Anonymous ID: a1908e April 9, 2019, 7:19 p.m. No.6115559   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6766 >>1477


>Do you have any gold/silver target goals, or are you waiting for the polymer? I know some folks are going in on crypto. I really don't like the idea of a government crypto, I know a lot of people like it but I don't.


The goal is to stack the metal that yields the most new notes. The ratio balance will show you the way. Going in on crypto is only going in at the top of the debasement bubble. What happens to those that fall into the greed black hole? They hold heavy heavy bags. Once the debasement paradigm finally and fully capitulates you will be way ahead by playing it smart and finding support back at 1913. This game is for keeps. If you are a patriot then .gov driven by blockchain shouldn't worry you one bit. I discourage anyone thinking they can dance around at the top of the tower of babel while the c4 is cracking and popping.


144,000 and we ride:


144,000 - 129,252 = 14,748


Grab your tickets and don't look back.




When they come you can guarantee they are coming in hot.


The financial landscape will be in ruins and tears will flow.

Anonymous ID: a1908e April 15, 2019, 5:49 p.m. No.6192879   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8154


Stick with Au if you want solid insurance. You will be watching it oscillate in the "balance zone" from now until the fix.


Ag will net you some bonus notes as well as Pt (anon's choice). Pt the most undervalued right now in terms of bringing things back to 1913.


Pd will net you the least amount of new notes as the fix has quite a correction at this point. Shorts have one more job to complete and their debts will be considered paid in full.


After your horse has been selected grab some nUMs and wait for 144,000.


After that we ride.




Closing in on 14,000 as we speak…


144,000 - 129,945 = 14,055


May 7th….China……they know the new notes are coming…


All traders (traitors) are starting to finally smell the change in the air. The fear is real and they know the fee machine is shutting down before their very eyes. This is not a drill.



Install based individuals back into finance and the rest falls into place. Fix the source and the echoes will become music to your ears. The show goes on.


In short Step 2 = You

Anonymous ID: a1908e April 15, 2019, 5:58 p.m. No.6193010   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Jim Willie is a delusional RV advocate most likely working directly for the fee machine. These clowns don't actually ever want to see anything like this as they know their business model will be null and void. Over half of these jokers sold out to crypto and now have the balls to advise you to store your metals in one of their vaults. They know what's coming and I can assure you all they want is to promise you the world while they pluck cells from your soul one penny at a time.

Anonymous ID: a1908e April 19, 2019, 2:40 p.m. No.6244128   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4682


>Would feel very comfy wagering that a vast majority of the Coinbase and Blockstream types voted H in 2016 and will vote against Q+ in 2020


Digital Currency Group:


In their Portfolio = Everything "the future"


Running their show = Delusional leftists


For those of you having a hard time connecting the dots….


Digital Currency Group → Bitcoin → Coinbase → Barry Silbert → Larry Summers → Bill Clinton


You get the point.


Crypto is a continuation of what we already have. A rebranded trick to the eye. It hijacked the libertarian movement. Constructed to be a precious metals look alike paradigm. Creates digital currency ad infinitum. Sound like something you are familiar with?


Crypto = Wall St. 2.0 = Life Extension


We are witnessing something that is literally in it's death throws.

Anonymous ID: a1908e April 23, 2019, 5:46 p.m. No.6290084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0343


The four corners of your self made prison realized. Shatter them with #80526B.


They will babble all the blockchain tokens forever and ever. They only take pills so they can remain blind.


Getting closer by the day…


144,000 - 130,975 = 13,025


There isn't much time left now. The doors making that creaking noise now.


nums or death by the left


Your choice as always.

Anonymous ID: a1908e April 23, 2019, 6:20 p.m. No.6290429   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0714


Eggs are a curious thing. As always do what you must to survive. Just know that nums will have you forgetting about price increases. Find the ones most out of balance and go to them. That window is shrinking. It was never about tangible vs. intangible. Once you form the composite all becomes clear.

Anonymous ID: a1908e April 24, 2019, 4:30 p.m. No.6301185   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Bitcoin is the cabal planned

Now you are paying attention. Looks like Wall St., talks like Wall St., and smells like Wall St. life extension.


Eerily similar to when a corporation re brands itself to mask it's past. Oh and look its more efficient than ever!


Anyone pro Bitcoin anything is a proponent of a left wing socialist utopia that prints coinz foeva….


Those new notes however are exactly what the doctor ordered.



Anonymous ID: a1908e April 25, 2019, 1:28 p.m. No.6312720   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2442


Enter the New Notes. One swift action to end all this nonsense and leave the digital fiat forgery machine in the dust. The notes will be created (and only created) as metals are deposited back into the system. Each note will be tied to one immutable blockchain that will be run properly by based individuals that are impervious to greed.


The errors of the past will be made clean. As said before there will only be two ways in and that is cash or precious metals in hand. They are the tickets #80526b. All else will be left behind. IN GOD WE TRUST or bust.


So many have a hard time wrapping their minds around the balance because their minds have been manipulated and mislead. For decades they have learned that finance can only exist in some convoluted way that requires some expensive college degree. Like it or not we are going back to simple. Find support back at 1913 because there is no stopping this.


We're under 13K now. How much longer are you going to wait? Crypto was the bear trap of the balance. Leftists took the bait hook, line, and sinker. This was a precision operation. Anon's choice laughing at the ones thinking that correction isn't happening.


Who implemented the coinage in 86? Who laid the infrastructure and protocols for the internet itself? Operation Trap Door in full effect.


You think they are showing you what a black hole looks like just for fun? The event horizon is a son of a bitch.


144,000 and we ride

Anonymous ID: a1908e April 27, 2019, 11:30 a.m. No.6335089   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>25/25/25/25 hex color code

The four corners of a self made prison. Only one way out.


Chart updated to match March 2019 CPI and today's "prices".


Find the balance…

Anonymous ID: a1908e May 3, 2019, 1:50 p.m. No.6405184   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0822



As you continue to discuss less than important matters regarding crypto and acting like the fallen angel (Wall St.) the moment of truth continues to get closer and closer.


144,000 - 132,245 = 11,755


The longer you stay in the utterly debased digital casino the more you guarantee your fate of getting devoured by it's downfall.


Again, only cash or precious metals in hand will get you the new notes. You are running out of time.


Once 144,000 views is achieved the balance will glide towards perfection and you will be locked out.

Anonymous ID: a1908e May 11, 2019, 6:14 p.m. No.6475726   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1855 >>1600 >>0822


This is not the currency. Only new notes coming and these are not the ones.


-No Pyramids

-Forces the FR to clean up the mess


Speaking of which:


144,000 - 133,478 = 10,522




With or without you…..


I'll give you a bit more of a nudge if all the others weren't enough:


Even the Swedish know now. They literally wrote the book on cashless digital utopias and now they say hold cash? They smell the new notes from a mile away.

Anonymous ID: a1908e May 13, 2019, 4:59 p.m. No.6491539   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2098 >>2935 >>0822 >>3694 >>9310


-Old notes in hand will get you one dollar for one new dollar. They must be in hand. Digital FRNs will not get you the new notes.


-The digital fiat forgery machine will be shut down.


-The digital fiat forgery machine will be shut down.


-The digital fiat forgery machine will be shut down.


Please do not take the last three responses lightly. They are not in jest and the other side will not be like this side. Going forward (post new note release) you will have to earn your keep. No free rides only recognition for tuning into the most based frequencies.


While you may craft scenarios in your head to run up the digital debt in an attempt to get "stuff" you will wish you hadn't done so when the changes occur. If your mind isn't already prepared to take responsibility for ALL of your actions you might as well slip right back into digital utopia and go all in on crypto or something just as foolish.

Anonymous ID: a1908e May 13, 2019, 5:06 p.m. No.6491600   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0822


>I'll give you a bit more of a nudge if all the others weren't enough:


Yet another….


"Now, the industry trade group is preparing for the latest iteration of its test — dubbed Quantum Dawn — this fall."


Cash or precious metals in hand. Absolutely no substitutes.

Anonymous ID: a1908e May 16, 2019, 7:57 p.m. No.6518206   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9913 >>2447 >>2925


We're under 10k now.


144,000 - 134,081 = 9,919


How much are you willing to gamble at this point?


There is no vagueness about:

-The digital fiat forgery machine will be shut down.



-JP Morgan silver locked and loaded

-One of the most cashless societies in the world warning citizens about cyber attacks and the importance of having cash


I could go on and on more than I already have in previous breads but your inability to let go of what is about to be the past is only going to be your issue to deal with in the end.



Metals are going to be better to have for transfer as things will happen for you faster. Cash for new notes may throw some delays your way as the new note distributor will have to find metals to acquire on your behalf. At first it should be quick but as supply (metals) dries out FAST it might delay your transaction significantly.


As far as future home purchases I would let the dust settle first…


The wick is lit.



Anonymous ID: a1908e May 18, 2019, 6:47 p.m. No.6532397   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3181 >>2270 >>3694


Everyone's case is unique. Things to consider:


-current standings (debt obligations)

-single or married with children

-things in your possesion


One thing to take into account is what would 500 oz get you in 1913? Work from there.



Anything in the digital domain is high risk. Act accordingly. I'll send you a link and then you decide just how rare "in hand" is…


Physical Currency supply / Population =



There will be accountability on the other side of this. Keep that in mind. One's capabilities in the present will be a reflection of your future self. Remember only the most based running the new notes.

Anonymous ID: a1908e May 22, 2019, 8:12 p.m. No.6563766   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4031 >>4050 >>9878


You're dismissing the fact that in 1913 1 dollar was worth 1 dollar. You're also dismissing the "London Fix" and the fact that coinage back in that time was only 90% silver. I will agree though that the system wasn't quite right at that time. A lack of balance due to purity and poor vision. Given that London was fixing the silver price I think it's safe to say that someone didn't want the US to have a safe and sound bimetalic currency system. I'll let you figure out the history because there is plenty of information about that.


Fast forward to today and what do we see? Coinage that is .999 fine, 1 dollar face value, and that pesky little London fix. Two out of three knocked out. 1 last hurdle to overcome. I could go on and on about blatant precious metals price manipulation but I'll let you google that on your own.

If only the day traitors would hang up their hats and admit defeat. Unfortunately, it's in their DNA to suck blood till the last drop before reluctantly admitting that food has run out.


Enter the balance and how 1 dollar 1913 = $26.09 as of April 2019. If you have been following along you might have noticed that gold is locked and loaded as I have mentioned. Palladium is now coming down from it's lofty heights. The other two metals (silver and platinum) seem to have a new stubbornness about them. The traitors must be worried about the 144,000. They should be as they have been inked. Regardless of the tricks they know now that time is almost up as we sit at 134,871 views and counting. The controlled burn worked like a charm.


Enjoy the new chart of the horsemen and witness just how shaken they have become after Pt jumped only $100. Keep your hands on the train tracks.


Also, take note of the historic gold/silver ratio.

See something interesting? Notice the two distinct fixing mechanisms. Also, witness the reluctance to bring that ratio back down where it needs to be. Starts to make you wonder what would have happened if crypto never came to the market. Can't help but to think something is trying so desperately to delay the inevitable. There is about to be a new fix in town and it won't be floating any more.

Anonymous ID: a1908e May 27, 2019, 6:13 a.m. No.6600555   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2583 >>3694 >>4443


>Any guidance you can offer to help me expand my thinking here if I'm missing something?


How does one become based?

Why do you need physical currency?


When you answer these two questions (in order) honestly you will have no more questions. I understand this sounds vague and dodgy but until you have this figured out on your own you will not be ready for new notes.


A money for nothing attitude on this side will carry over to the other side. Put an end to it now or be sniffed out by the new system later and suffer the consequences. I have a feeling anyways that if you try this now they will already be waiting for your shenanigans.



>You've said $1_inhand_OLD → $1_inhand_NEW via the new note distributors


One silver dollar will get you one new note dollar.


$26.09 in old notes will get you one new note dollar today per:






I do apologize for leading you to believe that one old dollar (FRN) = one new dollar. This is only correct if you are holding the SILVER dollar (which is legal currency btw).


I should have stated the answer to:

"-If you have old notes you can get one old dollar for one new dollar, nothing, or a different ratio"



-Old notes in hand that equal the value of one 1913 dollar per the inflation calculator will get you one new dollar.


Are you clear on this now?



>Take away I keep coming back to is stack physical currency - plus a little Pt


All positions and strategies will vary from person to person. Mental awareness plays a big part in this.



>Everyone's digital holdings are brought into the new dollars at once and since the digital side carries the majority of the transaction volume, the majority of people can still conduct der biddness with a degree of normalcy.


Business will be based on the other side and by today's definition will be the opposite of normal.


All digital holdings will be declared vaporized. I'm not sure that some of you are taking the time to actually realize this.

Your lack of urgency around the statement "the digital fiat forgery machine will be shut down" is troubling.


Would you buy a stock at the all time high? Take a look at the world population chart. Would you buy into a paradigm crafted by a debased population that is currently sitting at an all time high? You have to "find support" before the crash.

Anonymous ID: a1908e May 27, 2019, 6:19 a.m. No.6600568   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The new note system will be quad metallic. The days of the float are soon to be over. Don't get caught with your pants down on this one as it will be critical to your economic survival to accept this.



"Give back to her as she has given; pay her back double for what she has done. Pour her a double portion from her own cup."


-Revelations 18:6


This only ends badly.

Anonymous ID: a1908e May 29, 2019, 5:59 p.m. No.6622817   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3549 >>5959


All you need to know for getting new notes:




-1 new note for one ounce silver

-25 new notes for one ounce palladium

-50 new notes for one ounce gold

-100 new notes for one ounce platinum



Self explanatory




Go to


-See pics as to what to enter in the fields

-This is your secondary transfer mechanism when you give cash in hand for new notes


As of April 2019 calculations:


-26.08 cash in hand for 1 new note

-651.91 cash in hand for 25 new notes

-1303.82 cash in hand for 50 new notes

-2607.63 cash in hand for 100 new notes


There is literally nothing more to this.


Cash in hand and metals get you the new notes…..PERIOD. All other forms of digital fiat forgery will have you standing at the gates with a sad look on your face.


Why don't the cash in hand values match the spot price today for all four metals?







The day traders (traitors) refuse to let go of the float. No worries as they are scurrying into file 13 as we speak and will be dumped into the abyss where they belong forever and ever. Ever see cockroaches scatter when the lights turn on?

Anonymous ID: a1908e May 29, 2019, 6:12 p.m. No.6622980   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>What am I missing?

Not much.


How you acquire tickets is completely up to you. It is a matter of decoupling your brain from old paradigm antics. Just stay based in the process. There are no shortcuts.


As far as the digital saver goes consider this:


The digital fiat forgery machine will be shut down. How this happens can be left to your imagination. Consider the fact that day traitors run the show right now and it is taking an entire copy paste paradigm just to get them unhooked from the digital meth that does have an impact on the human race. Ever see an addict go cold turkey or even a more gradual rehab? Not a pretty site and they are capable of all sorts of destruction. Never lose site of this when you are asking yourself what is fair.


If you want to be fair then propagate the transfer mechanisms to your loved ones and describe the situation. Tell them that they are in a financial meth lab full of junkies that are about to be cut off.


Show them the new notes:


After this it will be as fair as it can be. Not everyone can tune in. It is up to you to repair their receivers.

Anonymous ID: a1908e May 29, 2019, 6:21 p.m. No.6623097   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3416


>Then why is 46 allowed to explode

See pic. The explosion is over and the mean will be found @

$251913 = $651.91> 2019


It was designed to explode to top of the quad metallic backing required for the new note paradigm. Miners don't mine if the profit can't be had. Wake up and smell the flowers.


78 is the last major adjustment and it can be done with the lights on or the lights off. That is up to the day traitors. Either way it's happening.

Anonymous ID: a1908e May 29, 2019, 6:24 p.m. No.6623119   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Platinum might be twice as valuable but much less of it.


Face values already state the value.


1, 25, 50, 100


There is no "might" only might….

Anonymous ID: a1908e May 29, 2019, 6:30 p.m. No.6623175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6977

Can you feel the old paradigm markets shaking now? Can you see the rats scurrying into their new found love? They fear the new notes. All by design without any details overlooked.


144,000 - 135,856 = 8,144

Anonymous ID: a1908e June 6, 2019, 6:08 p.m. No.6689719   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5796


>he must think they don't already know


Social contracts are a son of a bitch and hind site is always 20/20 right? It's understood how things like this can upset your core. Unfortunately there isn't anything you can do about order but provide a chaotic solution.


Maybe it is you who doesn't realize that the STRAWMAN meme is just another part of the game. You don't get out of this. There is only one truth. Pain and suffering.


On a lighter note 2020 is just around the corner and if you have your eyes all squared away you can see the new notes in your hand if you have the tickets.


144,000 - 137,045 = 6,955


Not much time left to get your house in order.

Anonymous ID: a1908e June 7, 2019, 5:12 p.m. No.6697747   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Reformation day October 31st


Interesting little tidbit for you to chew on regarding this year:


Pentecost 2019 = June 9th

Reformation day 2019 = October 31st


June 9th → October 31st = 144 days

Anonymous ID: a1908e June 14, 2019, 5:13 p.m. No.6752998   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9633 >>5762


I can't speak to the other countries face values as it seems they have NO idea what they are doing.


For example countries like Australia, England, and Austria all have Au and Pt face values at the same value (100) which deviates from the quad metals backed US new notes. To give Au and Pt the same face value is absolutely ludicrous. Any sane individual on planet earth would agree.


The good news is an ounce is an ounce and I have a feeling that new note distribution will have no objections to foreign bullion regardless of the inconsistent face value stamps in accordance with US face values. Same goes for bars. An ounce is an ounce.


Bottom line is stick to the previously stated transfer mechanisms and ignore the rest.








144,000 - 137,994 = 6006


So close now…


You keeping an eye on XAU and USD?


-The bots are feverishly trying to jar Au out of the holding pattern while attempting to smash the USD. Pathetic.


Are you watching XAG and XPT?


-Ag at a stupid high 90:1 GSR

-Pt with insanely long candle wicks


Hope you are ready to ride cause the only way the meth heads day traders escape is through seppuku.

Anonymous ID: a1908e June 17, 2019, 6:12 p.m. No.6775704   🗄️.is 🔗kun


1 ounce is 1 ounce


New Notes take their marching orders from US face values but they have no issues with generics or foreign.


First come first serve in the following order:


-US Bullion

-.999 fine in all varieties

-US old notes in hand






Beware of the old guard. Their motivation is fees and full reset. They are not interested in the balance. I'm not discounting all of it but many of the old guard went full bore on pigcoins.


As far as the fed is concerned I say put them to work to help restore the balance. It is clear to me now that when the "decentralized saviors" run the show that they print FOEVA just like their predecessors.

Anonymous ID: a1908e June 18, 2019, 7:20 p.m. No.6785791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9627


San Francisco → Coinbase → Barry Silbert → Larry Summers → Bill Clinton → the digital left in utter despair


Don't believe me? Look it up:


The only trojan was the wooden horse back in 2014. I think I see the soldiers busting out now.


Better saddle up because the real horses are coming.



Every single day that passes is a day for redemption.


Digital fiat forgery will always be a digital fiat forgery no matter how you package it.


144,000 - 138,936 = 5,064


Under 5g's incoming…


You really want to take a chance on this?



Anonymous ID: a1908e June 24, 2019, 5:21 p.m. No.6834326   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4706 >>0628 >>0677


>They've been fucking with the way they calculate the CPI for decades.


Find balance or suffer in chaos. Choice is yours. Try not to get dragged down into the utter devastation of it all and get ready for a new foundation. The face values were a blessing in disguise. There will be a last ditch effort to throw the balance off that you can bet on. This moment is already here IMO.


GSR = 91.7

Wall St. 2.0 = + $11,000

Leftists utopia = Libra

All major equities indexes = ATH


The desperation to keep it from the meek and in the hands of the geek is thick.


144,000 - 139,935 = 4,065


If I didn't know any better I would say we're already ridin…




Ag = undervalued

Pd = overvalued

Au = good to go

Pt = undervalued


1:25:50:100 / New Notes



Anonymous ID: a1908e June 26, 2019, 9:02 a.m. No.6846267   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0711

144,000 - 141,230 = 2,770


Wall St. 2.0 throwing that hail mary….


What will they do when their markets are still priced in old notes. Only way out will be the tax collector. Thats if they can avoid the MAGA log jam and lights out.



Anonymous ID: a1908e July 10, 2019, 7:19 p.m. No.6989162   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Trojan horse

2014 = Year of the wooden horse




-July 4th Kali goes boom (6.4)

-July 6th Epstein arrested (6-6 @ age 66)


I smell a chess board getting tipped over…


Digital Fiat Forgery machine literally smoking.

Anonymous ID: a1908e July 11, 2019, 6:52 p.m. No.7002841   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2859


>not calling for bitcoin to back the dollar


It is the other way around fren. Always has been. BTC is an extension of the fiat forgery machine. Looks like you are over extended…again.


The future = BASED


It takes only one prick to pop a bubble.



Anonymous ID: a1908e July 12, 2019, 2:46 p.m. No.7017886   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1761 >>4813


Bitcoin was created by Sn (tin) man as bait for the cabal so that they could kick "the can" down the road a bit longer. Hence the rabid infestation of all things crypto by them. It is rather simple. The reason why Q or POTUS (up to this point) hasn't mentioned it because the trap was meant to be full before emptying. The only thing to carry on is blockchain.



>number of immigrants raptured




Donald Trump: Immigration raids begin Sunday, will target criminals 'as much as we can'


"Unregulated Crypto Assets can facilitate unlawful behavior, including drug trade and other illegal activity…."


As always, tickets or bust.



Anonymous ID: a1908e July 16, 2019, 2:58 a.m. No.7057263   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7366


>Trump tweets and now the whole world knows and they're researching it and reading lots of intelligent pro-bitcoin comments.


They only chase the king….king dollar


No one is doing what you propose after he tweeted. Quite the opposite.


Perhaps it's time for you to stop living the virtual life and start taking things at face value?


Leave the translation to the adults.


>enter all of /biz/ in 3…2…1…

Anonymous ID: a1908e July 16, 2019, 6:37 p.m. No.7064532   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8855


>"Trust the Boomers"


-Sees a boomers tweet

-Doesn't like what it says

-Hears another person back it up

-Re translates it to fit his bias

-says "Trust the Boomers"

-realizes error in logic


That last one is a big maybe…



>wrong graphic

Let me know when I should buy GOOG. I just heard DJT say something about it.

Anonymous ID: a1908e July 17, 2019, 3 p.m. No.7071637   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>GTFO already


This is only the beginning.


#80526b is here to stay.


It cannot be stopped.


You still watching those tweets?



-Realtime BTC energy consumption


"Bitcoin consumes more energy than the entire nation of Switzerland"


>muh Earth


Who cares about the ones that NEED power right?



POTUS verified.


Ride confirmed!

Anonymous ID: a1908e July 30, 2019, 6:29 p.m. No.7267918   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3767 >>0653 >>4943


>mirror constructed

>time of reflection

>you may not like what you see

>truth is truth


Did you go back to source anon? We are in this together. Idols get ripped down….


Ag = 64% (-36)

Pd = 234% (+134)

Au = 110% (+10)

Pt = 34% (-66)


-102 / +144





>mirrors are not sustainable

The vain will have to find out in the most painful way. Can't say they weren't warned. Every ounce of silver forged in plain site for all to see. Unless of course you are staring at yourself.