>level playing field possible with reset?
Guessing yes, but for more than just FX (foreign exchange) reasons.
“Reset” in these threads implies (to me) the termination of using debt to create the monetary supply. Combine that with “Gold shall destroy FED”, a quad-metal base (Silver + Gold + Palladium + Platinum), Q’s hinting structural change coming to the FED, and cbf556 suggested benchmarking 1913 as the closet proxy to where we would otherwise be without the FED and you start to see the following picture.
A unit of currency backed by a real assets (i.e. BASED) AG/AU/PD/PT destroys the fiat-forgery-machine.
Destroying the fiat-forgery-machine LEVELS the playing field as it stops the invisible evaporation of wealth for the average citizen. $1 in 1913 buys ~$26 worth of stuff today meaning $1 has lost ~96% of it’s value since 1913.
Assuming the XUSD will be precious metal based, the value of it will become much harder to manipulate for anyone, including the US. The same would be true of any other currency back by a real asset…aka as being based.
What throws me off about the reset is what I mentioned upthread - if they are going to shut down the digital-fiat-forgery-machine but ONLY give out new XUSD for face value of previous metal coins (e.g. AG=$1, AU=$25, PD=$50, PT=$100) or old notes in hand at the 1913-to-201[x] ratio of ~USD_26 to XUSD_01, what people currently count as vast sums of BOTH wealth and debt will vanish in the blink of an eye.
People holding real assets (metal, real estate, etc.) will pull through okay, especially if they took out debt to acquire those assets as the assets will remain but the debt will evaporate. Metal is cashed in at face value. Real estate prices will “normalize” (read: drop) to the REAL price levels without debt artificially pumping up the price but see this as ultimately being a win for debtors.
No idea how stocks will come through but if a company can actually do something that returns value today with fiat currency, it should be able to do the same function and return value post reset which means it will just need to be revalued…or so I would guess. Big assumption here is people are rational actors, which they maybe over the long run, but in the midst of a massive financial upheaval even cool heads can lose their nerve.
Another aspect here are savers. People who are risk adverse and diligently saved into “safe” products under some kind of insurance scheme (think CDs held in an FDIC or NCUA institution) and avoided or paid down their debt. If the digital ledger is being wiped, then the savings of such a person will be wiped. If they are not made whole, then you’re going to have some very upset people. I don’t know what the answer here is but I DO know if such a person life savings suddenly vanishes, they’ll be shocked at first, then then pissed. Really, really, really pissed.