You aren't thinking this entirely through.
The Star Trek utopia isn't "communism" because the Star Trek utopia introduces a totally "foreign" concept that communism can't (doesn't want to) entertain:
Star Trek's utopia is NOT communism, it is the natural result of society with ABUNDANCE. Free energy. Replicators. Unlimited technology.
There is NO NEED for a central authority to determine who gets the LIMITED supplies in Star Trek, because in the Star Trek utopia THERE IS NO LIMIT ON SUPPLY.
meanwhile, communism wants to ENSURE there is a never-ending LIMIT ON SUPPLY because it is that POVERTY that ensures the centralized power keeps its control.
In Communism, the centralized power decides who gets what, who eats, who lives. The entire communist game is dependent on limited resources,w hich is why [they] try to perpetuate poverty. By cutting off coal and gas and turning us towards unreliable wind and solar. Any way, [they] can starve us and keep us dependent, the communist will embrace.
The utopia of ABUNDANCE might be closer than we realize though. Suppressed energy technologies, cures, true freedom might be within our reach. And at that point, communism is TRULY FINISHED.
Think about it.