>Once he has won in a historic landslide victory THEN he will turn to the beating-heart of the beast; the FED.
>By then, people will be weary of all swamp creatures…Their almonds will be fully-activated–suspicious of everything. ESPECIALLY when the markets crash!
>"THE BEST IS YET TO COME" (when referring to the markets/your 401ks). Short-term pain–long-term gain.
>This is when and where he CHALLENGES the FED.
>"REORGANIZE" the FED and nationalize it. As a means to prevent the same type of nefarious activity in the future–he will then introduce a GOLD-BACKED Currency.
>The price of gold will be allowed to find it's true, open market equilibrium–FREE from market manipulation, or naked-short selling (see current House Bill in waiting for details).
Good post, enjoyed reading it. Thanks.
One aspect I’ve struggled with is reconciling how the financial boogaloo would go down as “wealth” being removed WILL wake normies up and piss them the hell off.
In trying to figure out the reason behind Trump pimping the stock market and having the FED juice the numbers with faux-fiat-debt the best recon I’ve got so far is by encouraging more normies to enter the market, more normies will be woken up when the boogaloo happens.
>1 Normie invest in market
>2 Market goes up, normies investment goes up, at least on paper
>3. Normies are happy due to paper gains
> 5 Normie’s numbers collapse beneath initial buy in amount, loss on paper, normie is now pissed AND also woken up.
>6 CRITICAL POINT: depending upon who controls the narrative - hopefully Trump - this “pissed” energy can then be spun to a productive end…”we need to go back to a based currency; FED made the mess, they need to clean it up, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel if we can pull through, etc.”
…and in addition to whoever buys into the market, there will also be a large contingent of retiring boomers who’s welfare will indirectly, if not directly, depend on the market via pensions and other such retirement schemes.
Key is this: a market correction WILL CREATE PAIN in the short-term. PAIN WILL WAKE PEOPLE THE FUCK UP. Once people are woke - and pissed - control of the narrative is CRITICAL as it will direct where all that pissed energy will go.
Assuming Trump/Q have control of the narrative at this point, and presumably building on this public distrust arising from the non-economic factor of the plan - e.g. pedo/corruption/treason BS - it seems the stage could be set for public acceptance of a financial reset (?)
Once you get the population onboard with a financial reset, you then open the door to transitioning back to a based currency, restricting/removing the debt, and so on.
Another anon posted above about using SSI as a way to reset the currency and I think s/he was onto something although I argued in a post up thread a refund of monies tendered in tax payments + small amount of FDIC/NCUA insurance for accounts seemed logical and understandable by the vast majority, especially if one believes the digital ledger will be wiped.