to Congo, according to Ugandan authorities. Trump pressed Uganda’s government to capture the culprits Monday, tweeting: “Uganda must find the kidnappers of the American Tourist and guide before people will feel safe in going there. Bring them to justice openly and quickly!” Over the weekend Trump tweeted that he was pleased the tourist and guide had been released.


A Uganda-based tour official said, however, that a ransom was paid to secure Endicott’s freedom. The official with Wild Frontiers Uganda Safaris, which organized the kidnapping victims’ safari itinerary, said Monday that Endicott was released, “not rescued,” after money was paid. “Otherwise she wouldn’t be back,” he said, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the press.


Many officials, including from the U.S. Embassy, were involved in efforts to secure the release of the kidnapping victims, he said. He couldn’t say how much was paid or who paid. Ugandan officials have said the kidnapping victims were “rescued” from armed kidnappers who are still at large.


Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni said on Twitter that the security forces “shall deal with these isolated pockets of criminals.”


The kidnappers had demanded a $500,000 ransom after grabbing Endicott and her driver from a group of tourists on an evening game drive on April 2, police said. Endicott is from Costa Mesa, California, where she has a small skin care shop. She is in her 50s and has a daughter and granddaughter, according to Phoenix resident Rich Endicott, a 62-year-old banker who told The Associated Press he hadn’t spoken with his cousin since a family reunion several years ago.


U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had said at a Tuesday event for families of U.S. citizens held captive overseas that he understands some people want to do anything to get their loved ones back but paying ransom would just lead to more kidnappings. Queen Elizabeth National Park, which is located near the porous border with Congo, is Uganda’s most popular safari destination. Its attractions include groups of tree-climbing lions.